HENEGHAN: Citibank Financial Black Op Exposed - JP Morgan, a Terrorist Bank
Tom Heneghan
JP Morgan, a Terrorist Bank
by Tom Heneghan,
International Intelligence Expert
Wednesday March 11, 2009
KHAZARIAN Jews Timothy Geithner and Bernard Bernanke (Reuters)
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the 379 point increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that occurred on Tuesday, March 10th, was a "financial black op" engineered by current Federal Reserve Chairman and KHAZARIAN Jew, Bernard Bernanke, and U.S. Treasury Secretary and KHAZARIAN Jew Timothy Geithner.
The "financial black op" took place when the U.S. Treasury decided to conduct a "stress test" aka a bogus audit on the TRILLION dollars of counterparty derivatives that have turned Citibank into a zombie bank.
Note: The giant brokerage firm Goldman Sachs was tipped off ten (10) minutes in advance of the Citibank announcement by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve and, accordingly, made MILLIONS of dollars in day trading profits in the Dow Futures Index.
We can also divulge that various members of CNBC's financial reporting team also benefited from this criminal insider trading conspiracy.
The derivatives were actually removed from Citibank with part of them parked in a U.S. Treasury Annex and the rest parked in the Key Bank located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
At this hour we can report that the Obama Administration is actually considering placing these derivatives in various charitable foundations tied to none other than the Mormon Church.
Note: Charitable foundations are non-taxable and, accordingly, the charitable foundations could actually write off the derivatives as the assets depreciate.
Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate partners
daddy Bush and Mitt Romney
AP by Brett Coomer
Assisting Obama Administration in this PONZI SCHEME is Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, former Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, who operates various illegal offshore hedge funds that are tied to none other than the Mormon Church aka the church of satanic latter day saints and Israeli Mossad asset, Ponzi Scheme artist Bernard Madoff.
Reference: At this hour, the Bernard Madoff guilty plea is nothing more than an attempt to cover up the fact that Madoff has been a lifelong Israeli Mossad asset and operated various financial and criminal "black ops" on behalf of the criminal wing of the U.S. CIA and the rogue Bush-Clinton-Israeli Mossad "TRUE COLORS" gangsters.
Reference: Noted journalist Seymour Hersh is working on evidence establishing the financial link between Madoff, the Key Bank and assassination teams tied to both former Vice President Richard Cheney and convicted perjurer and fugitive Marc Rich lawyer, Scooter Libby.
These assassination teams have been reported by us in the past as the noted Bush-Clinton-Israeli Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" assassination teams.
Question: Will Bernard Madoff be placed in the same cell with convicted Israeli spy, TRAITOR Jonathan Pollard?
And, of course, it gets worse!
The Madoff-Key Bank Utah tie in also has links to J.P. Morgan and various charitable foundations in India that European INTERPOL investigators have fingered as entities, which have been used for fund raising of alleged terrorist activities.
We can now divulge that it was the J.P. Morgan charitable foundation in New Delhi, India that was tied to the funding of the recent Mumbai terrorist, which was directed by U.S. CIA-Israeli Mossad asset Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar.
One can assume that KHAZARIAN Jew and terrorist, J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon is making arrangements to park his $700 TRILLION of counterparty toxic derivatives in various charitable foundations in India.
So you see, folks, it is one Ponzi Scheme after another.
As the United States is now under occupation and direct control by KHAZARIAN Jew bankers.
You, the Taxpayers of the United States, are expected to pay for this crime spree of toxic derivatives that have bankrupted the United States of America.
Note: A derivative is a naked option with no collateral or underlying futures contract beneath it.
The concept of naked derivative trading was actually opposed by the Chair of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Brooksley Born, in 1997.
She was later threatened and blackmailed by former Federal Reserve Chairman and KHAZARIAN Jew Alan Greenspan and former U.S. Treasury Secretary and Citibank CEO, KHAZARIAN Jew Robert Rubin in order to gain Born's silence and acquiesence to this derivative aka financial Ponzi Scheme.
Robert Rubin and Bill Clinton (AP by Susan Walsh)
Robert Rubin and Hillary Clinton (Diane Bondareff)
Note: We can now divulge that KHAZARIAN Jew Robert Rubin allowed both sociopaths, Bill and Hillary Clinton, to withdraw a major amount of their STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds from Citibank even after the U.S. Marshals had ordered Rubin to freeze the accounts.
Rubin, like Greenspan, are national security risks and need to be arrested immediately!
At this hour, there is an unsubstantiated report that Greenspan is under arrest now for the fourth (4th) time.
Note: It might be wise to also arrest his KHAZARIAN Jew wife and Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge, Andrea Mitchell Greenspan.
P.S. Again, let us remind you, folks, that the terrorist zombie bank, J. P. Morgan, actually financed their takeover of Bear Stearns by buying counterparty derivatives, which were bets that were placed to benefit J.P. Morgan when Lehman Brothers collapsed.
P.P.S. We now have a list that will detail the bailout money, which includes none other than the FDIC bailing out General Electric Capital, which is a subsidiary holding company of the criminal electricity giant, General Electric.
Follow the $8.5 trillion: Breakdown of the Government's rescue funds
kings and notable queens!
Final note: Again, stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will include more details on the NASA-NSA THEFT of the year 2000 presidential election, the role of Clinton Curtis, Republican Congressman Tom Feeney and Yang Enterprises.
We are also working on new evidence tying the Sir R. Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme out of Houston, Texas and a $40 MILLION slush fund that was used to pay off major media types in covering up and keep silent concerning Bush's electronic THEFT of Florida, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri and New Hampshire from then Vice President, now duly elected year 2000 President Albert Gore Jr. in the year 2000 presidential election.
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.