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Compassionate Conservative OR Pathological Lier?01-16-04

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e representatives from the Taliban Government of Afghanistan!

It must not have been to productive for either Bush or Ken Lay. Prior to 9-11 he signed off on plans to overthrow the Taliban Regime in Afghanistan and his Axis of evil regimes in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and North Korea!

The 9-11 terrorist attack provided the excuse the Bushies needed to go after his Axis of Evil Governments!

He lied about Ken Lay!

He lied about Afghanistan and the Taliban!

He lied about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction and Saddam's connection to Bin Ladan's terrorist organization! That lie has resulted in the Death of many thousands of Iraqis and the loss of over 500 of our own military personnel.

It wasn't WMB,s!

It wasn't Saddam!

It was the Iraqi oil reserves! If you care about the future of our country, your children's future or the nest egg you set aside for your retirement then you must reject this Bush regime in the November 2004 election, that is, if they allow us to have a fair and honest election!

He lied about the events leading up to the 9-11 attack! [What he knew and when he knew it!]

Mr. Bush is not noted for his intelligence but he is a very good manipulator!

If anyone questions my concerns for our country future please read a document compiled by a conservative right wing think tank titled " The Prodject for The New American Century." [ PNAC]

Many of those who compiled that document are members of this Fascist Bush administration!

If you would like a copy Let me know and I will send it out to you. It's quite long but well worth reading.

Peace Tom
