Eminent Domain and the Ownership of the United States of America
Dimce Giorgief
February 26, 2009
Dear Friends of Freedom:
Today, it came as a shock to me that Hal Turner posted this article on his blog: http://halturnershow.blogspot.com/2009/02/feds-grant-eminent-domain-as-collateral.html. Eminent domain is when the government takes property from one party for the public good.
First of all, we need to understand that the United States of America is bankrupt and the creditors, mainly China among others, want to be paid in tangible assets. US Treasuries, Federal Reserve Notes (formerly known as the USD) and almost all US corporate bonds are not what the Chinese want or need. We, the recipients of this email, know that the USA is bankrupt. However, we need to understand, how? There was a researcher, who went by the name ‘S’ on fourwinds10.com, he established through meticulous research that the entire United States were registered as a corporate entity. The government, the land, sea and everything under it were registered as a corporation. When they jokingly say ‘Corporate USA’ they are not kidding. Well the new owners wanted something substantial as payment as of September 30, 2008. No more junk bonds. Ask yourselves the following questions:
- Sept. 2008, money market crash was running at $550B in a matter of hours. By who and why?
- Former US President George W. Bush wanted to drill in the USA, offshore and on shore. Obama stopped this. Why? The Bakken Formation in South Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan contains 100’s of billions of barrels of oil, enough to make North America self sufficient for a 100+ years, but the continue to buy from the Middle East. Why? I personally know the scientist who was part of the research team to discover the oil in the Bakken. USGS dares not to disclose the actual amount, why?
- Why is it that the Fed has pumped in $9T+ in ‘liquidity’ since Sept. 2008, but lending has not kick-started? The US Federal deficit is still in the same ballpark, even though the Fed added that $9T+ to the books?
- Why is it that US banks Letter of Credits are not being accepted immediately? As some of you know, I used to work in Tenaris SA, here in my hometown. Tenaris SA makes seamless pipe for the oil and gas industry, orders are actually booming. One problem, nobody is getting credit and accepting the Letter of Credit so the orders can be fulfilled. Why?
I want to leave you all with a thought today. This eminent domain signing with China is a great thing for North America, if it proves to be true. Question is will the real creditors agree to allow a Chinese/USA/Canada partnership to develop the oil fields of Bakken, the Arctic among the other offshore areas? Negotiations are intense, but consider the benefits? Bear.
Until Next Time,