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An Open Letter To The President Of America

By John Paily

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se is now under question. All the advancement made by mankind appears really helpless against the will of a soul, which is on a path of destruction and the will of nature, which is increasingly quaking, flooding, burning and erupting.

Terrorism and war are just two different sides of the same coin called evil; one is passive the other dominant. The advancement of science has given us increasing power to destroy matter and life. Being the most powerful and dominant country in this world you are in a position to use force openly. Recessive one is applying the same negative force from underneath. – Both the paths, without doubt is directed to doomsday to mankind. Is this the path you intend to take? If not, let us together think where is the source of this path how we can transform the path.

If we stop for a moment and look back on ourselves, we would identify the source of this path exist in our conquering motive. The source of this conquering motive in turn could be located directly in the “I” factor. The “I” factor is very clearly defined in the book of light and life [Age old Scripture] as the Universe it self. The Secret of death and life exist in this “I” factor. Only when we discover the truth of “I” would the light emerge and the ignorance in which mankind lives reveals it self. Only “light” has the capacity to turn the negative into positive and make a true turn around for mankind into right path and avert doomsday.

Every action has its origin. Every man defends his action. The action gets special power when it consciousness does not oppose it. Today as you prepare for the war you are propagating a cause [Peace and Justice] and gaining the support for it. I can understand that this action has its origin in the pain and horror you and the whole world witnessed. [A similar action else where would not have attained this much of coverage. Tears rolled from my eyes as I saw helpless get submerged in the rubble]. By instinct one would ask for revenge and destruction. You have the material power to proclaim war and destroy. This accompanied by the approval of conscious can be deadly.

But we must not forget here to analyze the other face and the cause for the terrorist act. Will you disagree with me if I state that there should exist some cause for it and lot of campaigning has undergone before the actual inhuman act was done. The whole world is now gearing up to split between two consciousnesses, which feel they are right in their own way. The question now is that whose consciousness is right. I am happy that in your case sense prevailed over instinct and now the situation is directed to the wiping out of terrorism. Which makes me put my little strength with you.

Any attempt to wipe out terrorism should understand the root of the terrorism. Terrorism is the passive form of war. Both have its root in the conquering motive. It originates in negative thinking and the ignorance of the whole. In a way all of us are terrorist’s in our day-to-day life. Our anger, fear and all our negative thinking are terrorist elements. The most important source of terrorism is corruption and the “I” factor- h conquering motive. When it is suppressed it takes form into one or the other form of evil. A man with power but lacks the knowledge of the whole, tries to conquer his surrounding without ever thinking at the possible pains he inflicts on the surrounding individuals and nature. The one who is suppressed waits for the opportunity to strike back. This process goes on, and in “time” the systems divides into two and clashes bringing up destruction. It is the duty of the most powerful to lead us in the right path or take initiative reverse the direction. I feel I need not elaborate it further.

To day mankind lives in two-way folly – Science and Religion. In other words he lives in ignorance with respect the external world he tries to explore and the internal world he tries to explore. We are living in a scientific world with such a lot of material power and ignorance of the whole that one wrong move can lead us to destruction of mankind. Each of the scientific powers of the world must realize that science has lost its foundation. Science built its base by isolating mind and matter. Went about splitting nature with a conquering motive and ended in a conclusion that nature cannot be studied in isolation of mind, matter and consciousness. In other words the reality of nature cannot be under stood unless secret of life and its consciousness are understood. [The source of tears and misery]. The scientists are at loss to explain the oneness of nature. It is ridiculous that we think of establishing peace in the world through war and the power we have gained under the veil of ignorance of the oneness of nature.

We are all attached to one or the other religion. Fundamentally all religion speaks of Love and Peace and works to protect Justice and Truth. It speaks of oneness. Looking at the world today through the teardrops of those help less individuals and their beloved ones. I felt there is not one, truly religious person in this world. The religion is cultivated in the veil of ignorance and propagated to establish once own “I” factor. To be religious is to be unattached to be in union with nature. To be religious is to know light. To be religious is to live with least friction with nature and work towards reducing friction.

For a circle there is only one center. But it can have unlimited number of paths. The man who looks to the center will never clash with the path of the others. The moment our view shifts from the center our vision collapses into a new center that is limited and differentiated from the whole and the real center. Technically these paths can differentiate in four groups with its own center. But in reality when we consider a pulsating [Contracting and expanding Universe], it should viewed as three-component path with a moving center. [See figure]. It is a spiral contraction and expansion process. [This aspect is explored in detail in the Site - Secret of Nature] What this means is that every man has his own “I” that leads him to death. As he forms groups out of his limited vision it gets an “I” of its own. It is only when we grow beyond this “I” do we discover the universal “I”. It is when we move towards the Universal “I” at the center and transform through Him do we discover, the whole and the oneness of the universe. Here the all the boundaries of religion breaks down and unifies into reality and life.

The three great religions Hindu, Christian and Muslim, in their groupism seem to forget that basic religion called Humanity is at the center. Any man who studies these religion without any attachment would never differentiate these three religions.

On one hand Mankind in the name of ignorance called scientific development is exploiting nature and stressing her to react violently and on the other hand we have the world bifurcating into great conflict in the name of religion. The future is bleak for mankind unless the situation reviewed in the presence of light and knowledge of the whole. Many of the countries, which are supporting war, are doing it out of fear, ignorance, or out of selfish thinking to gain confidence of the most powerful country of this ignorant world. Moving with the flow their outer part is supporting you and the inner part will support terrorism. This duel existence comes from ignorance and leads to more terrorism. Fear cannot lead us to peace. A man without fear of death is the deadliest weapon mankind can ever think of developing. Only light can turn its force in to positive way.

As a scientist I never believed in God. But when I discovered that the base of science lies broken I attempted to build a new base. The process of my search ended in discovering God and the truth of nature. To day I respect all religion because it is the path to light. They all preach love peace and harmony. Unfortunately the failure of religious leaders to grow beyond their “I” is precipitating the world in to destructive path. I believe that “light” would shine at some point and save this earth from destruction. But the question remains after how much of destruction? I am speaking to you from a strong knowledge of oneness of nature and its reality. I have kept it open as a challenge to the whole of scientific community.

Beyond doubt there is a God - a central principle that governs the universe. This central principle is Humanity itself in its entire splendor. We must understand this central principle that governs the universe to bring peace and harmony in the world. When we detach ourselves from the bondages of “I”, then the picture and the name we have given to this universal soul vanishes and our concentration shifts to His actions and the path He traverses. When true Knowledge strikes mankind this world would initiate it self.

I call your attention to the site - Secret of Nature and perpetual univerrse. I have challenged the whole of scientific community in this world to break it. I speak of a possible new foundation to science that leads to Unification theory that the scientist are very much searching for. This theory would bring light to this world.

I am new to the net and I pursue my goal with in sever limitations. Bear with me in the shortcomings in the presentation.

Here is an appeal to all those who come across this page – help me catch the attention of the scientific world and the leaders to evaluate the “light” [Knowledge] that can save humanity from the clutches doomsday

With Prayers

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