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America's Greatest Natural Disaster: Bush!

By Ted Lang

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irst part of the process was to identify these bastions of the alternative media as providing "false information" and "misinformation." And of course, this seemingly nonbelligerent, passive government agency makes sure to pass along that singular, most important message that the Bush regime's number one propagandist, Rush Limbaugh, the Great Babbaloneyan, always ensures all his "Dittoheads" take to bed with them every night: There are NO conspiracies!

These preliminaries out of the way and now accomplished by the United States Department of State will now progress to where the Bushevik Nazis can turn the matter over to the Department of Fatherland Security under Rabbi Chertoff! There will then be an official notice from der Frito Despareeto, Alberto [Very Obnoxious, or VO] Gonzalez, ordering these websites to vamos and dezeest! After some back and forth legalistic activity, Rense, Jones and everyone that has ever written for these sites will join Jose Padilla on Devil's Island or in the Tower of London, or the Superdome.

But wait! Look at this San Francisco Earthquake and Chicago Fire of the 21st century - just what the Zionist Pentagon needed! No longer will it be feasible to nuke a southern city - all that is necessary is to tell Mr. and Mrs. American Dope that the hurricane bearing down on US is a category "baby hiccup" instead of a category 5 disaster just made to order. Curious how in just one day, Friday, August 26, 2005, it went from a category 1 to a category 5, no?

There are unconfirmed reports [go ahead, make my day - correct me, PLEASE!] that when panicking black folks were trying to get into the Superdome, the police and military [read Bush Gestapo] were forcing evacuees to submit to personal searches for firearms and alcohol. Huh? Word has it that the search procedures so delayed the people outside the Superdome that folks were forced to stand in the teeming rain for hours on end!

This unconfirmed report offers that old black men and women, some supporting themselves and walking with canes and walkers, were needlessly subjected to the brutal elements while American government demonstrated unequivocally who was in charge, and who would decide if a person would be allowed to live or die. "But dey wuz lootin, n stuff!" says one American Dope, totally befuddled as to the order of events.

Now how about that Limbaugh - you out there? Remember you asking US to embrace Unser Führer's USA PATRIOT Act? You remember asking US if we had lost any freedoms yet? How about the right of those folks to live and to be given shelter without your wonderful government humiliating and demeaning them? And by the way, just ,where is Americas greatest natural disaster, G. Bush? Even your buddy propagandist Joe Farah now thinks Bush II ought to be impeached!

The only saving grace in this horrific disaster, a tragedy that will finalize as the greatest natural disaster to ever befall the United States of America, the ONLY greater one being Bush II, is that a nuclear attack on the South has been averted. The growing hatred for Bush and his rotten war in Iraq is now compounded by this disaster - Bush and his senior handlers, Rove and Cheney, cannot in any way blame Iran for this. Just like TWA 800, this unplanned event has really screwed up the neoconservative plan and schedule for a nuclear attack on Iran; here's why.

We are now in the initial stages of a major oil crisis. The Bush crime family's investments in oil have a heavy dependence on the oil operations in Louisiana. This added real disruption to that of the planned disruption by the Busheviks relative to the arranged desperation of gasoline price-gouged Americans has now accelerated to a real problem exponentially. The planned disruption of America in order to declare martial law and attack Iran has now exploded in the Bush gangsters, faces. We now have too much destruction and disruption, a challenge for a real man and capable, steady leader. Bush is none of these things! ,Hes already calling for Daddy!

The "trickle down" police statism originating from the Bush House can now be relished in all its Nazi horror - "law and order," martial law shootings, mass executions, tank and artillery placements, and perhaps even poison gas Fallujah-style. Remember: "All options are on the table!" After the Supreme Court decreed all private property abolished in America, now Bush is sending in the military, not to aid hurricane victims and the suffering homeless, but to kill desperate starving people for "stealing" food and property. Buses were to be deployed to transfer evacuees - the Bush regime and state and local government were incapable of even accomplishing this simple task.

But hey, what the hell! Just remember the State Department's admonition about misinformation. Where by the way, is the State Department's boss? Where's Condoleezza! Never mind - we just found her! Here's a direct paste from Drudge: "Eyewitness: Sec of State Condi Rice laughs it up at Spamalot, while Gulf Coast lays in tatters. Theater goers on New York City's Great White Way were shocked to see the President's former National Security Advisor at the Monty Python farce last night -- as the rest of the cabinet responds to Hurricane Katrina...." Hmmmm! And Drudge isn,t even one of those misinformation sites on Condi's shit list! What up with that?

Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.
