(left)Bush-Clinton Crime FamilySyndicate, (right) year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.UNITEDS...read more" />
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Al Gore vs the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Scumbag Jeb Bush Revealed

by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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http://hiphappy.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/bush_clinton_070928_ms.jpg http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00056/pg-18-Al-Gore-AFP-Ge_56022s.jpg

(left) Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, (right) year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., has testified before a National Security Grand Jury fingering the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, specifically former President Bill Clinton, along with Clinton's wife, dysfunctional Secretary of State, loser and practicing 3rd degree witch, lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, former Clinton Administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating and, of course, the grandmaster, sociopath daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush,


Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tommy Thompson, Madeleine Albright, Frank Keating and George Herbert Walker Bush

for engaging in a criminal conspiracy in the illegal kidnapping of American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, along with torturing and attempted murder.


Ambassador Leo Wanta

http://blogs.umdbk.com/campusdrive/files/2010/02/KenStarr2.jpgCover up artist Kenneth Starr


Israelii Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky and President Clintonhttp://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/web04/2009/11/2/13/matt-drudge-18896-1257185534-1.jpgMatt Drudge aka Drecht

Wanta was illegally kidnapped during the late 1990s from his temporary residence in Au Claire, Wisconsin, and transferred to a gulag-type prison in Sayre, Oklahoma.

Wanta was almost murdered at this prison and only through the assistance of former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. was Wanta eventually released from this illegal detention.

Wanta was a threat and needed to be silenced by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that had engaged in the illegal and UN-Constitutional THEFT of $27.5 TRILLION due both the U.S. and French Treasuries aka the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Wanta was also aware of the then on-going Kenneth Starr cover up of the Bush-Clinton-Mena, Arkansas-Iran/Contra weapons and narcotics money laundry, along with the assassination of the Clinton Administration era White House counsel Vince Foster.

Note: Wanta and Foster had worked together during 1993 to put an end to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate before Foster was murdered and Wanta was illegally detained and kidnapped for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland in July of 1993.

Wanta, who had originally tried to hire Kenneth Starr as his attorney after his arrest in 1993, was then double-crossed by Starr when Starr took the job of alleged Independent Counsel.

Starr had actually traveled to Wisconsin to meet with Wanta who gave Starr documents concerning his illegal kidnapping and evidence dealing with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate criminal activities in Mena, Arkansas known as Operation Deal Room.

Starr then double-crossed Wanta, proceeded to classify the documents as 'national security' once he was appointed as Independent Counsel replacing Robert Fisk.  Starr's obstruction of justice proceeded on to an unprecedented level of corruption, including the use of Israeli Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky as a diversionary move to mask the real crimes that Starr was covering up linked to Bush and Clinton.

Item: Of course, Starr was assisted by the Zionist closet homosexual-riddled Washington Post and internet mogul and gossip columnist, closet homosexual Matt Drudge aka Drecht (dying of AIDS).

We can also reveal that Al Gore has testified concerning the operations of the Bush-Clinton "True Colors" assassination teams and the NASA space agency theft of the year 2000 presidential election.

Texas to Florida: White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software
by Wayne Madsen

Former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.

P.S. Al Gore's recent, secret testimony before the National Security Grand Jury is the reason he temporarily separated from his wife, Tipper, for the purpose of protecting his family while the sensitive testimony was underway.

Both Gore and his family continue to receive death threats on a daily basis.


Gore's testimony has unraveled the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, including the THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds and x amount of metric tons of gold that are now located on the British Isle of Man.

Gore's testimony has indeed unraveled the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, including the illegal use of rendition flights for the purpose of kidnapping, torture and murder of witnesses and political prisoners.

P.P.S. Given the sensitivity of Gore's testimony, as we have reported he is working with General James Jones to help bring an end to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and liberate the United States from this treasonous occupation, Gore and his family are now being victimized by a massive, Zionist, tribalist, personal attacks and lies.

We can now divulge that the accuser aka masseuse that made accusations against former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. has been identified by Portland, Oregon Police as a narcotic user and trafficker who suffers from mental illness and delusion.

The masseuse, whose name remains secret, has a direct tie in to the FBI Division 5 and an anti-Al Gore operation out of Denver, Colorado.

FBI Division 5 COINTELPRO dis-info operatives

Cross-dresser Tim White and Larry Lawson

The Portland, Oregon Police are in possession of a phone call book with the names and phone numbers of various FBI Division 5 stooges, including Larry Lawson, cross-dresser Tim White and a recently identified FBI Division 5 stooge with the initials "BF".

We are only going to release the initials "BF" because that individual is now cooperating with law enforcement concerning this criminal operation being directed against Albert Gore and his family.


Matt Drudge aka Drecht, Susan Estrich and Eleanor Clift

The "call book", in possession of Portland, Oregon Police, also has the phone numbers and email addresses of internet mogul and homosexual in-the-closet (dying of AIDS) Matt Drudge aka Drecht, along with USC aka University of Spoiled Cheats law professor Susan Estrich and Newsweek columnist Eleanor Clift.

Note: Both Clift and Estrich are known stooges of loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, while Matt Drudge aka Drecht is a known archenemy of former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and, again, is a closet homosexual who is dying of AIDS.

It has recently come to our attention that Matt Drudge aka Drecht is the target of a state of Florida investigation concerning Drudge's sexual partners who claim that Drudge knowingly infected them with deadly AIDS.  Accordingly, Matt Drudge is a sexual terrorist.

We should call the Department of Homeland Security but they are too busy placing a six (6) year old child on their terrorist "no fly list".


We can also divulge that elements of the FBI (other than Division 5) are investigating the Portland, Oregon Police for engaging in criminal conspiracy to blackmail former Vice President Albert Gore Jr., cover up the truth about this masseuse and the fact that the masseuse was actually buying narcotics from FBI Division 5 cointelpro types inside the Portland, Oregon Police Department itself.

http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/images/2006/12/jeb_george_bush_122106_FRES.jpg  P.P.P.S. We now bring you the truth about scumbag, election stealer and major narcotics trafficker and murderer, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.