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Dame of Malta, Elizabeth Mary II to sign Equal Rights Charter for the Commonwealth

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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March 10, 2013 3:29 pm TheUnhivedMind 1 Comment

10 March 2013 Last updated at 14:40

Queen to sign equal rights charter

The Queen is to sign a new charter on Monday backing equal rights in every Commonwealth nation.

The monarch will sign the 16-point document at an event in London to mark Commonwealth Day.

The document declares: “We are implacably opposed to all forms of discrimination, whether rooted in gender, race, colour, creed, political belief or other grounds.”

It was adopted in December by all 54 Commonwealth nations.

The 16 areas of affirmation cover democracy, rule of law, international security and freedom of expression.

Prime Minister David Cameron has in the past pressed Commonwealth leaders on the issue of gay rights.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “At a Commonwealth event on Monday, the Queen will sign a charter agreed upon by the 54 members of the Commonwealth.

“The Queen, as in all matters, is apolitical but is signing the document in her capacity as head of the Commonwealth.”

Sources close to the royal household said the Queen would not give her personal endorsement to the charter because of her apolitical status.

It will be the Queen’s first official engagement since leaving hospital earlier this week, where she was treated for gastroenteritis.

TheUnhivedMind on March 10, 2013 at 3:39 pm said:

Notice how the media and system constantly try to play down the false-monarch’s role in everything she does. Dame of Malta, Elizabeth Mary II is the second most powerful Monarch on Earth behind King Juan Carlos of Spain and his House of Bourbon the oldest monarchy on Earth other than the Emperor of Japan. Elizabeth II has all the old pre-Cromwell powers since these were secretly regained by the Monarchy with the signing of the English Bill of Rights in 1689. Nothing happens within Britain without her say so just as in days of old except this power is well veiled today. Elizabeth Mary II is a Princess of the new un-Holy Roman Empire commanded by the Holy See powers and the Curia Generalizia in Borgo Santo Spirito.

When these elites sign anything with a pen and wet signature in ink this means they fully endorse it as they are giving their full will and testament by doing so. These people do not take signing documents lightly I assure you, especially the hidden living documents signed in blood such as the Papal Bulls of old (on sacrificed childrens’ skins), they still do this today but it is hidden by copies to cover-up the continual criminal actions.

So what does this mean? It means you have Elizabeth Mary II endorsing homosexuality and gay marriage etc. The Church of England is against homosexuality and gay marriage as a whole and yet its supposed head is now signing and endorsing homosexuality. Not surprising really with the hypocrisy of these cretins not to mention the Uranian third sex agenda in the Age of Ma’at to aid the destruction of both class and gender in one, whilst also lowering and controlling the population levels.

May I also point out that the Commonwealth is actually communism and we all know the connection between socialism and communism. Now you must understand that the system of future will be a World socialist system and this is one of the reasons they are trying to manage population growth in order for it to succeed, otherwise its doomed to the toilet bowel as it should be.

-= The Unhived Mind