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Government is planning for martial law, civil lock down and interment camps?

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Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 3:20 PM

From The Ramparts

Junious Ricardo Stanton

The Roots of Tea Party's Discontent

Around the April 15th tax filing deadline the country witnessed an  upsurge of anti-government, anti-tax demonstrations across the nation all part of the so called Tea Party Movement. The corporate mind control apparatus lumped the protesters together and painted them as a monolithic collection of anti-government, extreme right wing racists.

Over and over the media pointed out the dearth of people of color at the rallies and demonstrations, as proof the movement was thoroughly racist. To further demonize the participants, the well paid media shills for the status quo even dubbed the demonstrators domestic terrorists!

Most of the talking heads with the exception of Glen Beck, who has his own  agenda, were defending their corporate class bosses so they deliberately  engaged in a blatant campaign of disinformation, obfuscation and defamation.

The media talking heads and pundits are so brainwashed and out of touch  with what is going on in the lives of ordinary people, it never occurred to  them that people have very legitimate reasons to be upset with the  government and angry about what is going on.

In fact, the media shills are so concerned with toeing the line for their  owners and maintaining the status quo they ignore the slew of polls and  surveys showing Americans no longer have confidence in the government to  resolve the economic crisis and that more and more people believe the government has sided with Wall Street against Main Street.

In addition to this, the Pew study reports that 23% of the nearly 15 million Americans who are unemployed have been jobless for a year or more.

This translates to 3.4 million people, roughly equivalent, the study points out, to the population of the state of Connecticut. These alarming numbers should be considered along with findings in another recent Pew research study entitled The People and Their Government, released April 18th.

This report finds that by almost every conceivable measure Americans are less positive and more critical of government these days. Only 22% of Americans say their government can be trusted, according to the new survey. The report puts this among the lowest measures of trust in the government in half a century.

The study also shows across-the-board declines in approval ratings for numerous federal agencies, including the Department of Education, the Food and Drug Administration, the Social Security Administration, theEnvironmental Protection Agency, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Forty-three percent say the government has a negative effect on their daily life, up from 31% in 1997. While approval ratings for the government are remarkably low, with 65% saying the federal government and congress have a negative impact on the way things are going in the country, the approval ratings for other major institutions are as low or lower.

Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed say banks and other financial institutions have a negative impact on the way things are going in the country, while 64% say large corporations have a negative impact. Some 57% say the national news media has a negative impact, while 49% percent say labor unions have such an impact.

Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA Studies Reveal DecliningLiving Standards and Increasing Anger by Hiram Lee;

People are upset and anxious about the loss of their savings, their pensions, their jobs, and they are worried about their family's survival. This is why they are upset, angry and demonstrating. Are the demonstrators racists? Many are. We live in a thoroughly racist, color caste and class structured society. None of us are exempt from this systemic brainwashing and conditioning. But this seems a convenient accusation to divide and conquer those with deep, growing, and profound convictions that government has become increasingly indifferent to the electorate’s real bread and butter issues.

Why aren't more black people actively involved in the demonstrations and the Tea Party movement? There are a many reasons. Working class black folks can afford to take off from work to go to a rally. Others have learned from past experiences how repeatedly whites take a paternalistic attitude towards us.

When we join their movements they end up selling us out by going for the elite’s color and class based divide and rule tactics. Blacks aren't drawn to the Tea Party movement because they know the genuinely spontaneous anger and frustration people are feeling is being cunningly manipulated and channeled into a separate political agenda by people like Dick Armey and his Freedom Works organization, or Glen Beck and Sarah Palin for the Republican Party.

They also disassociate from blatant use of people’s widespread dissatisfaction with government to personally attack the only person of color ever elected President.

Black folks have languished on the bottom of the socio-economic order so long that for far too many of us, it seems natural!. The only visible change is that, finally, a Black man is President but he too is viewed as subject to a continuingly unfair system. Back in the 60's, 70's and 80's the FBIs CONTELPRO counter insurgency program undermined or wiped out most of our radical and militant leadership and even the epitome of non-violent action was assassinated. This is certainly one reason why poor people's marches, massive demonstrations, huge rallies, and full scale riots are now a thing of the past in our community.

White folks, on the other hand, only recently began to feel betrayed by their government. They are very genuinely upset, and the government knows it. Obama tries to act like he's not concerned about the grass roots angst and unrest, but he is. The government is now planning for martial law, civil lock down and interment camps. If you don' t believe me, please go to: and and read for yourself the documentation that proves it is real.

Don't be surprised if the government doesn't instigate a provocation just to bring on the lock down sooner. Remember COINTELPRO is still alive and well. Keep your head up, stay smart and don't fall for the politicians okey-doke or media's the flim-flam.

Be wise,think for yourself and act accordingly. Peace.

April 28, 2010