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Missing: $1.3 billion in taxpayers' money Abortion provider cannot account for federal grants

By Michael Carl

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In response to an information request from 26 House members and five senators, the GAO report said that Planned Parenthood had received $2.02 billion in federal grants from 2002 through 2008 but that the nation's largest abortion-industry player only reported spending $657.1 million of the taxpayer funds.

The report issued at the request of House Minority Leader John Boehner has several footnotes saying that the Department of Health and Human Services did not report federal funds that were "obligated" for the International Planned Parenthood Federation or its member associations from 2002 to 2009.

Understand Planned Parenthood's agenda. Get "Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom"

Rita Diller of the American Life League affiliate group Stop Planned Parenthood says the GAO report, Table Seven, clearly shows a lot of money is missing.

"The report shows that Planned Parenthood spent $657.1 million, but their own reports show they took in about $2 billion in federal money during the same time period. That leaves the question, 'Where's the $1.3 billion that is unaccounted for?'" Diller asked.

One Planned Parenthood entity in Kansas is facing more than 100 counts of failing to abide by state law, and a request has been made to authorities in Iowa to investigate alleged criminal violations of the law there.

In the two reports available on the Planned Parenthood website, Planned Parenthood's 2007 annual report says the organization took in $336.7 million in federal funding. The 2008 report lists government funding at $349.6 million.

Diller said there's no reasonable explanation for the disparity in the numbers.

Listen to an interview with Diller:

"We looked at everything we could think of that might be a source of discrepancy and compared it to the previous GAO report that came out in 2003, but it was for 2001. The reports were the same as far as Medicaid. It was included," Diller explained.

She added that Planned Parenthood has established a pattern of a lack of accountability with the taxpayer's money.

"The Planned Parenthood affiliates spending was included. In that 2001 report, they accounted for 79 percent of the government money that they had received. In other words, they showed how they had spent 79 percent of the government money. In this current report, they're only showing how they're spending 32 percent of the government money," Diller said.

Diller was referring to a similar report issued by the GAO in 2003.

"This is a huge, huge discrepancy and it opens the door to all kinds of questions," Diller said. "We would like to see some answers. Where is the money and why is Planned Parenthood not being held accountable for this?"

The gaps in Planned Parenthood funding are disturbing, but American Life League President Judie Brown says the biggest issue is the amount of American taxpayers' money going to fund and promote abortion.

"The federal government has repeatedly denied that federal money is funding abortion, but the Federal Public Services Act was designed specifically to support Planned Parenthood's antifamily activities," Brown stated.

"According to the report (referring to the recent GAO report) there is no connection between the money that has been spent and Planned Parenthood's activities, but we know that's not true," Brown said.

"Money has been pouring into Planned Parenthood's coffers and the amount of it has been increasing for thirty to forty years," Brown observed.

Brown adds the trend has continued regardless of who was in the White House.

"That (the party affiliation) is the key factor in all of this. We have had several supposedly pro-life presidents and never has a single president opposed an increase in the funding for Planned Parenthood. Never in the history of Title X," Brown added.

Listen to an interview with Brown:

A report published by Covenant News in October 2004 showed that Planned Parenthood's Title X funding steadily increased starting in 1990.

An American Life League study of the 2003 GAO report showed that Planned Parenthood received $60.9 million from Medicaid and $58.7 million from Title X of the Public Health Service Act of 2001.

The recent GAO report says the organization received $123.1 million in obligated funds through the Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration.

The American Life League president said the candidate's political party isn't as important as the candidate's convictions.

"My firm conviction is that we have to elect someone who is willing to put principle above politics and rid the government of any funding of any organization that is involved in destroying the family," Brown stated.

"The government of our Founding Fathers was one to defend and protect this country, not to destroy the family," Brown added.

The Planned Parenthood annual reports show that about one-third of the organization's funding comes from the federal government. Brown believes that if the federal funding stopped, Planned Parenthood would dry up and go away.

"Not only would ending the federal funding put Planned Parenthood out of business, it would destroy their public image. If the federal government withdrew all of the federal tax dollars it's giving to the organization, it would send a clear message to the American people," Brown claimed.

"Even liberals would get the idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with their interfering with family life the way Planned Parenthood does," Brown stated.

Brown believes that the steady increases in funding through Republican and Democrat presidents and Congresses show the public isn't associating Planned Parenthood with abortion.

"Absolutely there is a disconnect between the funding and the reality. That's because we have elected through pro-life activities several members of Congress, including senators, and presidents who have condoned and encouraged greater funding for this organization," Brown explained.

"So in the public's mind, there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with Planned Parenthood because no respected public figure has come out and condemned it," Brown continued.

Brown believes support for Planned Parenthood from political leaders who say they're pro-life is the result of the organization's tactical moves.

"They have been infiltrating federal offices, including Senate and House offices and the White House. They have been infiltrating the staff of those entities since the 1960s, in preparation for their first effort to get money from the federal government in the 1970s," Brown said.

Planned Parenthood has not returned any calls asking for comment.