Stew Webb
Exclusive first ever reported under immediate threat against America's National Security, this REPORT complies with 18 U.S.C. 4 The Federal Reporting Crimes Act we report it.
20 U.S. Generals mostly Air Force have been Murdered in the past week by George W. Bush True Colors Assassination Team tied with Rouge Israeli Mossad.
The name of the Bush Murder Operation is "Operation Raptor ", The Hawks are killing the Doves.
General Tinsley Murdered
One of the first Generals Murdered, General Tinsely was first reported by Tom Heneghan August 2, 2008.
Anthrax Gate Grand Jury Indicting US Attorney Michael Mukasey
The 20 U.S. Generals, many have testified against George W. Bush and Richard Cheney's Treason and Sedition over their Orchestrated attack of America on 911 WTC 2001.
A New Jersey National Security Grand Jury was empowered long ago in Secret to Investigate and Indict Bush and Cheney's for their Roles as Co-Conspirators to attack America on 9-11-2001 and other Treasonous acts against America.
Some of the Generals killed would not allow an attack on Iran by the United States Military.
All the Murders have occurred on U.S. soil by Bush Crime Syndicate Rouge True Colors assassination teams tied with Rouge Israeli Mossad killers.
Senate Aid Hutchins Murdered anthrax_gate_escalates_Aug_2_2008.
Senator James Webb of Virginia who was elected in 2006, Senate Aid Hutchins was murdered last week coordinating with Senator Webb testimony by various Generals 4 Star and 3 Star Generals who have been Murdered this past week by George W. Bush assassination teams.
George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have covered up the murders with CIA Roster Doctors who have snatched the bodies of the 20 Generals Murdered.
Bush will make it look as those missing Generals were killed in an assault in Iraq by Iran to start his long awaited attack on Iran to cause World War 3.
The Impeachment of White House Occupunk-none elected President 2000 George W. Bushfraud began Friday July 25, 2008.
Bush is Charged with Murder in the Articles of Impeachment
U.S. Military, Good People in Government and those with Badges time to arrest Bush and Cheney.
Murderer George W. Bush
By Stew Webb