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T. Stokes London

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June 12, 2012


The recent celebrations with many street parties and decorated homes across the country signal the queens Diamond Jubilee, where she has presided for 60 years over the deconstruction of the UK, and before the wreckage of W W II was even cleared away we were already importing in foreign nationals to compete with our own men returning from the war for the few jobs and homes available, the government proclaimed this was necessary as our men were too lazy to work after they fought a horrific war for this same racist government.

But what exactly are we celebrating? Maybe the prospect of yet more needless wars to inflict on Syria Lebanon and Iran what we did to Iraq and Libya, the Daily Telegraph claims the cost of the Jubilee was underestimated at £9:3 billion, and the zionist Olympics has already soared to £24 billion while British people have to tighten their belts even further, with rising food and utility bills, financial pundits tell us that since Gordon Browns leadership of New Labour, taxation both visible and invisible takes a massive 7 months wages from each person in work annually, so we may not be allowed jobs in our own country but we sure can have a queens Jubilee and zionist Olympics, the stadium was built with foreign labour while we had builders sitting idly on the dole, many of our young owe student grants so large they can never be paid off, and the suicide rate among this age group is tragically large.

The Christian rough sleeper’s coalition says it cannot cope with the huge numbers of British nationals becoming homeless, and the morning hot soup round often finds people have died in the night, while we spend this summer £35 billion on the queen and so called sport.

 The celebrations are a massive distraction from what is really going on, some hospitals and libraries are now being manned by unpaid volunteers, because we are told there is no cash left in the national kitty, and any jobs are immediately funneled to immigrants who send the money back home out of the country, so under the Queens reign we have seen the dismantling and destruction by British politicians of the greatest empire ever seen, this attack on its own people has shown successive governments to be rotten to the core and not serving the electorate, have we heard one peep out of the queen about all this ?

No we have not.

Only one patriotic man the whistleblower Mike James has voiced his disapproval and has just thankfully broken his hunger strike for Britian to leave the EU and its awful debt crisis.

The Queen and the government is way out of touch with its own electorate, and just as turkeys don’t look forward to Christmas, we should not be cheering the huge financial waste of £35 billion  this summer.

T Stokes London