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Section 13 has been Repealed! Bill C-304 passed Third Reading in the Senate[Canada]

Marc Lemire

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June 26, 2013

News is just breaking across Twitter that the Senate of Canada has finally passed third-reading on Bill C-304, which is an Act to repeal the censorship provision – Section 13 of the Canadian "Human Rights" Act.


Section 13 makes it an offence to "likely" "expose" privileged groups to "hatred and/or contempt." There are NO defences under Section 13!  Even truth and intent are considered irrelevant to a finding of discrimination. The law was enacted in 1977 in order to silence a man named John Ross Taylor for messages he recorded onto his telephone answering machine. In the intervening 32 years, not a single person who has been hauled up on Section 13 charges has ever been acquitted - a 100% conviction rateSection 13 has been used and abused since its inception.



Here are a few selected Tweets about it:


Brian Storseth@BrianStorsethMP : Thx to Sen. Finley for his work on C-304 his commitment and work on making Canada a freer country, will be his legacy! #cpc2013 #C304


Michelle Rempel, MP@MichelleRempel  : Congrats to @BrianStorsethMP, whose PMB (C-304), I have on good authority just passed @senateca on third reading.


Brian Lilley@brianlilley : Just being told Bill C-304 to repeal the dreaded section 13 of the Human Rights Act has been passed. A good step for free speech. #cdnpoli




More information to come tonight as information is posted to the Senate's website.


You can see Brian Storseth's testimony from yesterday Senate committee on Bill C-304 and why Section 13 is such an affront to freedom and liberty


June 25, 2013: MP Brian Storseth testifies before Senate on why Section 13 needs to be repealed


Watch his full testimony at:

This is a great day for Freedom!

-Marc Lemire
