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Names of Mossad Death Squad Published

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“This is a list of all the wanted suspects. The list will be given to the press, newspaper and the Interpol”, said Khalfan. Dubai will soon issue arrest warrants for 11 Europeans suspected in the killing of senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, but the police chief said on Monday that he was still not ruling out Israeli involvement.

Khalfan said that two Palestinians suspected of providing logistical support in Mabhouh’s murder were being held by police. Al Arabiya television said that the pair had been handed over by Jordan.

Khalfan said that the 11 suspects were believed to have rented a room across the corridor from al-Mabhouh around the time of the murder, and left Dubai shortly after. Al-Mabhouh entered the United Arab Emirates a day before his death using a passport that did not bear his family name.

Khalfan described the assassination of Al-Mabhouh, who was unarmed and alone, “by more than a dozen people” as a cowardly act and not an act of heroism. In an apparent reference to the possibility of state involvement in the assassination of Mabhouh, Khalfan said “if leaders of some countries export orders to their intelligence and security services to commit murders in another country, this is repugnant and unacceptable.”

The names of the suspected persons as published by Al-Quds:

Peter Ilevenger (sp?) – French passport

Kevin Davron – Irish passport

Gael Voallard (female) – Irish passport

Ivan Diningz (sp?) -  Irish passport

Paul John Keely – British passport

Melvin Adam Mildainer – British passport

Steven Daniel Hodge – British passport

Michael Lawrence Barney – British passport

James Leonard Clark – British passport

Jonathan Lewis Graham – British passport

Michael Bodenhaimer – German passport

If you know anybody who uses these names, or if you recognize any of the individuals on the pictures, please contact the police station nearest to you.

Feb. 16, 2010