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The Healthcare System Is Awash With Corrupt Conflicts Of Interes

Harsha Sankar

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Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:20 AM
Subject:  The Healthcare System Is Awash With Corrupt Conflicts Of Interest-A Harsha Sankar Article
September 2009

The healthcare system is awash with cronyism,patronage, and corrupt conflicts

of interest. Obama will make it worse.

His choice of Health Czar, attorney Nancy-Ann DeParle, has pocketed $5.8 million from major medical companies in three years as a board director,despite the fact she created no wealth nor value. In addition, she was paid $471,000 as board member of Cerner, a leading developer of electronic medical records systems. Cerner it is well-positioned to gain by Obama's push to modernize medical records.

An attorney and client have an arms-length relationship so that all representations are unbiased. Attorneys should renounce decision-making authority. In the case of Virginia College Of Osteopathic Medicine, it is funded by a deceased industrialist's estate. The estate's attorney gives himself and his spouse authority to set up the facility. He then places himself and spouse on its board, annointing himself chairman. The attorney secures additional funding from an university in which he is already affiliated.

Instead of being condemned for participating in obvious unethical behaviour, he is

regarded as Founder. Tax judges are supposed to disallow these practices.

$60 million spent on the Tech Carillion medical school.This pork-barrel project will not relieve S.W.Virginia of its primary physician shortage. It's just more of the same.

Ban attorneys from office!

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar

908 Valley Ridge

Covington,Virginia 24426