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HENEGHAN: ObamaGate is Now George Soros Ponzi Scheme Gate

Tom Heneghan

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by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Saturday  February 28, 2009

United States of America  -  We can now report that a massive TREASONOUS criminal conspiracy to launder and disguise Citibank toxic derivatives has been exposed by European INTERPOL and Departments of the U.S. Treasury.

George Herbert Walker Bush, President Barak Obama, George W. BushFRAUD, Timothy Geithner, Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and Henry (Hank) Paulson

TREASONOUS CONSPIRATORSAlan Greenspan and George Soros

The criminal treasonous conspirators that have been fingered include President Barack Obama, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, former ILLEGAL White House occupant, George W. BushFRAUD, current U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and noted hedge fund manager and foreign currency manipulator, KHAZARIAN Jew, East German Stasi DVD-Israeli Mossad asset George Soros.

All attempted a major money laundry aka a Ponzi Scheme on Thursday night, February 26, 2009, in which the aforementioned conspirators attempted to disguise up to $700 TRILLION of worthless toxic Citibank derivatives as short positions in major Asian Tiger currencies as a way of disguising and transferring the worthless Citibank derivatives.

The toxic Citibank derivatives were ILLEGALLY converted into cash aka Taiwan dollars and EURO currency at the Citibank FOREX trading platform at Citibank offices in Singapore.

These funds were then ILLEGALLY wire transferred to currency trading platforms at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and to George Soros' own little secret currency exchange in Budapest, Hungary.

The bagman for Soros in Budapest is a Russian-Israeli mafioso, East German Stasi DVD agent
András Szász, current head of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.

Note: For years András Szász has been assisted in various financial black ops, including funding of major terrorist events, by none other than 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect, East German Stasi DVD agent, counterfeiter, check bouncer, forger and former First Lady Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton White House confidant, fugitive Eva Teleki.

Item: It is no coincidence that the Obama Administration converted preferred stock to common stock at Citibank the day after the Asian Ponzi Scheme was exposed given their need to raise cash to meet their margin calls and offset their illegal currency transaction instigated by Soros and the aforementioned treasonous co-conspirators.

Reference: We can also divulge that it was sources inside the offices of current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke that leaked out information to elements of the U.S. Treasury of the Soros financial currency Ponzi Scheme that was designed to wreck every major currency in Asia and launder the toxic derivatives tied to Citibank.

Significant reports by journalist Wayne Madsen:

Soros funds infiltration of 9/11 truth, election protection, and “independent” journalism

by Wayne Madsen

Online Journal Contributing Writer

(WMR) -- WMR has learned from well-placed sources that international hedge fund mogul and financier of “progressive” causes George Soros has been, for a number of years, infiltrating 9/11 “truth” organizations, groups advocating election reform, and so-called “independent journalism” enterprises in order to hijack agendas and, eventually, cause the groups to collapse from within or be absorbed into larger organizations servile to Soros and his agenda.

Read full story


Stanford's shadowy financial empireBy Wayne Madsen

(WMR) --  No one will ever know just how Charlesworth Shelley Hewlett, who ran CAS Hewlett & Company out of a small office sandwiched between fish and chips shops on South Bury Road in Enfield in north London, came to be the accountant for Allen Stanford's $50 billion financial empire that included Stanford International Bank (SIB). That is because Mr. Hewlett, known as a quiet gray-haired man to those who had offices in his north London office block, died "peacefully" a few weeks before the Stanford scandal hit the front pages. Hewlett was 73 but no one knows the reason for Hewlett's death.

Read full story

We also want to reveal at this time that new major evidence has surfaced linking András Szász and wanted terrorist suspect, fugitive Eva Teleki, to the noted CIA money laundry Delmarva Timber Trust. We are also working on a story involving former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's (a media darling) illegal use of the Delmarva Timber Trust to buy a Greek bank, which has then been used to finance various black ops in Somalia and Yemen, as well as the entire continent of Africa.

Also linked to the black op activities in Somalia and Yemen is former Clinton Secretary of State, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate "TRUE COLORS" assassin, Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright.

It is not known, at this time, whether former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is or is not cooperating with European INTERPOL investigators.

We can also divulge that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has received immunity from prosecution and now feels free to once again engage in treasonous criminal activity along with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

Bernard Madoff, Sir R. Allen Stanford

Daniel Hambury/PA

P.S. We are also compiling evidence, which will connect the dots revealing a direct connection between Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme and Sir R. Allen Stanford's Ponzi Scheme with crooked currency manipulator George Soros.  This includes the use of the island nation of Antigua to launder profits from the Ponzi Schemes through Russian-Israeli mafioso utilizing George Soros' crooked currency hedge fund, as well as the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, using the aforementioned bagman András Szász and noted terrorist suspect, fugitive Eva Teleki.

P.P.S. We are going to further connect the dots in future intelligence briefings tying KHAZARIAN Jew Larry A. Mizel and his Denver-based Asset Investors Corporation to the Madoff-Stanford Ponzi Schemes. The dots will be connected linking Mizel to massive mortgage fraud involving Bank of America, Citibank and the noted American International Group (AIG).

Mizel used the noted credit swap derivative method of creating nine (9) mortgage out of every one (1) mortgage that had been finalized.

These bogus mortgage assets were then used to convert cash for the use of Madoff and Stanford, as well as George Soros, in what has now become a WORLDWIDE Ponzi Scheme aka train wreck.

At this hour, many mortgage holders who are late on their payments are having a hard time figuring out which bank to pay on their original mortgage since it has been made part of this unbelievable carousel aka Ponzi Scheme. We can also divulge that KHAZARIAN Jew Larry Mizel's partner, David D. Mandarich, is linked directly to Israeli Mossad assassination teams that have recently threatened the lives of this reporter of these intelligence briefings as well as Ambassador Leo Wanta, who still has total legal authority over the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Note: Here is an update on the status of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols.

As we have reported, folks, President Barack Obama has signed an executive order authorizing the implementation of the Protocols with full authority given to Ambassador Wanta.

The problem becomes what is the definition of "implement" aka Clintonian doublespeak, the definition of "is" is.

We can report that, counter to the mainstream media spin, it was former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD that instigated the recent phone call to President Barack Obama.

The subject of the conversation between President Obama and BushFRAUD was not so much Iraq policy but the status of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols negotiations and the failed Soros currency financial black op.

Related background on the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols:

PATRIOTS Ambassador Leo Wanta, French President Francois Mitterrand and U.S. President Ronald Reagan of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols

Following the money backwards leads to

President Reagan, Russian rubles and Ambassador Leo Wanta

by Don Nicoloff

The story of how Ambassador Leo Wanta was commissioned by President Reagan to make $trillions for the American people in shrewd (but legal) currency trading that concentrated on

buying Russian rubles at a discount to destabilize the Soviet economy surfaced in 1992.

Read the full story

ILLEGAL trading platform created in 1997

in the Clinton White House basement

Getty Images

Reference: It should be noted, folks, that the misuse of the Wanta Protocol funds dates back to 1997 when an illegal trading platform was placed in the basement of the White House by former President Bill Clinton, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, former First Lady Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, former Speaker of the House and now year 2012 republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, former Federal Reserve Chairman, KHAZARIAN Jew Alan Greenspan, Naval Admiral Leon Morris and high level FBI official George Reed.

Reference: Reed worked directly with former CIA counsel Jan Morton Heger in orchestrating the NASA space agency electronic theft of the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President, now duly elected year 2000 President Albert Gore Jr.

As mentioned in previous intelligence briefings, the states of Florida, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri and New Hampshire were blatantly STOLEN.

It is a miracle, folks, that Al Gore still wound up with over a half million more votes than BushFRAUD.  It just shows you how decisively Gore actually won the 2000 presidential election.

Note: Year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. and his family were viciously smeared this weekend by a bunch of clowns at the Republican CPAC convention.  Assisting in this smear was known right wing anti-Gore MSNBC journalist, little punk Tucker Carlson.  Also enabling the smear was known MSNBC Morning Joe talk show co-host and John Kerry "Skull and Bones" John Kerry stooge Mike Barnacle.

Item: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich spoke at this clown convention.

Once again a direct message to the anti-Gore American corporate media filth: If you want to continue to make this personal it is going to get physical.

The illegal White House trading platform, along with the illegal London-based trading platform, tied to former British Prime Minister, Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Tony Blair, was used in conjunction with George Soros, to trade illegal currency spreads and manipulate equity prices worldwide.

The platforms were also used to illegally manipulate the price of gold and silver.

Of course, it was U.S. TAXPAYERS' money that was used for this illegal trading Ponzi Scheme orchestrated by none other than the Bush-Clinton-Crime Family Syndicate and it's criminal Federal Reserve enabler.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants,
kings and notable queens!

P.P.P.S. As you know, folks, if you are a regular reader of these intelligence briefings, we consistently inform you of how it is constantly getting worse.

It may now actually be getting a little bit better.

Patriotic Flag Officers of the U.S. Military, as well as President Obama's Chief Intelligence Officer, General James Logan Jones, Jr., have warned Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke that they will no longer tolerate massive "bailout" of KHAZARIAN Jew criminal banks like Citibank, AIG and Bank of America.

The Flag Officers, as well as General Jones, know that U.S. Taxpayers' funds and the entire U.S. Treasury continues to be looted by these KHAZARIAN Jew banksters, who rob their own banks and place money in offshore proprietary accounts, with the direct assistance of former Federal Reserve Chairman, KHAZARIAN Jew Alan Greenspan.  Note: General Jones has also informed the KHAZARIAN Jew banksters aka fraudsters that they will no longer tolerate blackmail and threats that are being directed at President Barack Obama.

The U.S. Military knows that these crooked banks need to be temporarily nationalized, and that a full audit of their criminal activity must be done immediately.

A "full audit", not a stress test, will reveal that the toxic derivatives that have destroyed the U.S. and World economies are crooked.

Once the audit is completed a Bankruptcy Court can then adjudicate justice for the KHAZARIAN Jew bankers and immediately begin repatriation of the TRILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that are parked in offshore secret accounts.

Final note: Do not want to forget, folks, that this massive criminal TREASONOUS crime spree launched against the American People has been enabled for years by the KHAZARIAN Jew, mega Mossad corportate controlled U.S. media filth.

Again, folks, there are no journalists left in the United States, just gossip columnists.

Note: Bill Plante of CBS News, a real journalist with great insight, was recently replaced by CBS News in the White House press room by "barbie doll" actor Chip Reid.

Plus, MSNBC's show "Morning Joe" show continues to promote KHAZARIAN Jew, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate "TRUE COLORS" assassination team enablers KHAZARIAN Jews Joe Klein of Time magazine and Tina Brown, a British Intelligence asset.

Reference: Klein, Brown and Time magazine editor KHAZARIAN Jew Richard Stengel, along with former communications director for New York Governor David Paterson, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate mouthpiece Judy Smith, have been linked to the death threats made against the daughter of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Caroline.

Joe Klein, Tina Brown, Richard Stengel, Andrea Mitchell Greenspan of NBC/MSNBC aka Mrs. Federal Reserve, Judy Smith, as well as Washington Post editor Bob Woodward, have secret offshore accounts, which represent bribe money they all received in return for enabling Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate TREASONOUS rule over the United States.

These rotten pieces of filth have bribe money which represent STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds.

In closing, British Intelligence asset Tina Brown stated on the MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that she was concerned that the American People may descend into a period of vengeful populism.

Note: Tina Brown worships the British Monarch Queen Elizabeth.

Message to Tina Brown: You are finally correct.

The American People are enraged!
-  Our U.S. Treasury has been looted.
-  Our U.S. Constitution has been shredded.
-  Our electoral process has been completely degraded, and
-  Our economy has been eradicated.

At this hour, we remind Tina Brown of change you can believe in:

Public prosecutions and punishment

with DUE PREJUDICE await
Against the American People


General Lafayette rallying the troops at Brandywine

“The moment I heard of America, I loved her;

The moment I knew she was fighting for liberty,

I burnt with the desire of bleeding for her;

and the moment I shall be able of serving her,

in any time, or in any part of the world,

will be the happiest of my life.”

General Marquis de Lafayette 1778


We live free or die as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the 2nd American Revolution in the 21st Century and eradicate them.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious.

Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  year 2000 President of the United States.

Year 2000 non-inaugurated, duly elected

President Albert Gore Jr.



International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.



