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TO: 'You, the People!'

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 If you people had been as diligent about that cocaine snorting, drug running, stock swindling, alcoholic from one of America\'s top crime families that preceded President Obama to the White House

, and if you had been as diligent about calling for a true investigation of 9-11 and the lies leading to the Iraq War, and the Patriot Act and Enron and the first bank bailout, the torture and the extrajudicial assassinations and Cheney\'s secret energy task force and Blackwater and Halliburton building showers for the soldiers with poor wiring and the soldiers getting electrocuted while showering, and the pallets of $9 bil in lost money from from the NY Fed to Iraq, the missing $2.3 trillion from the pentagon and the fact that Osama is dead, and depleted uranium and deformed babies, maybe we would not be in the pickle that we find ourselves.  Saving this country is not a partisan issue. 


----- Original Message -----
From: NB
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 10:11 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10