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ITCCS Communique of 20 March, 2019 -

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The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Established June 15, 2010
Issued by The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
20 March, 2019 (GMT)
London, England:
A source within the British government has notified the ITCCS that its Field Secretary, Kevin Annett, is facing imminent arrest and incarceration anywhere in Canada or England because of the actions of a state-funded group known as the "International Tribunal of Natural Justice" (ITNJ). 
According to the source, the British Security Service has placed Annett on a "Priority 1" list of people to be arrested and detained for questioning and "psychiatric examination", after a letter demanding such action was received by the British Home Office from two ITNJ officers, Sacha Stone and former CIA operative Robert David Steele. 
Stone and Steele recently threatened Annett in writing that they might report him to "the authorities for psychiatric evaluation and possible removal from the public sphere", to quote Steele's email of 16 March. These threats were issued to Kevin Annett after he responded to Sacha Stone's unprovoked attack on him last week and questioned the legitimacy of the ITNJ as a genuine inquiry into crimes against children by Church and State.
To quote Stone's and Steele's threats made to Kevin Annett on 15 and 16 March respectively,
If I hear from you again, or if you malign the ITNJ whose undertakings are extraordinarily well documented, I may refer you to relevant authorities for a mental health examination as well as investigation for fraud and sedition.
Sacha Stone ,  
You are henceforth blocked as being an obvious lunatic with no legal standing.  I will defer to the ITNJ as to what legal action, including referral of you as an individual (Mr. Kevin Annett) to the authorities for psychiatric evaluation and possible removal from the public sphere. 
Mr. Stone's accusation of "sedition" by Kevin Annett is revealing, since British Law defines it as "any overt conduct that tends toward insurrection against the Crown." Stone thereby appears to be speaking in the name of the Crown in the role of one of its officers making a formal charge against Annett, who for years has publicly advocated an end to Crown rule and the establishment of sovereign Republics in England and Canada. 
The threat by both men as ITNJ officers to have Annett psychiatrically institutionalized is also significant, based as the ITNJ is in England. For under British law, and specifically the notorious "Fixated Threat Assessment Act" of 2006 (FTAA), any Commonwealth citizen, including Canadians like Kevin Annett, can be detained for "psychiatric examination" if they exhibit "unusual concern for particular issues, alleged wrongdoing or key public figures including the British Royal Family". This broad "Thought Crime" statute is modeled on the repressive laws from the Soviet Union and has been condemned by governments and human rights groups around the world.
These actions by Stone and Steele give credence to the mounting evidence that ITNJ is a British government front organization, especially since that government responded in less than 24 hours to the ITNJ demand to arrest Kevin Annett. 
ITNJ first appeared suddenly in the summer of 2018, accompanied by widespread exposure in the mainstream media. It has held its events at luxurious facilities in the Westminster district of downtown London, close to Parliament. Its officers include an Anglican Bishop and a "former" CIA officer. The ITNJ has continually refused to reveal the source or amount of its funding. However, recent evidence uncovered by the ITCCS and Kevin Annett indicates that the ITNJ in fact operates from an undisclosed budget totaling over eight million pounds, or $13 million US, provided from a secret covert operations fund of the British secret service, MI5.
The aforementioned government source refers to this evidence and specifically to a copy of an MI5 memo indicating that the ITNJ's term of fiscal operation is open ended "depending on the most desirous course required for it (ITNJ) to guide and control the efforts of sex abuse survivors to speak publicly."
ITCCS was on the verge of releasing this damning evidence to the world when the ITNJ officers Stone and Steele attacked Kevin Annett and demanded that the British government have him incarcerated.
In a letter to that government today, the ITCCS Directorate declared,
"In our opinion the ITNJ is an arm of the British security service and is working actively to silence Kevin Annett under the Fixated Threat law. We consider such an attack against Kevin as an assault on all of us and on all of the children who will die without our work. This latest assault is nothing less than an attempt by the criminally convicted British Crown to silence one of its most vocal and intelligent critics. It is a crime of lawless violence by the British government and we demand that it and MI5 immediately cease and desist from any action against Kevin Annett."
The ITCCS has also launched a legal and diplomatic offensive against this threat to its co-founder and front line leader, Kevin Annett, including with Amnesty International, at the United Nations and within the European Union. We urge everyone to write to Stone and Steele and to their respective politicians and demand that the British Crown's attack on Kevin Annett stop. 
Don't allow Kevin Annett to become yet another Prisoner of Conscience!
For more information see ITCCS Updates at and listen to Hear We Stand every Sunday at 11 pm GMT, 6 pm eastern and 3 pm pacific time.
Issued by the Directorate of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
20 March, 2019 (GMT)
Defend Kevin Annett!



The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.
See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at .
Kevin Annett's books can be ordered here:         

Murder by Decree - The Crime of Genocide in Canada:

Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion:
Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual

At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada's West Coast ,  




Truth Teller's Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers:

Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata

Here We Stand: The Call of the New Protestant Reformation


Fallen - The Story of the Vancouver Four:

The Sacrifice - Of Family and Empire:
1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund :
Kevin's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also an insightful personal interview "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at: