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Rocky Montana

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Last week Mr. Obama called for a $50 billion infrastructure plan with the money being invested into roads, railways, airports, plus high-speed rail and the creation of an infrastructure bank.  By calling for this $50 billion cash infusion into infrastructure Pres. Obama will have finally done something meaningful for the American people and economy--something every President should hold in first priority along with defending America from enemies foreign and domestic.  Unfortunely, as Mr. Obama has waited nearly two years, until just  before the mid-term Congressional elections to do this, you can know that his decision is a politically inspired trick to keep a socialist-democratic majority in both Houses of Con-gress while giving the appearance that he is working hard to help the American people.  By showing the American people how well the economy has improved by the time of the November elections, Mr. Obama hopes to fool the American people in the lie that he has brought the nation out of recession.  Don't be fooled and don't count on the economic hiatus lasting more than six month without another cash infusion. Further, contrast this $50 billion outlay to mainstreet America with the more than $1 trillion bailout of the banks (a ratio of 1 to 200) and you can plainly see where Mr. Obama's loyalties lie, who is really running the nation, and what he really thinks of the American people.  Will the American people fall, again, for this blatant manipulation of the economy for selfish gain as has been executed so often in America's past?  We shall shortly see. 

Politics as usual aside, if started today this investment would directly help the road, rail and airport manufacturing and construction industries survive perhaps the next 5-6 months before the money runs out.  It would also indirectly help the grocery, restaurant, gas/oil, retail, insurance and health-care service industries and posibly keep other industries afloat while reducing US job losses during the same period of time.   

Last but not least, when people have a little cash left over at the end of the month they will, perhaps, remember to help out their less fortunate (the poor, destitute and homeless) brothers and sisters a little more often.  Remember that as a family, a community, a society, a nation and a civilization, we are only as strong/rich or weak/poor as our weakest/poorest member. 

Rocky Montana / 9-16-2010


Rocky Montana