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9/11 Terrorist Prince Andrew Criticised over New York Trip

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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  • Oct 6, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    Prince Andrew criticised over US trip that coincides with Princess Eugenie’s arrival in New York

    Every father would want to be there for his daughter as she settles into a new home and job in America. But only the Duke of York can rely on the taxpayer to help cover the cost of the trip.

    Gordon Rayner By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter10:00PM BST 04 Oct 2013Follow

    The Duke of York has been criticised after he used an official tour partly funded by the taxpayer to help Princess Eugenie settle in to her new home in the US.

    He is in New York carrying out a series of official engagements, but has also used the trip to visit his daughter and take her out for dinner as she starts a new job with an auction house.

    It is the latest leg of a round the world tour which was not publicised in advance, details of which have only emerged in daily court circular notices issued by Buckingham Palace after the event.

    The Duke, nicknamed Air Miles Andy for his non-stop globetrotting, had visited Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan before arriving in New York on Wednesday.

    He was spotted later that day taking his daughter out for dinner at the ABC restaurant, hours after his ex-wife the Duchess of York had left New York after spending two days with Eugenie.

    A spokesman for the Duchess said: “Their schedules worked so they were both able to be there at the time that Eugenie was moving to New York.

    “If the Duke was there at the same time it would have been because he wanted to be there when his daughter was moving away for a year.”

    Buckingham Palace, however, insisted the timing of the Duke’s visit was a coincidence, saying he was in New York primarily to attend the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guard and Airmen’s Club ball.

    He has also attended a lunch at the British consul’s residence and a forum for entrepreneurs.

    Princess Eugenie, 23, has just started her new job working for the fine art auctioneer Paddle8, run by old Etonian Alexander Gilkes.

    The first leg of the Duke’s globe-circling trip was entirely funded by the taxpayer. Since he left Indonesia, the Duke’s expenses and those of his personal staff travelling with him have been partly paid by the Duke and partly by the Royal United Services Institute, which he has been representing, but the cost of his Scotland Yard bodyguards is taxpayer-funded at all times.

    The golf-loving Duke has managed to fit plenty of down time into his schedule – between Sep 18 and Sep 29 he carried out engagements on four days in Vietnam and Indonesia, but had eight days of “private time”.

    Buckingham Palace has refused to say what he was doing on his numerous days off.

    The Duke resigned from his role as the UK’s trade ambassador in 2011 following a series of scandals over his business contacts, but he continues to make long-haul trips at public expense.

    The Labour MP Paul Flynn said: “It seems extraordinary that Prince Andrew is still allowed to plunder the public coffers. If he is on a trip visiting his family obviously he should pay the full cost of that himself, including security.”

    Matthew Sinclair, chief executive of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: “Taxpayers will wonder why they are paying for the Prince’s gallivanting across the globe, given that he is no longer a UK trade envoy.

    “Even if part of the journey is privately funded, the timing of it is sure to raise eyebrows. With all the necessary protection costs paid for by taxpayers, it’s time Prince Andrew reduced the bill for his travelling.”

    Until his latest world tour, the Duke appeared to be reducing his travelling. Having clocked up 77,000 miles in his final year as trade ambassador and 93,500 miles the year after he gave up the job, his travelling had been cut by almost two thirds in 2012/13 to 37,000 miles.

    He will, however, have travelled 21,625 miles in less than three weeks by the time he returns to London from his current trip.

    The issue of royal spending, including the cost of royal travel, will be scrutinised on Oct 14 when Sir Alan Reid, Keeper of the Privy Purse, will appear before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.

    One Response to 9/11 Terrorist Prince Andrew Criticised over New York Trip

    1. theunhivedmind says:

    October 6, 2013 at 3:47 am

    How interesting is this people? Was the whole relationship split/divorce a hoax and veil to aid the execution of the future 9/11 attacks? Prince Andrew was a commander over the air attacks that day on September 11th 2001. Prince Andrew’s, Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigatorsdesigned the attacks in New Jerusalem within the City of London aided by very experienced Sir Timothy Garden the loyal follower of Great Master, Prince Charles in the powerful, The Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath. The Royal Canadian Air Force executed the air attacks with Bombardier Master Trust under the power of The Hudson’s Bay Companyserving The City.

    One of Prince Andrew’s goals was to remove the $73 trillion a year carbon trading platform and number one carbon trading software away from the U.S. Navy and their Office of Naval Intelligence working with Cantor Fitzgerald in World Trade Center 1 building. Who rented space in Cantor Fitzgerald as Prince Andrew’s spy? Sarah Ferguson rented space off Howard Lutnick to be present in Cantor Fitzgerald on the symbolic 101st (11) floor of the north tower using the guise of her Chances For Children charity. Sarah Ferguson has been involved with the SOS Children’s Villages which supply elite figures with children for paedophilia and snuff purposes as well as to aid blackmailing of politicians and influential guiding stars. Now the inside job is complete the sham can be stopped and no one will be none the wiser.

    If it was a Russian Granit missile rather than an AGM-12c which destroyed the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon on 9/11 then we would be dealing with the missile being fired from the ocean either by a submarine or an adapted ship. The missiles stolen from the Kursk were obviously submarine underwater versions and not the above ground version. In this case we would need to focus on either The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights or the Honourable Company of Master Mariners. Take a look at who masters the Shipwrights today and it is Prince Charles, the Great Master of The Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath and his father the black Prince, the Duke of Edinburgh. These are the covert heads of British SS (MI5) and British SIS (MI6) in that order also aided by the Duke of Kent and his The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Make a note that Prince Andrew is also a member of the Shipwrights.

    -= The Unhived Mind


    Picture of Prince Andrew with CIA Director Leon Panetta (Knight of Malta)