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From:  Admin

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 07:53:42 +1000

To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Subject: Fw: GILLARD

     Does anyone know how to  verify if the info below is accurate and  true?


 Surely must be the time to write to the  Department of Social Security to insist that we are  ALL paid the same equal  amount as these illegal economic  go-getters?



           THIS  IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         In  Queensland, 200,000 persons were displaced because  of the floods and cyclones in February 2011 as  well as since then, because some areas in the Far  North  still flood every  time it rains  in the wet season.


Two  hundred and forty nine million dollars  ($249,000,000) were raised in the second largest  public appeal since the Victorian bushfires of two  summers ago. More than $300,000,000 was raised  Australia-wide for those fire victims. In BOTH  cases money still has NOT been distributed -- or  it has been allocated to public areas which it is  assumed were NEVER intended to receive money that  was raised for the benefit of individual  Australians and Australian families displaced by  either fire or flood.


On  Christmas Island, illegal immigrants -- boat  people -- call them what you will, SET FIRE TO THE  ACCOMMODATION THEY were given by the Australian  government and now they will be housed in first  class hotels and motels ON THE MAINLAND while  tax-paying Australians are still displaced in  their thousands! Read what I received in my inbox,  below.

If your hair is now BLACK, it will  turn WHITE by the time you finish. If you have a  full head of hair, be prepared to wake up BALD,  tomorrow, when you fully grasp the situation.  



                         DID  YOU  KNOW??




   Three  hundred boat people have been housed  at the  RAAF Sherger Air Base in  Weipa.


All are being  accepted into  Australia.

 All are  men.

 All receive  the pension same as our pensioners  ˆ

 All  get the  same amount again for  hardship payment ˆ this equals twice what our  pensioners get!

 All receive  an extra $50 a day for spending  money.

 Security  staff are employed to watch  them.

 Chefs are  employed to feed them (one quarter of a tonne of  chicken a day alone is  cooked.

 They won't pick up their own  rubbish.

There was a massive dispute because they  didn't like the radio  station..

Another dispute because batteries were  flat for the Nintendo  games.

Tents set up for mosque prayers had to be  air  conditioned.

The Bores/Wells set up to run RAAF  Sherger adequately, are now dry because taps are  left running all day  long.

Sewerage systems now blocked with condoms  (???) supplied  to them  .....

(and  all of them are men  remember).

 Dept of  Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) wants the  Dept of Defence to pay all of the bills, so that  the Government can hide the  costs of  allowing three hundred refugees into the  country, from tax paying  Australians.

Australian  taxpayers need to  know.

             Now.. the  PM wants to introduce another  tax to pay  for the floods,

 Because  the Government does not have enough money to  look after its own taxpayers, but has heaps to  give away to other countries and these illegal  border hoppers.

  What  is wrong with this  government??.


"Congratulations"  Gillard  ...  

      Every day you are in power is  another day of debt and destruction for us  Australians -- the TAX  PAYERS!

You should  pass this on, just in case you have friends who  really do have their heads in the  sand.