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This is Colonization & Not Settlement !!!

Adib S. Kawar

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Colonies vs. Settlements

The war of words is most commonly used by the Zionist movement to justify the land theft of other people's property to sound as if it is a justified and legal action; so they play on words, and instead of using the right words or terminologies to explain their actions, which disclose their crimes against humanity they have been and are still committing, they employ a different term,instead of using the right word for the dwellings they build on the stolen land, they say "settlement" rather than using the right terminology, namely, "colonies".

An indigenous people naturally increases in numbers; so they have to build new dwellings on their own inherited, rightly and legally owned land, what they are doing is that they naturally are settling and expanding on their own land. These new dwellings, which are settlements or towns by no means could be called colonies, as is the case with foreign invaders' dwellings, which are nothing but colonies.

On the other hand, a foreign invader conquers a foreign land with the aim of colonizing it. They will implement any justification for what they are actually doing. When they are building new dwellings on the invaded land, which is an act displacing its indigenous population and replacing them with an imported invading population, what they are building by the force of arms and terror are colonies built on stolen lands, they are by no means to be considered settlements.

While on the subject we have to point out that there are two kinds of colonization: 1st.- Exploitive colonization, which aims at the exploitation of the colonized land and its people, the exploitation of the land, its resources, cheap labor usually available in abundance, which also could be used as a jumping point to colonize other new lands, examples such as India, Egypt and other lands. 2nd. Settling and displacing colonization, that is colonizing the land, annihilating and/or expelling its people, examples are Palestine, the Americas, Australia and others.

We the generation who were born and raised in our own land, Palestine, and saw the influx of Zionist Jews trying to colonize our land by any means possible to them with the help of British occupation. We used the right description for what they built on it, we always called the dwellings they built, colonies (musta3marat in Arabic) and never heard and of course called them "settlements" (mustawtanat in Arabic), as is the case lately.