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Central Bank Gold Bullion War Reallocations Part 4 of 5

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Jan. 5, 2012

In 1939, Czechoslovakia had an accumulated 6,000,000 million pounds of gold deposited in the Central BANK OF ENGLAND that had its account in the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS ( BIS ) transfer $6,000,000 million pounds of gold into the REICHSBANK of Germany.


Bank Of International Settlements ( BIS ), Bern, Switzerland, Schweiz, Suisse, Swiss, Franc, Schacht, Schacht & Company, Reichsbank, Berlin, Germany, Dresner Bank, Wehrlibank, Marc, Austria, Bank Of England ( BOE ), London, England, Montague Norman, Westminster Bank, Barclay's Bank, Pound, Sterling, Federal Reserve Board, Federal Reserve Bank, Washington, D.C., United States Of America, Central Bank, U.S. Treasury Department, Department Of The U.S. Treasury, Dollar, Morgenthau, Ostrander, Mikesell, JP Morgan, Chase Bank, Bank Of Japan ( BOJ ), France, Madrid, Spain, Bretton Woods, McKittrick ( U.S. lawyer ), Butterworth, Gold, Bullion, Intelligence, Agents, 22, Tons, Tonnes, Metric, 290,000,000 million, Butterworth, Basel.