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HENEGHAN: China Declares Economic War on the U.S. - It is STILL the derivatives, stupid!

Tom Heneghan

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It is STILL the derivatives, stupid!

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  September 6, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that QUAD TRILLION dollars of toxic assets aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate derivatives are still parked in U.S. banks with secret offshore accounts and hedge funds used as the parking lot.

Current U.S. President Barack Obama aka the current Goldman Sachs stooge, continues to enable the U.S. Treasury looters by pushing for a TRILLION dollar government-sponsored health care program, which the U.S. Taxpayers can not afford, while major banks in the U.S. can not even make a car loan to the American People.  Reference: Obama, with the assistance of the corporate, fascist, extortion friendly U.S. media, is using the health care debate to disguise and camouflage the mounting derivative crisis, which could finish off the U.S. banking system.

Conspiratorial TRAITORS

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

At this hour, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, along with U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, are actually compounding the massive amount of derivatives created over the last fifteen (15) years, and are about to create debt crisis of unimaginable proportions.

The program Bernanke and Geithner have embarked on is the previously reported Black-Scholes "Black Swan" time value derivative pricing program.

It is nothing more than another Ponzi Scheme, folks.

Once again we are going to explain what a derivative is, and we hope Chrissy Pooh Matthews at MSNBC's Hardball show and the rest of the compromised U.S. media will take note.

In simple terms: Someone owes you $10 billion and you agree to write off the debt in return for a promise that the debtor will pay you $20 billion three (3) years later.  The $10 billion liability is then removed the bank's books while the new $20 billion I.O.U. aka a Promissory Note is then recorded as an asset aka a credit default swap derivative in some secret offshore hedge fund.

This crooked accounting scheme is being used by the conspiratorial Federal Reserve to manipulate U.S. bonds, EURO dollar futures, along with silver and gold prices on a 24-hour basis.

It is all hocus pocus, folks, and it will lead the United States to ruin, as if we are not already ruined by the previous illegal White House occupant, nation wrecker George W. BushFRAUD.

This financial duplicity is escalating as China has declared total war on U.S. and British financial assets and interests by writing off the debt obligations they face aka the quad trillion dollars worth of derivatives that have piled up on U.S. banking systems over the last fifteen (15) years.

Item: The known NBC television network sponsor General Electric Corporation is still facing massive derivative collapse.

At this hour, U.S. President Barack Obama has delayed the issuing of the new AMERO currency program involving the U.S., Mexico and Canada as the U.S. Government faces open revolt by the American People should the U.S. dollar be shredded for the purpose of a New World Order (NWO) Black- Scholes derivative Ponzi Scheme.

Lisa Myers, investigative journalist for NBC News

We can now also divulge that as the compromised U.S. media brings us around the clock health care propaganda, NBC News investigative reporter Lisa Myers is sitting on a massive financial and political scandal that will blow the roof off of Washington, D.C.  Former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, has been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in Virginia concerning his role in massive criminal activity aka obstruction of justice involving the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme and its tie in to none other than the North Korea-Federal Reserve money laundry and counterfeiting operation with a direct link to the noted General Electric Medical Systems-Novation LLC derivative scandal.  (Cox, left in pic, BushFRAUD on the right)  Note: Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch may soon be indicted by the same Federal Grand Jury.


Jeb Bush and William Frist


Newt Gingrich, Barney Frank and Christopher Cox

GE and Bernard Madoff Derivative Fraud Scheme

Former Republican Florida Governor, election-stealing, cocaine trafficking Jeb Bush, along with former Republican Senate Majority Leader William Frist of Tennessee, as well as former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Democratic Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, have been fingered as co-conspirators in covering up for the SEC and Christopher Cox in allowing the General Electric-Bernard Madoff derivative fraud scheme to operate.  Bernard Madoff, who used his London office with the assistance of former Federal Reserve Bank of New York CEO Stephen Friedman [pic of Friedman who faces imminent indictment], utilized the proceeds from his Ponzi Scheme to actually make his own real trades for the aforementioned co-conspirators.

We can now report that investigators tied to British Scotland Yard have identified TRILLIONS of dollars of crooked General Electric Medical Systems derivatives tied to Bernard Madoff and Novation LLC.

The profits from this illegal trading were then laundered through former Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Cayman Island hedge fund.

Reference: The Key Bank of Utah is also being looked at for their link to this derivative Ponzi Scheme.

Note: Lisa Myers is also sitting on a scandal involving former Republican Majority Leader William Frist of Tennessee, who, in 2003, rejected a software program of a private corporation that would have reduced health care costs and medicare cost overruns.

Frist rejected this private sector reform since it would have reduced the power of the General Electric monopoly of Novation LLC, which, of course, is linked to massive medicare cost overruns and large campaign contributions to folks like Frist, Gingrich, BushFRAUD and Frank.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants

and kings and notable queens!

And now it gets worse as we move towards the North Korea angle.
Current TV studio in San Francisco  Getty Images
Former Pres Bill Clinton (L), former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Al Gore

hugs freed kidnapped Current TV American journalist Laura Ling and Euna Lee (R)  AP by Jae C. Hong

Myers is also sitting on evidence and documents now possessed by U.S. State Department envoy Richard Holbrooke that the two (2) Current TV journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, who were kidnapped by North Korean border guards, were actually in an area known as the free zone between China and North Korea and is technically Chinese territory.

Item: It was U.S. State Department officials loyal to dysfunction Secretary of State loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton that tipped off the North Korean government that the two Current TV Al Gore employed journalists were in the free zone and were in possession of documents and evidence showing that North Korea was used by the Bush-Clinton-Alan Greenspan-Bernard Madoff Crime Syndicate to launder TRILLIONS of dollars of counterfeit U.S. and EURO currency along with actual stolen U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds and turned them into none other than General Electric-Novation LLC credit default swap derivatives.

The two Current TV journalists had received this evidence from a North Korean defector who met them on Chinese territory in the free zone.

Fifteen minutes before the two journalists were kidnapped they were able to hide the evidence and bury it before they were illegally kidnapped by the North Korean thugs.

The documents and evidence are now in the possession of not only Richard Holbrooke but are also in possession of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and, of course, Lisa Myers of NBC News.

Whoever leaked these documents to Lisa Myers works in Holder's Justice Department and may be trying to protect Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and, accordingly, obstructed justice.

Note: During the 1998 Clinton Impeachment trial, NBC investigative reporter Lisa Myers was blackmailed and threatened by then NBC News anchor and FBI Division 5 enabler Tom Brokow in regards to Myers going public with evidence that was being covered up concerning the existence of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate "True Colors" assassination teams and Bill Clinton's rape of former Arkansas state employee Juanita Broaddrick.

Reference: It was late U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist that kept the real truth from the American People and allowed the Clinton Impeachment Trial to only be focused on the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Rehnquist later orchestrated the criminal and fraudulent 5-4 Supreme Court decision that appointed nation-wrecking, cocaine snorting, sexual deviate, election stealing, AWOL war criminal, U.S. Treasury looting George W. BushFRAUD as the illegal White House occupant.

As we have previously reported in these intelligence briefings, Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton has not only been granted transactional immunity by the U.S. Justice Department but also by the World Court.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Congressman Charles Rangekm NY-D

Hillary is now cooperating with various criminal inquiries and has thrown her former business partners, the entire Bush Crime Family, under the bus, as well as members of her own Democratic Party, including current Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and current New York Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel.

All have been linked to the General Electric Medical Systems-Novation LLC derivative scheme with links to the North Korea currency fraud.


Senate ignored 5 Texas asst. U.S. attorney deaths and firings at Gonzales hearing Medicare fraud plaintiff filings cite FBI electronic surveillance, illegal searches tied to obstruction of justice by DOJ lawyer replacing Missouri U.S. attorney prosecuting same case by Tom Flocco Washington—April 25, 2007  ...and less than two months later Shannon Ross, criminal chief of the adjacent Dallas DOJ office was found dead in her home on September 13, 2004 after signing subpoenas seeking evidence in the Texas-based Novation LLC Medicare fraud case involving several other medical supply companies.  READ MORE

Texas assistant U.S. attorney deaths raise foul play questions

DOJ news reports, press releases scrubbed from web while autopsies and death certificates raise questions related to national Medicare fraud probe

by Tom Flocco

Lee's Summit, Missouri—April 30, 2007

Dead, fired attorneys’ Medicare fraud probe linked to White House

Senator McCaskill knew about dead attorneys before Senate Gonzales hearing

by Tom Flocco

Lee’s Summit, Missouri—May 10, 2007

HIGH TREASON Co-Conspirators

Former Vice pResident Dick Cheney, illegal White House occupant George W. Bushfraud

 and former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

9/11  BLACK OP  attacks on New York City


9/11 attacks on New York City and the Pentagon

CIA used Blackwater-linked mercenaries as journalistsBy Wayne Madsen

Sep 4, 2009, 00:21

(WMR) -- The CIA used credentialed journalists to engage in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism operations from 2003 to 2005.

Hillary, who is now singing like a canary, has also turned over evidence fingering former BushFRAUD Administration Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as using noted mercenary company Blackwater and Associates as a front to compromise, bribe and then hire U.S. media types as stooges and Defense Intelligence Agency assets for what was the purpose of promoting BushFRAUD Administration propaganda aka the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The alleged journalists aka Defense Intelligence Agency assets spent their time trying to steal documents and evidence from the Taliban in Afghanistan and former Saddam Hussein Sunni supporters in Iraq who could prove BushFRAUD's complicity in the 9/11 Black Op attack on the United States and, of course, his lying us into the illegal war in Iraq.

Bush Crime Family Co-Conspirators

Left pic: George Herbert Walker Bush, left center, celebrates with

Rev Sun Myung Moon's lieutenant Bo Hi Park, right center

Right pic: Neil Bush, 3rd from left, and Moon, 2nd from right

The financial funding for this covert program was run through the UPI's World News Corporation, which is owned by none other than daddy Bush stooge Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  Rev. Sun Myung Moon (pic), a South Korean, had a financial interest in the North Korean fraudulent trading program. (AP photo)  Moon was also closely linked to known Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate neocon and anti Al Gore pro Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate publisher Canadian Mortimer "Mort" Zuckerman (AP photo) as well as known Canadian born CNN journalist David Frum.  Both Zuckerman and Frum (pic) have been major advocates of the Iraq War, illegal spying on the American People, along with advocating a Bush-Clinton monarchy for America.  Being Canadian, of course, are used to being subservient to a British monarchy.

Zuckerman, of course, is a former investor in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme; Zuckerman got all of his money back when he traveled to Israel eight months ago.  Another Rev. Sun Myung Moon financed alleged journalist is current CNN political commentator Gloria Borger (pic).

Borger, a Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate mouthpiece, is a typical media gossip columnist with very few journalistic skills.  She was recently on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and neocon journalist David Frum (former Bush speech writer) in which the extortion friendly Borger said the American people are not interested in litigating the crimes of the Bush Administration.

Message to Ms. Borger:

Gossip columnist Gloria Borger

You do not know what you are talking about.  You have no idea what the American People are thinking or are concerned about.  You are a gossip columnist who wants to attend cocktail parties and be liked by people of influence.

The American People are ENRAGED and are near revolutionary mode! 

They want justice for those that looted our U.S. Treasury and shredded our Constitution and they are demanding justice for those who enabled it, I believe that includes you, Ms. Borger.

Reference: Gossip columnist Gloria Borger received her first job when she was hired by U.S. News and World Report owned by none other than Mortimer "Mort" Zuckerman.

P.P.S.  Isn't it interesting that former Obama cabinet official Van Jones had to resign his position for just telling the truth aka Bush knew about 9/11 in advance and, yes, BushFRAUD was and remains, a crack addict.  Final note: In watching Senator Ted Kennedy's funeral, wasn't it interesting watching media filth like New World Order stooge David Gergen of CNN, (pic) along with Wolf Blitzer, ignore the presence of Caroline Kennedy and refused to say any word about her.

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of assassinated

President John F. Kennedy

Note: Caroline Kennedy was smeared by the neocon Mossad-dominated media filth because, like her late father, assassinated President John F. Kennedy, opposed the conspiratorial fraudulent Federal Reserve that has now looted the U.S. Treasury.

Message to David Gergen of CNN:  You are no longer welcome by the American People.  You are a spin mister, a fraud and should get a job at the BushFRAUD library sweeping horse manure.


Lafayette rallying the troops at Brandywine

in the First American Revolution

TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGSInternational Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious