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Former Marion County Sheriff Utterback And Wife Arrested In Court For Challenging Court Jurisdiction

For Challenging Court Jurisdiction

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From: Roger Weidner:

Pamela Gaston:


Prineville, Crook County, Oregon - On Tuesday, March 2, 2004 Former Marion County Sheriff Jack Utterback and his wife Dixie appeared in the Crook County Courtroom of Judge DANIEL AHERN. The Utterbacks had been ordered to appear to stand trial for numerous zoning code violations. The ordeal the Utterbacks have endured at the hands of an arrogant and abusive county was described by the Utterbacks when they appeared February 24, 2004 before a Special Grand jury was reconvened by former attorney and public prosecutor Roger Weidner to investigate the wide spread corruption in the Oregon court system. The sworn testimony of corruption and abuse given by Weidner, and other victims of state abuse and systemic fraud, including the testimony of the Utterbacks and others at that hearing appeared on and under GRAND JURY HEARS FEDERAL COURT TESTIMONY. (See Link at end of article)

After the February 24 hearing, Jack Utterback, his wife Dixie and Roger Weidner and Jamie Jackson went to Oregon Chief Justice Wallace Carsons office in the Oregon Supreme Court Building to meet with him again about the severe corruption problem in the Oregon court system. Jack Utterback told those with him that he had gone to gradeschool with Judge Carson and knew him when he was Marion County Sheriff and Carson was in private law practice. Judge Carsons assistant politely told Utterback that Judge Carson was "tied up" and could not meet with him.

Two days later on February 27, 2004 Pamela and Will Gaston and Roger Weidner appeared before the Oregon Law Commission, whose members included Judge Carson and Atty. Gen. Hardy Meyers, and presented them all with the story appearing on this website about the Grand Jury in the federal hearing.

Before the March 2, 2004 hearing in Prinevile, on March 1, 2004 at 5pm, Utterback, Weidner and Will Gaston were, after repeated request, able to meet outside the Prineville Police Department with Under Sheriff Jim Hensley. Weidner explained to Hensley that he was a former public prosecutor who has been fighting the corruption in the Oregon court system for years. Weidner told Hensley that the judges openly admit that their courts are not constitutional courts of "due process". Weidner told Hensley that he and thousands of other outraged citizens are determined to restore constitutional government to the citizens of Oregon. Hensley was pleasant and understanding as Weidner explained the current court corruption problem to him, namely that people were, and still are, having their children, land and other property shamelessly stripped from them by corrupt judges in "sham" often "star chamber" type proceedings devoid of even a semblance of constitutionally guaranteed "due process" of law. Hensley listened respectfully as Weidner explained to him the nature of the problem and that the citizens will not and cannot allowed the corruption to continue.

The Utterbacks entered the courtroom with 7 supporters including Weidner, Gaston, Patricia Wishon, Jason Wheeler, Tony Martin and Wishon's sister and husband. Weidner told everyone to remain standing until the judge came in so there would be no voluntary public acknowledgement when Judge Ahern entered the room. While standing Weidner obtained the name of Dep. DA RAMEY and court guards Sgt RUSS WRIGHT and Under Sheriff HENSLEY. Judge Ahern entered the room and only Ramey moved when Ahern entered the court. Ahern in a stern orderly way read the Utterback case number into the record. Dixie and Jack stepped forward and she informed Ahern that Jack was hard of hearing and she would be speaking.

Dixie Utterback then at the prompting of Weidner read into the record the information in the Special Appearance she had filed with the court. Utterback read Supreme Court caselaw in that document that states if the jurisdiction is challenged all proceedings must cease until jurisdiction is established. This is the most basic right of a freeborn people to insure that constitutioanl judicial due process is being adhered to. Utterback said it was not a lawful court if the jurisdiction could not be stated. She and Jack then said they were leaving the court.

Immediately Ahern, his mode and deameanor shifting noticeably to being openly confrontational said in a cold threatening manner "if you leave you will be arrested for contempt". Weidner said: "if you arrest one of us you will have to arrest all of us". Ahern said he was only going to arrest the Utterback's.

Dixie, defiantly with rightous indignation said "they arrested my Lord for standing up to evil, so they can arrest me too for I am standing against this evil". She was arrested by Dep. Hensley as she walked through the door. Weidner told Ahern that he has repeatedly talked to Judge Carson about the corruption problem and was told by Carson, during a December 12, 2003 meeting, to "keep up the good work". He also told Ahern that the citizens are demanding a restoration of constitutional government. Weidner told Ahern that he and others across the state are prepared to take whatever steps necessary to see that the judges observe their oath of office and conduct fair and impartial hearings where the citizens constitutional rights are observed by the judges. Ahern did not respond to what Weidner said to him. Instead Ahern sat with a blank look on his face.

Jack Utterback, still standing inside the courtroom said he did not want to be arrested. Dixie said "Come on, Jack". Will Gaston said "I rise under the authority of Amicus Curiae" and approached the bench unimpeded. Gaston handed judge Ahern a pamphlet called "Vultures" containing the research in Oregon about a court system in which judges do not have lawful oaths or jurisdiction. Gaston said "I am filing this into the record of this hearing". (Vultures pamphlet link at end of article)

Jack Utterback left with Gaston and Jack was immediately arrested by Dep. Wright and another officer as he left the courtroom. Courtwatcher Wishon, while she stood watching, openly condemned the deputies for their "police state tactics". As Jack and Dixie were being arrested, 4 other deputies were found hiding by Gaston and Weidner behind a door leading upstairs.

Weidner and Patricia Wishon and Jason Wheeler followed the four deputies as they led the Utterbacks from the Courthouse to the Prineville City Jail. We encourage people to contact the judge at the Crook County Courthouse about the release of Dixie and Jack Utterback. This is outrageous contempt for the people that judges are so corrupt that they arrest people for asking if they are in a constitutional court.

Weidner is filing a Habeas Writ into the Oregon Supreme Court in the morning to enforce their release. Now Utterbacks will have a jury trial in which the only relevant issue is the still unanswered question of lawful jurisdiction. The court bears the burden of proof that the actions of the state are according to judicial due process of law.

Roger Weidner:

Pamela Gaston:

Related Articles: Grand Jury Sworn in federal hearing

Des Griffin, Pamela and Will Gaston, Lucille McReady, Patricia Wishon and son among sworn grand jury members.

Special Grand Jury Hears Weidner's Federal Case

The "Vultures" pamphlet - Research on Judicial Oath, Lawful Jurisdiction by Milt Mitchek :
