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Pictures of victims of Israel’s organ thievery ring – ISRAELI ORGAN TRAFFICKING RING: educate yourself!

Jonathan Rosenblum- Jerusalem Post

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what has Palestinians done to deserve such offensive oppressors – Israeli army admits stealing organ

Israeli organ trafficking ring

Friday, 4 June 2004

An Israeli organ trafficking ring which was smashed in South Africa last year has shifted its operations to China, according to a report in the New York Times. A 52-year-old Tel Aviv man, Ilan Peri, is alleged to have organised at least 100 kidney transplants for Israelis.

Presumed guilty

by Jonathan Rosenblum

Jerusalem Post

October 17, 2000

On Sunday, the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of Nahum Korman on charges of manslaughter.

Korman, the security officer of Hadar Betar, was found guilty of the death of an 11-year old Palestinian, Hilmi Shousha, in 1996. Korman had gone to the village of Husan because his, and other Israeli vehicles were being stoned by the boy.


Moreover, Orr was well within her rights to be skeptical of the pathological findings of Hiss, who has long been the subject of controversy as director of Israel Institute for Forensic Medicine, at Abu Kabir. Last November, a local Tel Aviv paper Ha’ir ran a 12-page expose of Abu Kabir and revealed how the national lab allows medical students to practice on bodies sent there for autopsies, and transfers body parts for transplants without permission from the family of the deceased.


Romania: Israeli doctors questioned in human eggs trafficking case

Published: 07.19.09, 23:32 / Israel News

Dozens of doctors and employees of a Bucharest fertility clinic, among whom were several Israelis, were questioned by Romanian authorities on suspicion of trafficking in human eggs.,7340,L-3749004,00.html

Israel Kills Palestinian Boys,

Steals Organs For Transplants



AL-KHALIL (IRNA) – The Zionist state has tacitly admitted that doctors at the Israeli forensic institute at Abu Kabir had extracted the vital organs of three Palestinian teenage children killed by the Israeli Army nearly ten days ago.

Israel Kills, Steals Organs of Palestinian Children

Israel preys on Palestinian children

RAMALLAH, Jan. 14 (IslamOnline & News agencies) – Israeli occupation forces not only kill Palestinian children but they also mutilate their bodies, and extract vital organs to use them as “spare parts”, Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat said in a televised interview Sunday.

Two Haifa men sentenced to jail for organ trafficking

By Fadi Eyadat

In a precedent-setting ruling yesterday the Haifa District Court yesterday sentenced two Haifa men to jail for trafficking in humans for the purpose of harvesting their organs.

Israelis deep into organ trafficing

Israel Asper Letter 01 10-May-2002 They left their hearts in Tel Aviv

“The family of Alastair Sinclair, a Scottish tourist who hanged himself in an Israeli jail, was forced to bring suit for the return of missing body parts.” — Jonathan Rosenblum

Ben-Ari: Arrest of Rabbis Shows Need for Urgent Aliyah

( Member of Knesset Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) called on Friday for an emergency immigration of Jews from the United States to Israel, in the wake of Thursday’s arrest of a number of rabbis in New York City and neighboring parts of New Jersey in connection with a federal investigation of bribery and money-laundering allegations. Dr. Ben-Ari said, “I have a difficult feeling that the reports are intended to tarnish the reputation of the Jews and hurt them.”

He added, “Whoever thinks the Anti-Semitism of the Obama government has stopped is mistaken.”

If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value, he explained. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.

– Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.


Information form May 2010

FW:  1/29/11