Obama's chief of staff: Rahm Emanuel
President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday offered the job of White House chief of staff to Democratic Congressman Rahm Emanuel, who reportedly accepted the offer. Emanuel is the Chicago-born son of a former Israeli.
The 48-year-old Emanuel is a member of the Orthodox Jewish community of Chicago and grew up speaking Hebrew with his father, a pediatrician who was a member of the Irgun, the Jewish resistance group in Palestine, before the War of Independence in 1948.
During the Gulf War in 1991, Emanuel came to Israel to serve as a civilian volunteer.
Emanuel was a senior advisor to Bill Cliton during his term in the White House and was first elected to Congress in 2002.
In October 2002 Emanuel differentiated himself from all other Democratic members of the Illinois Congressional delegation by supporting the joint resolution authorizing the war in Iraq.
Emanuel was named the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2005.
Saturday November 1, 2008
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Obama is utilizing the Rahm Emanuel/lesbian in-the-closet LOSER Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's private espionage group, Terry Lenzner and Associates of
As reported in our previous intelligence briefing, Obama has sold out to the Bush-Clinton-mega Mossad-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" gang in return for the presidency of the
As North American mega MOSSAD chief, Rahm Emanuel has helped coordinate various financial and political black ops on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate for over 15 years.
Related Intelligence Briefing:
Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian
by Tom Heneghan
October 24, 2006
…Now back to Marvin Rosen. Note: Rosen was the chief fundraiser for Osama Obama in the Year 2002 Elections. Rosen is also linked to Hillary (gay-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton's chief fund-raiser David Rosen and the Mel Sembler,
Note: Both Rosens now raise money for Joseph Lieberman who is now a traitor to his own party. It can now also be reported that Mossad agent Marvin Rosen was tied to Michael Eisner and the ABC Mickey Mouse Disney Year 2000 Election coup d'etat.
…Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...
Emanuel, the chief fundraiser for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is liaison to the RED Chinese linked Sara Lee Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, which has direct ties to the major credit card company HSBC.
Obama's fundraising, which soon will reach a record amount for any presidential campaign in American history, is nothing more than a ponzi scheme, which utilizes a money laundry tied to Sara Lee, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and credit swap derivatives tied to banks in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen.
The trick here is to send credit cards to unqualified individuals allowing them a line of credit of roughly $300 to $500 and then soliciting the new credit card customers for the $100 minimum donation to Obama's campaign.
The entire funding for this trickery and fraud is tied to RED China and its subsidiary corporation Sara Lee.
Reference: Former Republican Senator William Frist of
So you see folks, the truth hurts but it has to be told.
Obama is now the darling of the Israeli-RED Chinese-NBC General Electric box gang.
This is why he is getting unprecedented favorable press coverage with one bogus poll after the other being fed to the American People.
Item: NBC-General Electric, the RED Chinese laden Sara Lee Corporation and American International Group (AIG) are sitting on another $97 TRILLION worth of foreign currency and U.S. dollar insurance policy derivatives due this coming Wednesday, which of course, is one day after the 2008 presidential election in the United States.
These derivatives, due a day after the upcoming presidential election, has a similar smell to the Cantor Fitzgerald bond issue that was due on 9/11/01, the day of the black ops attack on
Stay tuned folks, things are definitely about to become un-hinged, again.
Isn't the guy a member of the Israeli Mossad Zionists Neocons - rumored for years -- also, he was on Clinton's staff and was instrumental in giving the shaft to him with the Monica Lewisky (mossad agent) affair. This has been reported on various U.S. News sites also.
Notice the reptilian eyes of this jerk.
Obama makes first administrative appointment
Wednesday, 05 Nov 2008 19:17
United States president-elect Barack Obama has made the first appointment of his fledgling administration, selecting Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.
Emanuel is a member of the House of Representatives for Illinois - Obama's home state - and has been a close friend of the Democratic candidate for several years.
He was first elected to the House in 2003, representing Illinois' fifth congressional district, which covers parts of suburban Cook County and the majority of the north side of Chicago.
The 48-year-old was chair of the Democrat congressional campaign committee for the 2006 elections and made his name as a proficient fundraiser.
He is currently the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House, behind Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House leader Steny Hoyer and whip Jim Clyburn.