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'FBI, Mossad turn US into police state'

poorrichard's blog

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“The Federal agencies that are putting together these police state tactics, they are working hand-in-hand with Israeli intelligence and hand-in-hand with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith here in the United States,” former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof said in his interview with Press TV.

Dankof pointed out that for all practical and intensive purposes, the new massive espionage system is aimed at linking the intelligence in the United States to the Israeli Mossad.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Dankof warned that US President Barack Obama is trying to convince the Federal Court that the commander-in-chief can resort to any extrajudicial action -- including killing US citizens -- under the pretext of the suspicion of their involvement with terrorist organizations.

A Washington Post investigative report indicates that the US government is using the largest and most technologically sophisticated system in the country's history to spy on its citizenry.

With the help of every state and law enforcement agency, the system collects, stores and analyzes information about thousands of US citizens and then sends that data to the FBI.

US intelligence officials claim that due to nearly two dozen alleged acts of terrorism this year, the need to identify US-born or naturalized citizens that may plan violent attacks has become more urgent than ever.

Moreover, former agents are helping local authorities turn thousands of garbage collectors into a spying force that reports to the police.

At least 935 organizations -- each with its own counterterrorism responsibilities and jurisdictions -- have been created or become involved in counterterrorism efforts since the September 2001 incidents in New York and Washington.