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  • Dec 17, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    Australia ‘to be an energy superpower’ by mid 2017

    Morgan Stanley report predicts that gas exports will help country eliminate its current account deficit for the first time in four decades

    Ambrose Evans-Pritchard By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard8:30PM GMT 15 Dec 2013 CommentsComments

    Australia is to become a global gas superpower by the middle of the decade and eliminate its current account deficit for the first time in almost 40 years, according to Morgan Stanley.

    “Liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from Australia could be the next big thing,” said the bank in a new report.

    It predicted a “huge ramp-up” in LNG output that could transform the country’s economy, claiming that Australia could overtake Qatar by to become the world’s biggest exporter of LNG as soon as 2017 rather that 2030 as widely assumed.

    By then Australia would be a major force in global energy production, with LNG and coal exports together matching the country’s vast iron ore shipments.

    Two-thirds of the world’s entire increase in traded LNG capacity is currently from Australia. While the US has a glut of natural gas from shale sources, it will be five to 10 years before it has the export terminals and infrastructure to sell large amounts on the global market.

    This gives Australia a window of opportunity. It can benefit from the shortage of LNG supplies in Asia, especially in Japan where closure of nuclear reactors after the Fukushima disaster has left the country heavily dependent on gas imports. Gas is selling in Japan at almost $19 per British thermal units (BTU), compared to just $4.3 in the US.

    Once dismissed as a pipe-dream, LNG has come of age with new technology since the 1990s. The breakthrough came with gas turbine technology and advances making it cheaper and safer to transport the fuel in refrigerated hulls made of molybdenum alloy at minus 116 degrees.

    “The ramp-up would be enough to see Australia record a current account surplus in 2015, the first since the second quarter of 1975. It is difficult to overestimate the long-term structural importance of this industry to Australia,” said the bank’s East Asia expert Geoffrey Kendrick.

    Whether it will be that easy for Australia to boost output is a disputed subject. Chevron says the cost of its Gorgon LNG project on Barrow Island with Shell and ExxonMobil off Western Australia has jumped $37bn to $54bn. It is the latest in a string of setbacks for the LNG sector.

    If Morgan Stanley is right, the export share of Australia’s economy will rise from 20pc to 22pc of GDP by 2016. Energy would jump from 10pc to 18pc of total shipments. The return to surplus would be a remarkable shift for a country that has run a current account deficit averaging 4pc of GDP for the last three decades, and is currently near 5pc.

    Australia is one of the world’s last surviving AAA states, yet its position is precarious. It has built up external liabilities of $855bn US dollars and has a net international investment position (NIIP) of minus 64pc of GDP, the world’s most-stretched after Europe’s Club Med bloc. The International Monetary Fund usually regards minus 30pc as a warning signal.

    The LNG bonanza may give Australia a chance to stabilise its external balances and perhaps start to reverse the slide by beefing up its sovereign wealth fund, or Future Fund. The fund is a crucial means of recycling commodity wealth out of the economy and preventing the Australian dollar from rising too high.

    The country is exhibiting clear signs of the “resource curse” as other sectors of industry whither on the vine, literally in the case of struggling vineyards. The beautiful wine-growing region of Hunter Valley is being “ripped apart” by coal mines, according to local activists.

    General Motors has announced that it will shut down its car plant in a blue-collar district of Adelaide, blaming the “sustained strength of the Australian dollar and high cost of production”.

    sasquatch says:

    December 17, 2013 at 7:44 am

    Harold Holt attempted to make Australia a resource superpower back in the 60′s before he was assassinated by intelligence. A man by the name of Gary Simmons has one hell of a story to tell about his assassination. We know this situation would be null and void if Nikola Tesla’s technology was not suppressed a hundred years ago.

    • theunhivedmind says:

    December 17, 2013 at 11:43 pm

    Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered.

    Gary D. Simmons’ website

    I, Gary Simmons have invoked this web site under the Second Law of the Universe

    because I have withdrawn my consent to their deliberate intent where I was used

    for evil purposes.

    Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of

    December 1967, as shown in a Brisbane Supreme Court Affidavit in file No. BS

    1127/04. He was then reported missing while swimming around midday on Sunday the

    17th of December 1967. There is no evidence to support the “official” report of

    Harold Holt drowning, nor is there any evidence of a Chinese submarine abducting


    Read on and judge for yourself what is “Truth”.

    The Commonwealth Government’s web site at reads:

    Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea, Victoria

    on 17 December, 1967. His body was never recovered. Without determining the

    cause of Holt’s death, a joint report by Commonwealth and Victoria Police,

    submitted in January 1968, concluded that, ‘… there has been no indication that

    the disappearance of the late Mr Holt was anything other than accidental’.

    The report (see copy on file A1209, 1968/8063) found that his last movements

    followed a routine domestic pattern, his demeanour had been normal and despite

    his knowledge of the beach, the turbulent conditions (high winds, rough seas and

    rip tides) overcame him. The explanations put forward for a failure to find the

    body included an attack by marine life, the body being carried out to sea by

    tides or becoming wedged in rock crevices.

    While a variety of theories have been expounded about Holt’s disappearance, the

    Commonwealth Government did not deem a formal inquiry necessary, accepting the

    conclusions of the Police report.

    Contrary to the above, Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American

    bases such as Pine Gap being built on Australian soil.

    Gary Simmons, has had X-rays taken of his neck which reveal something peculiar.

    An operation has been performed on his neck during the time he was a Navy diver

    (30 years ago) without his knowledge or permission. This operation involved

    damage to his throat and a wire being placed inside his neck. [ See website for

    x-rays ]

    “The fact is, if I were never involved in the disappearance of Harold Holt,

    there would never have been objects placed in my throat during a surgical

    operation when I was a Navy Clearance Diver. The enclosed Ct-Scan flyer’s visual

    evidence is indisputable and together with the enclosed Supreme Court Affidavit,

    detailing the indifferent treatment I am subjected to, validates my involvement.

    — (Harold Holt’s disappearance is stated in paragraph 12 of this Affidavit)”

    –G.D. Simmons

    Disappearance of Harold Holt – a new inquiry!

    By Carl Thompson

    “I saw Holt murdered” – Simmons

    The disappearance of Harold Holt, Prime Minister of Australia, has mystified

    everyone for years. The official story was that he drowned while swimming at

    Cheviot Beach on 17 December 1967. Mr Holt was a very strong swimmer and the

    official story has always been held to be dubious.

    Mr Gary D. Simmons, 55, once a Navy clearance diver with a high security rating,

    in an affidavit (file No. BS 1127/04) to the Brisbane Supreme Court, claims he

    was involved in the “disappearance”.

    Evidence ignored!

    He also claims that he has submitted evidence on two previous occasions which

    was ignored. The evidence he submitted in Affidavits, files BS9`66/03 and

    BS1127/04, stated that as part of his duties he was engaged in clandestine

    operations, one of which was the removal of the body of the then Prime Minister

    of Australia, Harold Holt, from his home to a fishing boat the night before it

    was reported he disappeared.

    Manchurian candidate!

    He further claims that he was surgically operated on during his navy service,

    without his knowledge and objects placed in his neck which left him unable to

    write, spell or converse with clarity for almost 30 years. To further enhance

    his evidence he has tendered a Cat-Scan which clearly shows the strange objects

    lodged in his throat. Gary feels the implanted objects made him like a

    “Manchurian candidate” complete with trigger words which left him with memory

    gaps, but in the past 12 months his mind has become clear and lucid and that he

    must use this time to bring out all that he remembers. He has massed a great

    deal of evidence and wishes to place it at the disposal of the authorities.

    A coronal inquiry into Mr Holt’s disappearance is being scheduled soon in

    Victoria and it would be criminal of them to ignore Mr Simmons’ evidence which

    has been forwarded to them. Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered in an

    intelligence service black operation, a former Royal Australian Navy diver has


    Brisbane man Gary Simmons claims to have towed the body of Harold Holt out to a

    fishing boat and then anchored the body to the sea floor, the day before the

    Prime Minister was reported missing on 17 December, 1967. Mr Simmons served in

    the Royal Australian Navy between 9 July 1965 and 5 November 1971, most of which

    time he spent as a clearance diver. He was discharged after medical problems

    rendered him unfit to serve as a diver.

    Inquest announced

    Mr Simmons has presented his evidence to the Victorian State Coroner, who on 15

    November began an inquest into sevral unsolved disappearances off the Victorian

    coast. A spokesman for the coroner’s office said that the inquest was not

    specifically into the disappearance of Mr Holt. Rather, it was an administrative

    move to clear up a large number of open files.

    Duty to tell the truth

    Mr Simmons told this paper that he had decided to speak openly about his role in

    the murder of Harold Holt because he believed that he had a duty to God to tell

    the truth before he died. He said of the five people who were on the fishing

    boat that day only himself and one other man were still alive.

    Mind control

    Simmons described drug and mind control techniques similar to those depicted in

    the movie ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ and a surgical operation which placed

    mysterious objects in his neck. An operation of which he has no memory but

    x-rays show the objects clearly inside him.

    He recollected being on the deck of a fishing boat, then going over the side

    about three kilometres off shore and swimming to the shore near the then Prime

    Minister’s beach house. He said that he was met at the shore and given a body

    bag, which he towed back out to the fishing boat. The marathon swim with the

    body bag was made possible by favourable tide and currents. Simmons said that he

    was an exceptional swimmer, probably the best among the Navy’s divers at that

    time, which would have been why he was chosen for the mission.

    Still alive?

    When he got back to the fishing boat, the body bag was opened and he saw Harold

    Holt inside it.

    “I think that they’d drugged him, because I think that he was still alive when I

    picked him up,” Mr Simmons said.

    “I remember his hair. I remember thinking how strange it was that a man in a

    body bag would have such neatly combed hair.”

    Mr Simmons said that he then put on SCUBA gear and took Harold Holt down to a

    point on the sea floor, where he anchored the Prime Minister’s body to a weight.

    Too deep

    The body was attached by a tether that was supposed to come apart after a couple

    of days, so that Mr Holt’s body could float to the surface and be found.

    “That part of the plan failed, for some reason,” he said. “I think that I took

    him too deep. Its been my experience that bodies down 70 feet or more don’t come

    back up.”

    Cover-ups in high places?

    There have been a few people who have questioned our story about the murder of

    Harold Holt and the veracity of Gary Simmons’ charges. If people doubt the story

    maybe they could explain to me how the devices placed in Mr Simmons’ throat got

    there and what they are for. Mr Simmons himself does not know, neither can he

    remember ever having undergone any operation to place them there. He is, even

    now, ignorant of their purpose, but suspects that they have a nefarious origin.

    It seems incongruous that allegations of such import can be ignored by the

    powers that be, but that appears to be the case, so far. The charges are clear

    and concise and published widely for everyone to read. The websites: and being just two of the websites

    dealing with Prime Minister Holt’s murder.

    Murder is not affected by the statues of limitations, so you would think that

    police would be happy to have such a raft of evidence to prosecute an

    investigation, but sadly, and not surprisingly, they don’t manifest any great


    The police are very active fining Mum, Dad and the kids for travelling a little

    too fast on their way home from the beach, on behalf of Tenix Australia Pty Ltd,

    but are very reticent to pursue matters of much greater interest to the

    Australian pubic. Once we had a police force skilled in the law, administered

    locally, and an asset to any community. Now we are burdened by a force, ignorant

    of law but skilled in forcing regulations on us, administered by a power no

    longer part of the community, but remote and answering to no one but their

    political masters. Someone once said, “Power corrupts and absolute power

    corrupts absolutely”. We should remember that quotation when they are handing

    out extra powers to police.

    It is now obvious to everyone who cares to read that Lee Harvey Oswald was not a

    lone assassin but part of a much greater plot. Those facts were known at the

    time by various authority figures, but a cover-up ensued.

    Harold Holt falls into the same category and Gary Simmons is ready to tell all

    he knows if anyone will listen. The Australian public must ask loudly why no one

    in authority is taking notice. Their reticence can only be construed as

    complicity, much as the evidence regarding the Port Arthur evidence regarding

    the massacre being locked up for 50 years, a move unprecedented in Australian

    criminal history, manifests the complicity of the Tasmanian authorities and also

    the federal authorities. It is time that the public began to demand answers to

    these questions. That is, providing we really do want to maintain our freedom!

    Sacrifice is the price of freedom and sadly Australia has lost the ability to

    see the benefit in sacrifice. Let us hope that the national character ha snot

    been permanently damaged. –Ray Smyth

    Extracts from The Nation newspaper

    Copies of ‘The Nation’ newspaper can be ordered by contacting:

    PO Box 1199 Beenleigh Qld 4207

    Ph 07 3287 4440

    Vol.4, edition 11

    Murder – Former navy diver reveals role in Harold Holt mystery

    By Carl D. Thompson

    “Mr Simmons said that he could recall being involved in 14 black operations, for

    which he was drugged and subjected to mind control.”

    * Next month in The Nation, a retired Brisbane engineer reveals why Harold Holt

    was murdered and who was behind the conspiracy.

    Oil big money murdered Holt

    Atomic plan engineer reveals conspiracy

    By Carl D. Thompson

    Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered to prevent the establishment of an

    Australian atomic energy industry, said a retired engineer who was deeply

    involved in the still-born project.

    Brisbane man Colin Law, who was involved in the purchase and importation of

    equipment that was vital to the project, said Harold Holt was murdered on the

    orders international capital, in particular the Rockefeller Foundation.

    In last month’s edition of The Nation, former Royal Australian Navy diver Gary

    Simmons confessed to taking Harold Holt’s body down to the sea floor and

    anchoring it to a weight, on 16 December 1967 as part of an intelligence service

    black operation. The then Prime Minister was reported missing the following day.

    Mr Law said that on 18 December 1967 Harold Holt had been due to announce the

    establishment of a major Australian nuclear energy industry, which would have

    made Australia the Saudi Arabia of atomic energy. He said that Australia would

    have gained dominance of the world’s atomic energy industry quickly and that the

    entire nation would have boomed.

    This was something that could not be allowed to happen because it threatened

    Rockefeller control of the world’s governments and economies through control of

    the energy supply, as well as the international banking system. Mr Law said that

    he was briefed on the matter by the late Sir Philip Baxter, who was the head of

    the Australian Atomic Energy Commission.

    “I was warned that we were being opposed by extremely dangerous people,” Mr Law


    “Sir Philip warned me that there were no limits to what they would do to achieve

    their goals … and that included murdering a Prime Minister of Australia. The

    disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt was no accident. Sir Philip Baxter

    was well brief on this.”

    Mr Law said that Harold Holt had been due to announce the construction of a

    nuclear power station at Jervis Bay. This power station would have provided

    cheap energy to a planned steel mill, which would have broken BHP’s monopoly of

    the Australian steel industry.

    It would also have allowed Australia to produce some of the cheapest steel in

    the world.

    “The project had the full backing of the Holt Government and was due to

    proceed,” Mr Law said. According to Sir Philip, drastic action had to be taken

    to stop the project. Sir Philip Baxter knew all the details and all those who

    were involved.

    Holt murdered by oil barons

    “Naturally, with all the turmoil that followed the disappearance of Harold Holt

    and the change to a Prime Minister who could be bought, the project was


    Mr Law said that the plan to establish an Australian atomic energy industry

    lingered in the background until the Hawke Labor Government was elected. That

    government sold off all the equipment that had been bought and dismantled the

    infrastructure that had been created since the 1960s.

    Mr Law said atomic energy was safe, cheap, clean and the Holt plan would have

    placed Australian in a position of global economic dominance.

    The Holt plan would have created an economic boom for Australia, the likes of

    which had not been seen since the industrial revolution, or the discovery of oil

    in the Middle East.

    He said that the so-called environmentalist movement had been telling lies about

    atomic energy since the 1960s, funded by the same international capitalists who

    controlled the fossil fuel energy supply. The same people who murdered Harold


    “The headquarters is the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam, with funding

    coming from the tax-exempt Rockefeller Rubin Ford Foundation in the United

    States,” Mr Law said.

    “The list of recipients of this funding includes organisations such as

    Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, The World Council of Churches, the Uniting

    Church, the Communist Party of Australia and the Teachers’ Federation. They have

    also created and funded the Aboriginal industry, which they use as a means to

    lock away Australia’s resources and prevent the development of an atomic energy


    Mr Law said the Rockefeller agenda was about political and economic control.

    “Rockefeller controls the world’s major energy resources, especially oil,” Mr

    Law said.

    “In the Northern Hemisphere, especially North America, the average working man

    spends one third of his income on energy, mainly on oil to keep warm during the

    winters. The Rockefeller wealth and power comes from controlling the price of

    world energy and money.

    “The philosophy is to keep the working man poor, by controlling his income

    through the price of energy. When cheap alternatives occur the panic button is

    pressed. Setting up the Rockefeller foundation and the investment of billions of

    dollars a year to fund all the anti groups may seem a lot, but it is peanuts to

    them compared with what is at stake.”

    Excerpted from

    Letter to John Howard, dated 15 Sept. ’03

    advising of denial of Civil and Human Rights.

    Also you will find some information in this letter about ASIS (Australian Secret

    Intelligence Service).

    “… Here is some added information for your Holt inquiry: Why was everyone sent

    on leave from the Navy Diving Team One except for myself before Holt’s

    disappearance? Why weren’t the 12 divers from Team One recalled for the Holt

    search? Why did Team One, before being sent on leave got all the search and

    diving gear together for this search? (I spent 14 months on this team and was

    there three months before the Holts event, which demonstrates that I have

    knowledge of how this Diving Team operates and works.)

    For the past 32 years, a top few at ASIS have been allowed to act like GODS

    where “they” answer to no one and have stop people from inquiring about me. The

    abuse of “their authority” where in the past, it has interfered in the Due

    Process of law was done to conceal my issues and to stop any disclosure or

    acknowledgement of me. This was done to conceal “their” own criminal act of

    fraud, where for years “they” have fraudulently withheld payments and

    entitlements that belong to others and me. These entitlements were to compensate

    and reward us for the losses; we will suffer through our High Security.

    It should be noted that “their” inference in the due process of law, is against

    the High Court ruling of 1984 of A versus Hayden 56 ALR 82. This ruling was

    against “them” and the Federal Government, where it stated no one can break the

    laws of the land and no one can interfere in the due process of law. The High

    Court ruling also states any contract or engagement having a tendency, however

    slight, to affect the administration of justice is illegal and void.

    The way you, your Government and the media have ignored my issues in the past is

    nothing but contemptible where you choose silence over law or fair play. You

    can’t have it both ways with my High Security where: you deny me law yet you

    apply law against me, and where you deny me of my rights, and then you ignore me

    of my entitlements. It should also be remembered that for nearly 30 years I was

    unable to write, spell or speak with clarity after the operation to my throat

    and these are years I can never get back.

    Letter to John Howard, dated 29 Jan ’05

    requesting an ex-gratia payment, or face legal action. — The purpose of these

    letters is to show how these elected members of Parliament would fail in their

    elected duty by ignoring the seriousness of the evidence placed before them.

    The following letter, is Gary’s explanation why this web site exists and without

    interference. — It was faxed to the Prime Minister, the Federal Attorney

    General and the American Consulate (Sydney) on the morning of the 28th February


    26 February 2005

    G. D. Simmons

    15 Ludgate Street

    BANYO QLD 4014


    Mr John Winston Howard

    Prime Minister of Australia

    3-5 National Circuit

    Canberra ACT 2600

    Attention: Mr John Howard Prime Minister

    You are aware by all my previous correspondence, that I have always stated that

    the operation to my throat was illegal and because I gave no consent for it nor

    did I ever give consent to having foreign objects placed in my throat, as shown

    in my CT-Scan.

    I now inform you that I have involved my website under the

    Second Law of the Universe because I have withdrawn my consent to their

    deliberate intent, where I was used for evil purposes.

    The Laws of the Universe are immutable and cannot be changed or distorted. They

    work without question as to whom is applying them and dire consequences for

    those who interfere with them.

    Note; This means there can be no interference with my website or any person

    involved with it or involved with me.

    If you are unable to comprehend the above, I suggest you get in touch with your

    “CONTROLLER” who knows precisely what I am saying, and who is held accountable

    for any interference with the position I have taken under the Second Law of the


    Gary David Simmons

    The Creator is the only one, and will show us how to save our Planet. Remember

    their GOD, your GOD, will be answerable to the Creator.”

    The Australian Libertarian Society (ALS) is an organisation dedicated to the

    principles of individual liberty, free markets and small government.

    PM me if you want a free copy of The Nation

    The Nation, is on a circulation drive. If you have not seen The Nation recently

    and would like a complimentary copy, PM me with a snail mail address and I will

    mail one to you immediately.

    If you want something faster than snail mail, PM me your email address and I

    will send a copy to you as an Adobe PDF. I need your ISP email address, not one

    of the free web-based email services (such as Yahoo, Hotmail and Nightmail)

    because they do not accept attachments.

    The Nation is published every month and is the official voice of the One Nation

    political party.

    It is a tabloid and is currently four pages. Soon it will go up to eight pages.

    An annual subscription costs $18.


    The Nation is published every month and is the official voice of the One Nation

    political party.

    Doesn’t seem to quite correct. This is the email I got.

    Hello ……,

    The Nation Newspaper is not the “Official newsletter” as it claims to be, but is

    put out be the Beenleigh Branch of the Queensland Division. Contacts are:

    Ph. (07) 3287 4440

    Fax: (07) 3287 4448

    Email: onenation @



    Jim Casidy

    President One Nation NSW.

    National Archives of Australia

    Other conspiracy theories regarding Holt’s disappearance

    By Ross Coulthart



    How a scared little country became a nuclear wannabe

    By Tony Stephens

    August 17 2002

    As the Howard Government revs up the rhetoric about a war against Iraq and

    weapons of mass destruction, a new documentary reveals how Australian

    governments pushed for two decades to have their own nuclear weapons.

    The documentary claims the proposed nuclear power station at Jervis Bay was not

    designed primarily to produce energy for domestic consumption, but as the

    centrepiece in a secret plan to fortress Australia with a nuclear arsenal.

    A co-producer of the documentary, Peter Butt, said yesterday that Fortress

    Australia was a “story of a country fearful of its enemies and mistrustful of

    its allies that set out to buy, and ultimately construct, its own nuclear


    He said: “With war against Iraq now likely, it’s timely to confront our own

    sordid past, when we were once a frightened little country heading down exactly

    the same path, without considering the consequences.”

    Andrew Ross, a military analyst with the Australian Defence Studies Centre at

    the University of NSW, said that the notion of Fortress Australia should be put

    in the context of the Cold War, instability in Asia and Australia acting as part

    of the old British Empire. But it was true that “Australian military strategists

    were planning to be able to fight a nuclear war in South-East Asia in the


    The former United Nations weapons inspector Richard Butler drew another

    parallel: “Prime Minister Menzies had lied to Australia about the Vietnam War,

    but we had asked to be invited to join, just as the Howard Government is asking

    to be in a war against Iraq. Then Sir John Gorton, pushed by Sir Philip Baxter,

    Australia’s Dr Strangelove, sought a nuclear option. Now the Howard Government

    wants to spend billions on new strike aircraft.”

    Sir Philip, head of the Atomic Energy Commission, predicted 30 years ago that

    Australia would be a lifeboat after a nuclear war around the turn of the

    century. Most of the northern hemisphere would be uninhabitable and Australians

    would have to fight off an invasion by armed refugees. He urged that “the most

    sophisticated and effective weapons that man could devise” be adopted.

    Fortress Australia, to be screened on ABC on Thursday, draws on previously

    secret documents and rare film, including some bizarre footage taken in 1963 of

    a simulated nuclear test in North Queensland.

    Wayne Reynolds, of Newcastle University, wrote last year in Australia’s Bid for

    the Atom Bomb that Australia had hoped to secure nuclear weapons through the

    United States or Britain, but the big powers agreed to limit their

    proliferation. Dr Reynolds said “Australia’s Manhattan Program” would have

    resulted in an Australian reactor producing weapons-grade plutonium.

    The documentary reveals Baxter wanted Britain to fund a nuclear reactor close to

    the Mary Kathleen uranium mine, in north-west Queensland. In 1965, Menzies asked

    the Atomic Energy Commission to advise on the cost of producing

    nuclear weapons. Baxter thought 30 could be produced in a year.

    In 1966, the prime minister, Harold Holt, thought Australia should be as nuclear

    self-sufficient as possible. In 1967, Baxter sought to restrict uranium sales to

    Britain so that Australia could produce its own bombs.

    Gorton was sworn in as Britain was withdrawing from Asia. He refused to sign the

    Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968 and pushed for the power station at

    Jervis Bay.

    Dr Ross, an assistant to cabinet secretary Sir John Bunting in 1971, said: “We

    couldn’t work out why the government wanted a power station in Jervis Bay. It

    didn’t make sense as an energy source.”

    After succeeding Gorton as prime minister, Billy McMahon scrapped the station.

    Australia signed the treaty. By the mid-1980s, it was a leader in the nuclear

    disarmament campaign.

    “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300″,

    by Dr. John Coleman,

    Let us talk about actual case histories, the attempt to communize and

    de-industrialize Italy. The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall

    be a smaller – much smaller – and better world, that is, their idea of what

    constitutes a better world. The myriad’s of useless eaters consuming scarce

    natural-resources were to be culled (killed). Industrial progress supports

    population-growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the earth found

    in Genesis had to be subverted.

    This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of

    industrial nation states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people,

    referred to by the Committee of 300 as “surplus population,” and the removal of

    any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee’s global planning to

    reach the foregoing objectives.

    Two of the Committee’s earliest targets were Italy and Pakistan. The late Aldo

    Moro, Prime Minister of Italy, was one leader who opposed “zero growth” and

    population-reductions planned for his country, thereby incurring the wrath of

    the Club of Rome commissioned by the “Olympians” to carry-out its policies in

    this regard. In a Rome courtroom on November 10th, 1982, a close friend of

    Moro’s testified that the former prime-minister was threatened by an agent of

    the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), who is also a Committee of

    300 member, while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. The meteoric rise of

    the man the witness named as Kissinger will be dealt with later.

    It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigades

    in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death. It was at the trial of members

    of the Red Brigades that several of them testified to the fact that they knew of

    high-level U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threatening Moro,

    Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. foreign-policy, but rather acting

    according to instructions received from the Club of Rome, the foreign-policy arm

    of the Committee of 300. The witness who delivered the bombshell in open court

    was a close associate of Moro’s, Gorrado Guerzoni.

    His explosive testimony was broadcast over Italian television and radio on

    November l0th, 1982, and printed in several Italian newspapers yet this vital

    information was suppressed in the U.S. Those famous bastions of freedom with a

    compelling right-to-know, the Washington Post and the New York Times, did not

    think it important to even print a single line of Guerzoni’s testimony.

    Nor was the news carried by any of the wire-services or television-stations. The

    fact that Italy’s Aldo Moro had been a leading politician for decades, and who

    was kidnapped in broad daylight in the Spring of 1978, all of his bodyguards

    butchered in cold blood, was not deemed newsworthy, even though Kissinger stood

    accused as an accomplice to these crimes? Or was the silence BECAUSE of

    Kissinger’s involvement?

    In my 1982 exposé of this heinous crime, I demonstrated that Aldo Moro, a loyal

    member of the Christian Democrat Party, was murdered by assassins controlled by

    P2 Masonry with the object of bringing Italy into line with Club of Rome orders

    to de-industrialize the country and considerably reduce its population. Moro’s

    plans to stabilize Italy through full employment and industrial and political

    peace would have strengthened Catholic opposition to Communism and made the

    destabilization of the Middle East – a prime goal – that much harder.

    From the foregoing it becomes clear just how far ahead the conspirators plan.

    They do not think in terms of a Five Year Plan. One needs to go back to

    Weishaupt’s statements about the early Catholic Church to understand what was

    involved in the murder of Aldo Moro. Moro’s death removed the roadblocks to the

    plans to destabilize Italy, and as we now know, enabled conspiracy-plans for the

    Middle East to be carried out in the Gulf War 14 years later.



    Revealing the real motive behind the so-called foreign aid Dr Coleman tells us:

    “One needs to have a clear understanding of just why the fake ‘environmentalist

    movement’, established and financially supported by the Club of Rome’, was

    called upon to wage a war against nuclear energy—with nuclear energy generating

    electricity at cheap rates and in abundant supplies, third world countries would

    gradually become independent of US and IMF aid and begin to assert their

    sovereignty. Dependence on foreign aid actually keeps other countries in

    servitude of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR)”.

    Oil from natural gas

    The Nation, the official newspaper of One Nation, Vol5, Ed.9

    Adelaide University in 1976 financed by Mobil Oil (Rockefeller) invented a

    process to convert natural gas to synthetic fuels. As they did not patent it,

    Mobil used the process to build the Motunui Synthetic fuel plant. Opened in 1986

    this plant takes natural gas from both the offshore Maui and offshore Kapuni gas

    fields and converts the combined gas feed first to methanol and then to

    synthetic gasoline via the Mobile Methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) process.

    Located 20km north of New Plymouth, New Zealand, the plant produces a premium

    unleaded gasoline blendstock suitable for use directly in the transport fuel

    market. The total annual production from the plant is equivalent to about one

    third of the New Zealand gasline market. When combined with the production of

    condensates associated with the off-take of Maui and Kapuni gas, plus the use of

    CNG and LPG as a fuel, this has enabled New Zealand to achieve almost 50% self

    sufficiency in petroleum products, a significant shift from the situation in the

    early 1980s when the country was 85% dependent on foreign oil.

    Australia also has vast natural gas fields and gas from the is sold as ‘Autogas’

    (LPG) which is either refined from natural gas or blended with the propane, the

    by-product of oil refining which is normally burnt off into the atmosphere.

    Rather than using the MTG process, it is converted to a liquid by pressuring it

    to 150 psi and stored in a separate tank. A converter returns it to a gas, which

    is injected into the engine.

    This way it costs only about three cents per litre, however this must be

    compared with the cost of producing oil which provides about 280 litres of fuel

    per barrel, Bass Strait oil costs less than $3 a barrel to produce.

    Fuel reprocessing

    The Nation, the official newspaper of One Nation, Vol5, Ed.9

    Monday 15th August 05: The ABC ‘Four Corners’ programme on the electricity

    generation industry was the usual well-orchestrated litany of lies and

    half-truths which the CFR’s influenced Peter Garret circulates on this topic.

    The programme was in fact a beat up to promote the Kyoto scam, and the lie about

    harmless carbon dioxide that is essential for plant life. The real deadly

    by-product is sulphur dioxide, which kills plant life (forests) and does not


    The ABC showed only the older side of the industry, highlighting the by-product

    storage from it, maybe this was intentional or maybe its because the industry no

    longer makes it latest technology public. The truth is, with new reactor

    technology and re-processing, what little is left is encapsulated in the small

    slug shown above with final decay life now being reduced to a minimum.

    What is not clearly understood is that the CFR through their foundations, fund

    Greenpeace and other anti-nuclear power as the biggest threat to their control

    over the price of energy (oil),. Over 40% of household income in North America

    is spent on oil just to keep warm in the winter. Their control of the media is

    used to promote the lie of shortages to justify their greed for price increases,

    this is apparent when you go to fill up at the fuel pump.

    Through their control of the IMF it has now been revealed that a 10% slush fund

    is available to control our two party system of government. This has resulted in

    the dismantling of the National Energy Research Development Corporation and the

    sell out of the control of our vast energy resources to foreign control. OPEC

    pricing, excise taxes and GST give us the highest domestic fuel prices of all of

    the fuel exporting countries.

    Unlike he Arab OPEC countries where fuel is only a few cents a litre, our

    government exploits us to further CFR globalist greed.

    Lets examine the lies about the prospect of a nuclear waste dump in Australia.

    To start with there is o such thing as waste in the nuclear industry, spent fuel

    is in storage waiting reprocessing. With the older reactors it was not possible

    to fully recycle all the fuel, tis resulted in this minute amount needing to be


    To this end the Australian National University developed the Synroc process that

    encapsulates this material into a small disc that can be held in your hand. For

    safety it is normally buried in an area of safe stable earth structure where it

    can be left to decay back to a harmless state.

    here has been many lies circulated about decay life, however from confidential

    information I had before retiring, this decay life had been reduced from years

    down to weeks and maybe now hours.

    The latest reactors coming into service are far more efficient than the older

    ones, especially those operating in the old eastern block communist countries.

    The Fast Breeder types recycle spent fuel and are the closest thing to a

    complete renewable energy cycle.

    The reprocessing of nuclear fuel is worth $ billions, however control over the

    complete fuel cycle is worth $ trillions. Australia has over 40% of the world’s

    known supplies of uranium. By mining and enriching it then producing fuel rods

    for lease to the world’s nuclear power stations on condition the spent fuel is

    returned to us for reprocessing, not only gives us control over the complete

    nuclear cycle, it is also worth more than all the Arab oil combined. There are

    now over 441 nuclear power stations operating around the world in about 37

    countries with another 72 on the way. Nuclear power drives most modern navies

    and space vehicles. It will eventually power most shipping and supply water via

    desalination plants.

    Australia has the resources, the knowledge and even the equipment to undertake

    such a project, this I can assure you of as I did play a part in obtaining it.

    Australia should export more uranium according to the resources Minister Ian

    MacFarlane in responding to news that the Labor Party backed the idea of

    increasing sales to Communist China.

    However what he failed to mention was that uranium should not be exported as

    yellow cake, it should be processed here to fuel rods and then leased on

    condition that the spent rods are returned for reprocessing.

    This then provides us with complete control. Currently there is only the useless

    non-proliferation agreement that was drawn up by the Rockefellers to protect

    their oil interest from competition.

    The choice is simple, we can go forward and become one of the wealthy countries

    and at the same time play our part in defusing explosive world situation which

    are all caused by perceived shortages of energy. The other alternative is to

    believe all the lies and propaganda of the CFR and keep giving away our

    resources and jobs, increasing our debt until we eventually lose control of our

    country. Remember, it is all about the struggle for power, organisations that

    are powerful enough to dispose of a prime minister and use their slush funds to

    buy others, will do all in their power to retain control of Australia.

    Write to your local Federal and State Member of Parliament. Ask them to bring

    back ‘Energy and Oil Cost price regulation’.

    Recently the editor wrote to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

    asking for an explanation of how pricing for petrol and other fuel products was

    determined, given that it seemed logical that some Australian agency should be

    overseeing the maximum retail amount that could be charged to customers.

    The answer I received pointed out that (quote) “Prior to 1 August 1998 the ACCC

    endorsed the maximum wholesale prices for petrol and diesel of the major and

    established freight differentials. On that day petrol and diesel prices were

    deregulated and wholesalers are now free to set their own prices based on market

    conditions.” (end quote)

    The reply went on to say that – Petrol and diesel are internationally traded

    commodities. As such, if prices in Australia were lower than international

    prices, domestic producers would have an incentive to export them overseas,

    which could lead to shortages in Australia. Australia currently imports around

    15% of total petrol consumed in Australia, for which refiners would have to pay

    the international price.

    Therefore, I believe we should ask, how much do refiners pay for locally sources

    oil? And it becomes obvious that we are being ripped off by petrol companies who

    gain the extra profit by buying cheaper local product and selling at

    international retail prices. Of course, the federal government also benefits

    from the higher taxes gained from artificially inflated retail prices.

    The letter closed with (quote), “The issue of regulation of prices is one for

    the Australian Government to determine. You should address your question to the

    Australian Treasury.” (end)

    One Nation asks all readers to do just that, write to the Treasury and ask them

    to set a local retail maximum price for petrol and diesel based on actual local

    wholesale prices paid by refiners, and legislate to control the price of

    exported product at international prices to avoid chicanery from the industry.

    I suggest the answer you get will confirm who controls the Australian Government

    and its ministers.

    The Nation, the official newspaper of One Nation, Vol5, Ed.9


    Synfuel or synthetic fuel is a process of converting hydrocarbons into petrol.

    Feedstock to efficiently do this is either coal or natural gas. Of the many

    other various processes of producing synthetic fuels, most fail as the cost of

    the feedstock is greater than the output and thus require $ billions in

    government subsidies.

    First we take a look at ‘Oil from coal’, as Australia has huge resources of

    coal. The question is, can it be converted to a liquid fuel at an economical


    Oil from coal

    One of the prime causes of Germany’s defeat in WWI was its lack of petroleum.

    German leaders resolved never again to be dependent upon outside world for

    gasoline. Germany may not have had oil deposits within its territory, but it did

    have abundant reserves of coal. One of the first goals of the German chemists

    after the war therefore, was to find a way to convert coal into gasoline.

    By 1920 Dr Bergius had discovered ways to make large quantities of hydrogen and

    force it, under great pressure, high temperatures and in the presence of

    specific catalysts, into liquid coal products. The final steps into refined

    gasoline were then assured. It was only a matter of perfecting the hydrogenation

    process – IG suddenly was in the oil business.

    Farben used its vitally important new discovery to open doors that led to the

    creation of a worldwide cartel, “Frank Howard of Standard Oil was invited to

    visit the great Baldische plant at Ludwigshafen in March of 19266. What he saw

    was astounding – gasoline from coal! In a near state of shock, he wrote to

    Walter Teagle, president of Standard Oil:

    “Based upon my observations and discussions today, I think that this matter is

    the most important which has ever faced the company. “The Baldische can make

    high-grade motor oil fuel from lignite and other low quality coals, in amounts

    up to half the weight of the coal. This means absolutely the independence of

    Europe on the matter of gasoline supply. Straight price competition is all that

    is left …” I shall not attempt to cover any details, but I think this will be

    evidence of my state of mind.”

    During the three years that followed, intense negotiations took place between

    Farben and Standard Oil. These resulted in the ‘marriage’ of the two industrial

    giants on November 9, 1929. Under the agreement, Standard Oil was given a

    one-half share of all rights to the hydrogenation process in all countries

    except Germany. Standard gave Farben 546,000 shares of its stock valued t more

    than $30,000,000. Both parties agreed never to compete with each other in the

    fields of chemistry and petroleum production. The goal was to remove competition

    and to guarantee a surge in profits.

    The Nation newspaper (8 pages) – PO Box 1199, Beenleigh 4207,

    email onenation @, Ph. (07) 3287 4440