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Nancy Pelosi says food stamps and unemployment insurance will grow US economy

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Nancy Pelosi rejoicing in her twisted belief that food stamps grow economies
Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Time Inc

Nancy Pelosi says that food stamps and unemployment insurance will grow the US economy and lift it from the recession that Barack Obama has helped to worsen. Pelosi, that genius and all-around brilliant analyst of the US economy and everything financial, spoke Wednesday in an overly defensive response to Newt Gingrich’s right-on-the-mark salvo against Pelosi and her Democrat Party. In recent comments, Gingrich correctly advised Republicans to make a contrast between Democrats who promote food stamps as their economic policy, and Republicans who actually promote the useful concept called paychecks to grow the prosperity of Americans. Confusingly, Pelosi reacted to Gingrich’s assertion by actually admitting that, yes, Democrats are indeed the party of food stamps (okay, and unemployment for everyone, too)!

What do you normally do when someone humiliates you by correctly pointing out that your economic policy for Americans is not to move them to prosperity, but, rather, to keep them poor and dependent on the government via food stamps? You would think that you would emphatically deny that damaging charge and then reason that you are doing anything but that! However, Pelosi actually admitted that her party’s policy is to get as many people as possible on food stamps because she’s either so ignorant on economics, or she really is crazy. It has got to be one or the other because any normal, sane and level-headed human being (even those under 18) would understand that food stamps helped by unemployment insurance do not grow the US economy!!

More properly, I think that Pelosi really believes that food stamps and unemployment insurance grow the US economy, in which case she helps to prove what Dr. Michael Savage has been saying forever, which is that liberalism is a mental disorder!

In just one, damning admission, Pelosi has shown why Democrats should have no business at all making policy regarding the US economy (just like they should have no business handling national security or anything else where US interests are at stake): Because she believes in a warped and demonstrably ineffective approach to the US economy. Like all liberals and most Democrats, she believes in the lunatic concept of subsidizing people in order to get them out of their joblessness and economic hardship. Clearly, Pelosi—that San Francisco values 70-something—doesn’t understand psychology either, because subsidizing people with food stamps and more unemployment insurance just discourages them from finding jobs and pulling themselves out of the hole. It’s a fact.

According to the Cato Institute (a libertarian think-tank) and even that disreputable pseudo-economist that the liberals love to cite, Paul Krugman, giving people more unemployment benefits and insurance only leads to keeping them jobless longer and unmotivated to look for work longer. The elementary, psychological reason is that people who receive extended unemployment benefits are shielded from the full effects of unemployment. Thus, they are not as likely to look for work than if they were not getting a steady check that keeps coming in. If you don’t agree with or understand this basic concept of economics as well as human psychology, then you’re just hopeless!

As for Pelosi’s other repugnant and asinine claim about food stamps growing the US economy, that is demonstrably fraudulent. The only thing that grows any economy is a gosh darn tax cut, period, especially tax cuts that also slash tax rates. Tax cuts not only increase the confidence of businesses to hire and do more business, but they also increase the motivation for people to save, invest and create jobs because they will be allowed to keep a greater portion of benefits from said activities. Food stamps, on the other hand, simply keep needy people from going hungry, but they do not have a stimulating effect on the economy, because no one is going to say, "Yes! I got my food stamp, and now I’m going to go and buy something from a business!!!" That may work in Pelosi’s delusional, liberal mind, but it isn’t reality.

Oct. 8, 2010