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T. Stokes London

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Jan. 3, 2012




Much has been written about Rupert Murdoch’s massive worldwide telephone and mail hacking of celebrities, sportsmen politicians and military servicemen who were all put under secret surveillance, but activity of this kind on such a large scale cannot be kept in-house, and a London private detective while collecting information for a society divorce, claimed both Tony Blair’s and Gordon Browns marriages are shams, also the investigator stumbled on unhealthy links between Tony Blair and Rupert Murdoch.

Tony Blair repeatedly refused to condemn Murdoch's phone and mail hacking and actually put on pressure to silence Tom Watson the New Labour M.P who helped expose the criminal goings on, and Blair and Murdoch are so close that Tony Blair is actually godfather to Murdoch’s daughter Grace.

New Labour was from start to finish a Rothschild Zionist front organisation, and they fund Murdoch's empire with USA taxpayer’s money.

Murphy-Fawkes the N.S.A whistleblower claimed the USA tapped Tony and Cheries phones from day one, as they saw him as a " Pinocchio" figure lightweight unreliable and unstable, because the NSA partly funds the British GCHQ they have access to everything they have from telephones and emails worldwide, and we now know from GCHQ traffic that Tony was brought to power for just one reason, the Iraq war and that Tony sanctioned the murder of Dr.David Kelly as Kelly refused to lie about WMDs in Iraq.

The private investigator while working with telephone intercepts also has print outs which claims Tony Blair's prior knowledge of Princess Diana's death, he has been to the police who just fob him off and say investigations are already in hand, strangely some days later his home was burgled and relevant papers disappeared, as did blogger Colin Carswell who covered it, Colin claims that Rebekah Brookes Nicole Kidman and Carol Caplin are all Jews connected to Blair and Murdoch and all working for Israel.

When Tessa Jowell was culture secretary she was tasked with investigating and regulating Murdoch's News International, she had her phone tapped her mail read and a bug and camera installed in her home, and Murdoch apparatchik Rebekah Brookes said to both Tom Watson and Tessa Jowell unless the investigation into the Murdoch activities stopped, they would be hounded for the rest of their lives scandals both true and untrue would appear about them and their families in the Murdoch press.

Murdoch had people tap the phones of families of murder victims such as Millie Dowler, and a slush fund was set up to buy off any more court cases and bad publicity.

The unanswered questions about why tap phones and mail of army servicemen and 9/11 and 7/7 bombing victims, appears to be too check everyone is still onside and not looking under the veil, any serviceman or journalists who get too close and who speak out on criminal activity has accidents, the Pat Tillman case is one in particular.

I live in a Jewish area of London and more and more Jewish people are breaking ranks and speaking out and asking when will British people see the human vermin who govern them? When will they stop supporting their own financial ruin and racist foreign wars ?

T Stokes London