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Corruption by the Ruling Elite

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March 17, 2012

This included the cover up by our current Governor General and involved the sustained raping of a part Aborigine girl.

Are you going to vote for the Labor party again?

Vote out the major parties and restore good government to our land again.


The Australian Beacon

Page 6

Issue 69 - November 2011

Condoning Child Abuse!

Who can blame Queenslanders for viewing the political system with disdain when the politicians making decisions over our lives are involved in handing out tax­payer's money to cover up crimes in which they themselves are involved?

A young 14-year-old girl named Annette was pack raped at the John Oxley Detention Centre in 1990. That same young lady has recently been handed $120,000 of taxpayer's money, but the case was never brought to Court. In fact, the evidence was destroyed by the Goss Labor Government's Cabinet before it could be brought to Court, a Cabinet which included Kevin Rudd, and this crime (shredding) involved a host of characters which now occupy positions of power, such as our Governor-General, Quentin Bryce.

When a member of the Queensland Parliament, Mr. Aiden McLindon, asked a very legiti­mate and pertinent question as to who authorised this payment of taxpayer funds, and what was the reason and the conditions of the payment, the question was ruled out of order. In another bizarre twist, the Parliamentary Commi­ttee chair, Paul Hoolihan, shut the proceedings, and after a backroom debate ruled that the committee charged with Community Affairs could not hear the question. In other words, the people of Queensland are not to be told why their money has been handed out to a victim of crime - it's none of their business!

If this is allowed to go unchal­lenged, then politicians have gained the right to cover up their crimes with impunity and use tax­payer's funds as they please.

In a speech on the initial con­spiracy, the late Sir. Harry Gibbs GCMG, AC, KBE, QC, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia said, Quote - "That a prima facie offence existed against all those who were involved in the 1990 shredding of the Heiner Inquiry documents to prevent known use as evidence in fore­shadowed judicial proceedings. My argument is based on the enduring principles upon which the rule of law stands, i.e. equality before the law, ignorance of the law not being an excuse, and that the law should be applied consis­tently and predictably in material­ly similar circumstances.

In upholding these democratic principles without fear or favour, public confidence is maintained in government and thereby dissuades aggrieved citizens from taking the law into their own hands. It is called "government by the rule of  law, not of men."     The late Sir Harry Gibbs


     Section 129 of the Criminal Code (Qld) - destruction of evidence - provides that: "Any person who, knowing that any book, document, or other thing of any kind, is or may be required in evidence in a judicial proceeding, wilfully destroys it or renders it illegible or undecipherable or incapable of identification, with intent thereby to prevent it from being used in evidence, is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment." Unquote.

Successive Queensland Labor Governments have refused to lis­ten to Gibbs and other eminent Judges. WHY? This Heiner Affair has been a growing cancer on the face of Australian politics and has been adopted into the curriculum of Queensland State Schools and international curriculums as an extreme example of conspiracy and government cover-ups. What good are our Police when they continue to do the bidding, without censure, of the criminals who call themselves honourable men? So, while international students study the depths of depravity to which our politicians sink, ordinary Queenslanders continue to be conditioned to see no alternative to the two party system and the power exerted by Brisbane..