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The Breakdown of Law and Order

Bob Livingston

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m>If you haven’t read it you may not be convinced that there is a definite breakdown of law and order in the United States.
Money, capital and people are leaving the U.S. in ever-increasing amounts and numbers. But this is the last statistic that anyone will learn about. It contradicts the regime’s propaganda cover.
There is a rule historically that when the national debt approaches some 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) the rule of law breaks down. Well, this sort of thinking makes Ph.D.s think that they are accomplished researchers.
Actually the timing of rule of law breakdown is arbitrary according to how well the propaganda ministry can cover it up. I measure it according to my observation of what I term “the paper money syndrome.” After all, paper money is the rot and decay of the modern world. Unbelievably, some people are catching on to this.
Why, then, is the breakdown of law and order in the U.S. not an open book? Simple, and the answer is that the U.S. has the most sophisticated propaganda machine in history.
I have said that our propaganda system makes Herr Goebbels look like a piker. Governments, and especially the U.S. and British governments, rule by propaganda. They actually create our thinking. We do not think our own thoughts.
If people were generally aware that the breakdown of law and order is already a fact, it would guarantee immediate revolution and chaos. It would reveal many things:
  1. That government is organized crime.
  2. That the debauchery and the depreciation of the currency is the means of the greatest transfer of wealth in history from the middle class producers and savers of wealth to the money creators.
  3. That there is a silent and esoteric war by the money creators on the middle class. The goal is impoverishment so as to quash the greatest potential threat to the fiat system.
  4. That the government is changing the U.S. demographics with “illegal immigrants.” They make it appear out of control when it is in fact a government agenda. There are many angles here. But simply, an impoverished food stamp class can out-vote the American middle class, making it all appear spontaneous.

    Organized crime must not appear to have “arms and legs” and, above all, organized crime must never appear to be organized.

  5. That the political class, i.e. “elected representatives,” are paid to rubber stamp the government. Yes, the Federal government pays them, not the individual States. Nothing is left undone to make the political process look and appear to be democratic.
  6. The U.S. is conducting war with mercenaries (contract soldiers) who fight for money, not causes.
  7. Governments make mischief with fiat (nonsubstance). This fact alone makes government debt a pretense and a Ponzi scheme.
  8. “Healthcare” in America has just, and finally, been transferred to the pharmaceuticals and the insurance companies. This is a new and huge wedge driven between the food stamp class and the small business and middle class. This is hidden and subtle class warfare made to appear as a democratic process.
  9. And there is Wall Street. Here is the script: Wall Street hatched the “subprime” real estate bust. The government and the banks joined in creating a bogus “home buying market.” They knew what the crowd would do. They jumped in. Next followed the real estate crash and the threat of economic collapse and depression. Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson from Goldman Sachs said so.
The next event was what appeared the natural response of Quantitative Easing (QE). QE is printing money. This was the goal and end game to bail out Wall Street, the big banks, and at the same time dilute main street’s money in history’s greatest ever transfer, accomplished by simple currency depreciation.
All of the above and much, much more are symptoms of the breakdown of law and order, and fiat money is the quicksand foundation.
The breakdown of law and order goes hand-in-hand with the fiat paper money syndrome. Depreciation of the currency undermines law and order. But it is all invisible until toward the end and final collapse.
So what is the difference between the breakdown of law and order in the U.S. and Nazi Germany?
Germany had the overt symbols of tyranny and the transfer of the democratic process to the police state. There was the jackboot authority shrouded with the occult swastika. It was despotism in full regalia. Institutional life took on militarism and the harsh discipline of a police state.
America still has all the symbols of liberty and all the trappings of human freedom. It is what I term benevolent totalitarianism. It is totalitarianism made palatable with a democratic aura. Benevolent totalitarianism does not kill with the firing squad. Instead it kills with things like the “healthcare” system and fluoride in the drinking water.
Benevolent totalitarianism evolves into the breakdown of law and order through a synthetic and secretly directed make-believe democratic process. I leave to you the breakdown of the legal system in Silverglate’s book, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent.
It is a very sophisticated camouflage for the breakdown of law and order. The breakdown of law and order is a political cancer that must be concealed in order to extend the system until the rape is over.
Concealing the breakdown of law and order in the U.S. is of the very highest priority. It is the hidden national agenda.

Oct. 4, 2010