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HENEGHAN: Federal Reserve Gone Wild - Rahm Emanuel in a Box - Don't Cry for Me, Argentina

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Rahm Emanuel in a Box

Don't Cry for Me, Argentinaby Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Wednesday  July 1, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the Federal Reserve is in an Emergency session as it seeks to re-collateralize bogus derivatives tied to what used to be the California State Pension Fund aka CalPERS.

The derivatives, which helped loot the California State Pension Fund, are tied to the noted banking giants, the criminally culpable American International Group (AIG) as well as Robert Rubin's Citibank headquartered in New York City.

Previous intelligence briefing on January 17, 2009:

Madoff and Department of Homeland Security Tied to Theft of U.S. Pension Funds

P.P.S. At this hour, the state of California has gone bankrupt and its entire CalPERS (California Public Employees' Retirement System) pension fund, headquartered at the Bank of America in San Francisco, is broke!,0.jpg

Stephen Friedman, Alan Greenspan, Bernard Madoff

What makes this outrageous is that the AIG and Citibank derivatives are currently a subject of a Department of Justice and SEC criminal investigation with a paper trail linking former Federal Reserve Bank of New York CEO Stephen Friedman, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, along with the Federal Reserve itself, to none other than the Bernard MADOFF Ponzi Scheme.

Note: The definition of a derivative is a naked option with no collateral backing whatsoever; its only value is based on a due date marked up 30 to 40 years in the future by the bank holding the toxic asset.  Folks, these derivatives are worthless.  The back end of the derivatives aka cash are currently parked in secret offshore hedge fund accounts in the Cayman Islands controlled by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, former Massachusetts Governor, year 2008 Republican presidential candidate, and member of the Church of Satanic Latter-day Saints, Mitt Romney.

Bill and Hillary Clinton with their criminal business partner Mitt Romney

Reference: Romney, along with loser and lesbian in-the-closet, current U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, and her former 1990s confidant, counterfeiter, check bouncer, 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect, fugitive Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki, helped loot a noted CIA proprietary (Marvelous Investments Corporation) controlled by Ambassador Leo Wanta.

Both Romney and loser Hillary approved Teleki's forgery of Wanta's signature, which in turn gave Teleki illegal control of the account and allowed both Romney and Hillary to receive illegal campaign contributions, which represent U.S. Taxpayers' money.

The out of control, conspiratorial Federal Reserve is now blackmailing and threatening, not only the American People, but the entire world banking system, if they do not acquiesce to Bernard Bernanke's latest Ponzi Scheme.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies before the House Budget Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Reference: Just the other day in testimony before Congress, Bernanke threatened the Congressional lawmakers that the entire world banking system would collapse if the Federal Reserve were to be subjected to an "audit".

Ron Paul's 'Audit the Fed' bill 'gaining steam'

Threats and blackmail now seem common place as FEMA's Director Craig Fugate recently conducted emergency anti-terrorist exercises with direct cooperation and integration of major Israeli government security specialists officials.

The exercise dealt with a response to the re-emergence of the Avian Flu virus.

Rumors are everywhere that the New World Order criminal elite, still in control and occupation of the United States, would like to stage a False Flag terrorist attack or emergency in order to proceed with Martial Law and, accordingly, give the criminal Federal Reserve total control of the entire U.S. banking system.

We can divulge that a split has taken place between the Federal Reserve's regional banks and its central bank headquarters in New York City.

We can also report that the U.S. Military, at this hour, has told President Barack Obama they will oppose any Martial Law provisions against the American People. All of this activity dovetails to a Department of Justice investigation of current South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford who is currently under investigation for using South Carolina Taxpayers' money in financing his personal worldwide travel spree, including his latest flights from Ottawa, Canada to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

We can now reveal that Sanford's secret flights involved coordinating a massive Canadian-Argentina money laundry scheme involving the Bush-Clinton Katrina Foundation funds, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and various financial institutions in both Canada and Argentina.


Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate

George W. BushFRAUD, daddy George Herbert Walker Bush, brother Jeb Bush (AP),and their criminal partners Bill and Hillary Clinton

Previous intelligence briefing on January 11, 2009: Salinas  We can now divulge that the illegal trading of U.S. Treasury funds by Greenspan on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, began in the early 1990s when then President Bill Clinton authorized a $500 BILLION U.S. Treasury loan to the Government of Mexico, whose President at the time was Carlos Salinas.

The loan was supposed to be for humanitarian aid, but we can now divulge that not one dime of it ever reached the Mexican People, and instead was used for trading purposes and money laundry for the benefit of secret accounts of the Bushes, the Clintons, Greenspan and, of course, President Salinas.

Note: It should come as no surprise then that the $500 BILLION loan was re-paid by Mexican President Salinas in a short period of time after the Clintons, Bushes and Greenspan successfully laundered the funds.  This included the principle and the profits.

Reference: The Department of Justice, along with the SEC and the IRS, have new criminal referrals naming George Herbert Walker Bush, his son, former illegal White House occupant, George W. BushFRAUD and his brother, former Florida Governor and election 2000 fraudster and fixer, Jeb Bush, along with the original masterminds, former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, involving the Clinton-Salinas Mexican bail out of the 1990s. Hillary Clinton and Robert Johnson (Reuters)The bail out funds aka U.S. Taxpayers' money never reached the Mexican People but were illegally traded and then laundered through various offshore hedge funds, noted black corporate entertainment Hollywood entities aka Robert Johnson's Black Entertainment Television (BET).

The funds were then co-mingled through the Bush-Clinton Hurricane Katrina Foundation, Louisiana banks, the Central Bank of Iraq, the noted Bush-Clinton Denver, Colorado illegal trust funds, noted Colombian drug lord Carlos Lehder (illegally pardoned by his criminal partner former Florida Governor Jeb Bush), the Federal Reserve Bank of New York along with its former CEO Stephen Friedman, and none other than the Bernard MADOFF PONZI SCHEME.

Whether Governor Sanford was having an affair in Argentina is irrelevant.  He is now under criminal investigation for being a "bag man" representing the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its Federal Reserve enablers in covering up the looting of U.S. Taxpayers' money.

A DOJ official close to the inquiry has told this reporter that Sanford's trip to Argentina dealt with a massive amount of money.

Rahm Emanuel (left), Greg Craig (center)

P.S. At this hour we can divulge that "Skull and Bones" Greg Craig and Israeli Mossad agent and street punk, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, continue to Obstruct the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which would not only return TRILLIONS of dollars to the U.S. Treasury, but would allow the immediate implementation of a high speed U.S. rail system that would produce thousands of jobs for the American People.



Rahm Emanuel is also getting in deeper doodoo on two other major scandals.

Rahm Emanuel, left (AP) and Steve Israel

1.  The anti-Catholic street punk Emanuel has now been fingered, along with current Congressman, Khazarian Jew Steve Israel (D-NY) in orchestrating the vicious anti-Catholic media smear directed against Caroline Kennedy, daughter of our assassinated President John F. Kennedy, when she was seeking to be appointed the next Democratic U.S. Senator from New York State.

Reference: Congressman Israel (D-NY) has been linked to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, its former CEO Stephen Friedman, the Bernard MADOFF PONZI SCHEME, along with kickbacks and campaign contributions to Congressman Israel involving a proposed highway project tied to none other than former Mayor of New York and 9/11 co-conspirator, Rudy Giuliani, and current White House Chief of Staff, Israeli Mossad agent and street punk, Rahm Emanuel.

Caroline Kennedy

Note: Emanuel and Israel were assisted by Khazarian Jew Joe Klein of TIME magazine, Khazarian Jew and Canadian media mogul Mort Zuckerman, FOX News and NY Daily News owner, Khazarian Jew Rupert Murdoch, and Bill and Hillary Clinton in the vicious smear of the daughter of our late president. The electronic media enabler for this smear was MSNBC's Joe in the Morning show hosted by year 2000 election fraudster and co-conspirator Joe Scarborough and arch femi-nazi, anti-Caroline Kennedy and pro loser Hillary mouthpiece, Mika Brzezinski.

Note: Scarborough, along with Jeb Bush's thugs in the State of Florida are still covering up the death of his congressional intern Lori Klausutis who mysteriously died in Scarborough's Florida office aka murdered before she could blow the whistle on the massive Choicepoint software-NASA satellite coordinated theft of the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
Raymond Lemme, top right active U.S. Air Force Reservist
and Florida Department of Transportation OSI Investigator was murdered
investigating Chinese - NASA, DOT whistleblower complaint
by John Caylor

The intern had met with Florida Department of Transportation investigator and year 2000 presidential election coup d’état whistleblower Raymond Lemme.  Lemme was eventually suicid-ed aka murdered in a Georgia hotel before he was about to leak the entire story to the Atlanta Constitution.

Scarborough's congressional intern Lori Klausutis also had the misfortune of accidentally coming across the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate's "TRUE COLORS" manuscript for their worldwide assassination teams in possession of then Congressman Joe Scarborough.


9-11 widow questions why MSNBC host silenced her

by Tom Flocco and Stew Webb

Again, folks, when it comes to this vicious media smear orchestrated against Caroline Kennedy, along with the cover up of the theft of the year 2000 presidential election, which enabled nation-wrecker, homosexual in-the-closet, Constitution shredder, cocaine snorting, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, we have one direct message to the media enablers: There will be pay back!

2. A CIA field report has now been forwarded to the U.S. Marshal Service implicating Israeli Mossad agent and street punk, Rahm Emanuel, in the Mossad coordinated poisoning and assassination of the former Major of Chicago during the 1980s, the African-American Harold Washington.

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate cover up artist

TRAITOR U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald

P.P.S. New evidence now fingers current U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois and homosexual in-the-closet Patrick Fitzgerald illegally sealing the Bush-Cheney-Richard Armitage indictments involving the plotting to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq before the invasion of Iraq was launched.


Dick Cheney, BushFRAUD, Richard Armitage

Plotting to plant WMDs in Iraq BEFORE the attacks on Iraq

In 2005 Fitzgerald actually forwarded the indictments to then BushFRAUD Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and then sealed them under the cloak of "national security".



by Tom Flocco....
Chicago -- August 2, 2005 -- -- U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Chicago grand jury has voted perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.  FULL STORY

Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefings in October and November of 2005:
Using "National Security" guidelines Fitzgerald sealed Grand Jury indictments against Vice President Cheney, NSC Adviser Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, Dave Wurmser and Sandy Berger

Sources close to the Fitzgerald alleged investigation report that a Chicago Grand Jury issued an indictment against Cheney without the approval of Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald accordingly sealed the indictment.  The indictment names war criminal and White House occupant George W. Bush and former Bushfraud Administration Under Secretary of State Richard Armitage as co-conspirators.

Reference: It was Valerie Plame's U.S.-French Intelligence team that had identified the Israeli Mossad-Scooter Libby-American Turkish Council attempt to move WMDs from Turkey into Iraq  before  the attack on Iraq began.

Fitzgerald's indictment of Libby for perjury was nothing more than a containment operation designed to cover up the real crimes of Bush and Cheney taking the American People into a war based on a LIE!

Closet homosexual Fitzgerald's indictment of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is a another patsy operation, in this case designed to protect the criminal activity of both White House Chief of Staff street punk Rahm Emanuel and current Democratic Congressman of Illinois Jesse Jackson Jr. in trying to manipulate and procure the purchase of the U.S. Senate seat for either Jackson Jr. or, more preferably, current Obama White House cabinet official Valerie Jarrett who would be a temporary Senator paving the way for street punk Emanuel to run for the Senate seat himself.

Homosexual in-the-closet Patrick Fitzgerald, along with the assistance of his stooge journalist buddy, British Intelligence asset and closet homosexual James Warren of the Chicago Tribune, are also covering up the massive General Electric Medical Systems money laundry that involves major prescription drug corporations and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Note: Former Governor of Illinois Blagojevich was trying to bring in cheaper prescription drugs from Canada and make them available to citizens in the state of Illinois.

In closing, it is clear now there is NO rule of law in America and the only solution for the American People is to proceed with revolutionary mode and that current President Barack Obama is nothing more than an enabler of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and the criminal Federal Reserve. 

One might call Obama a 'bank dick' whose only accomplishment up to this point is to continue to bail out the criminals, thugs and bank fraudsters that looted our U.S. Treasury to begin with.

It is important to remember that the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media continues to be an accessory and a massive enabler of this continual crime spree against the American People.


We announce to the criminal government and its criminal corporate media enablers:  YOU ARE TOO CORRUPT TO CONTINUE!

We, the American People, who are well armed, will be victorious!

TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGSInternational Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.