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Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson find love again

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  • Aug 25, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    Duke of York finds love again…with old flame the Duchess of York

    The Duchess of York is said to have rekindled her romance with her former husband, the Duke of York.

    By Richard Eden9:00PM BST 24 Aug 2013CommentsComments…with-old-flame-the-Duchess-of-York.html

    Friends claim that the couple are so close that they will eventually formalise their reunion.

    “Mark my words, they will remarry,” said one friend. “It is only a matter of time.”

    Another said: “It wouldn’t surprise me at all. They are a wonderful couple together and, better still, pretty amazing parents.”

    The couple have remained close since they divorced in 1996 and both live at Royal Lodge, the former country home of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, in Berkshire.

    They joined Beatrice, 25, and her sister, Princess Eugenie, 23, for the weekend at Balmoral, the Queen’s Scottish retreat, earlier this month.

    The Duchess, 53, was at Balmoral in 1992 when a tabloid newspaper published photographs of her having her toes sucked by John Bryan, her “financial adviser”.

    She had not been invited back to the castle until this month.

    In little-noticed comments in 2009, Prince Andrew, also 53, said he did not rule out remarrying the Duchess.

    “Do we have to be married?” he asked. “Well, let’s put it another way, I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility. We have two great children. We still look after them.”

    The Duke has been linked to a string of women over the years, but none of the relationships has endured. The Duchess’s friendships have, similarly, faltered.

    In 1999, the Duchess told an interviewer: “There was no reason for Andrew and I to get divorced; there wasn’t another person in our lives to go to. We got divorced because I had to go out to work, and Andrew and I believed that it wasn’t right for me to be commercial while I was still in the Royal family.

    “I had to provide for my children, but not do it on their own doorstep in this country, rubbing the Royal family’s noses in my commerciality.”

    Prince Andrew has never criticised his ex-wife and has provided financial support when she has needed it.

    A spokesman for the Duchess declined to comment.

    One Response to Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson find love again

    1. theunhivedmind says:

    August 25, 2013 at 2:54 am

    How interesting is this people? Was the whole divorce split a whole hoax and veil to aid then future 9/11 attacks? Prince Andrew was a commander over the air attacks that day on September 11th 2001. Prince Andrew’s, Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigatorsdesigned the attacks in New Jerusalem within the City of London. The Royal Canadian Air Force carried out the attack with Bombardier Master Trust under the power of The Hudson’s Bay Companyserving The City.

    One of Prince Andrew’s goals was to remove the $73 trillion a year carbon trading platform and number one carbon trading software away from the U.S. Navy and Office of Naval Intelligence working with Cantor Fitzgerald in World Trade Center 1. Who rented space in Cantor Fitzgerald as Prince Andrew’s spy? Sarah Ferguson rented space off Howard Lutnick to be present in Cantor Fitzgerald on the symbolic 101st (11) floor of WTC1 using the guise of her charity, Chances For Children. May I remind you that Sarah Ferguson has been involved with SOS Children’s Villages which supply elite figures children for paedophilia, snuff purposes as well as blackmail of politicians and influential guiding stars. Now the inside job is complete the sham can be stopped and no one will be none the wiser.

    If it was a Russian Granit missile which destroyed the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon on 9/11 then we would be dealing with the missile being fired from the ocean either by a submarine or an adapted ship. Either way we would need to focus on either The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights or the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.

    -= The Unhived Mind


    Picture of Prince Andrew with CIA Director Leon Panetta (Knight of Malta)