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Bush is Not an American

By Doug Thompson

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GOP-generated mail spam (as it does for Democratic-generated mail).

The handful of messages that got through cried about the language I use to describe their President.

“Your crude, obscene language destroys your credibility,” one said. “Why not just shut up and go away?”

Gotta wonder who writes these missives for Bushites since most of the right-wing morons who clutter up bulletin boards like FreeRepublic can’t string together a simple declarative sentence. Probably computer-generated.

They’re not the only ones who get upset at my language when it comes to describing the pukefest called the Bush administration. Hell, my mother complains and she’s no fan of Bush.

Too damn bad. I really don’t give a flying fuck who gets bent out of shape. That’s their problem. With Bush and his gang of goons at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue so hell-bent at destroying the Constitution and America, I don’t have time to be polite. Bush is a heartless bastard who doesn’t play by the rules so why should those of us who still love this country too much to see it destroyed by this madman?

This is no longer an issue of differing political opinions or philosophies. This is war, a fight for survival of a once-great nation called America and war calls for street rules.

In other words: No rules.

Bush, in my opinion, is criminally insane, a pill-popping dry drunk whose erratic behavior and reckless actions threaten world peace and the future of this nation far more than any Islam-spouting religious fanatic. He is an enemy of the state, a mood-swinging despot who threatens the very freedoms that form the foundation for this country. He has created a police state where basic American freedoms have vanished under an politically-exaggerated threat to national scrutiny, milked the human tragedy of 9/11 for his personal agenda and ripped the Constitution to shreds through the USA Patriot Act, a rights-robbing piece of legislation put together by his former attorney general, the bible-thumping John Ashcroft, an inept former Senator who couldn’t even win an election against a dead man.

George W. Bush is also not an American. He and his daddy sold their souls and their loyaltiy long ago to Saudi oil interests, particularly the bin Laden family (yes, the same bin Ladens whose relative masterminded the 9/11 attacks). The bin Ladens, laundering money through Dubya’s old Texas Air Guard buddy James Bath (the North American representative for the bin Laden family bank), bailed out Bush on his failed business adventures and then bankrolled his first run for Texas governor.

According to Craig Unger, author of House of Bush, House of Saud, the Bush family has, over the years, received some $480 million from the Saudi business interests, including the bin Laden family. Bush is a politician and politicians are, by rote, for sale to the highest bidder so you tell us: Has anyone outbid the Saudis and the bin Ladens for Bush’s loyalty?

Having a President on the payroll of the family of the man who killed 3,000 plus Americans on September 11, 2001, raises a very real concern that Bush’s illegal and immoral actions are a lot more than just politics as usual. It may explain the decision to all-but-abandon the search for bin Laden in Afghanistan and move American military resources to the ill-conceived invasion of Iraq. It took less than a year to capture Saddam Hussein yet bin Laden is still at large nearly four years after the September 11 attacks.

All this suggests to me that the President of the United States owes a lot more to his Saudi money boys than he does to the country he has sworn to serve. It tells me the President of the United States is a traitor.

Traitors should not be President. They should be arrested, tried and, upon conviction, punished for their crimes against their country.

And, as far as I’m concerned, anyone who continues to support this traitor to America is equally guilty of treason.

Don’t like those characterizations? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn if it pisses you off because I do give a damn about my country. It's just too fucking bad that you don't.

© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue

Who is this Thompson guy anyway?

The Rant Archives


Doug Thompson



Doug Thompson realized the value of capturing history 46 years ago as a 10-year-old schoolboy in Farmville, Virginia, when the community, caught up in a fight over integration, closed the public schools and opened an all-white private school.

Thompson wrote about his experiences and submitted his story and photos to The Farmville Herald,the local newspaper. His article and photos were picked up by other newspapers around he country. He developed other photo stories the paper and a journalism career was born.

When his family relocated to the Blue Ridge Mountain community of Floyd, the 14-year-old Thompson took his photographs and stories to Pete Hallman, editor of the weekly Floyd Press. Hallman encouraged the young man to continue writing and taking photos, teaching him the ins and outs of the newspaper business.

Thompson went on to join the staff of The Roanoke Times where he covered the police beat, emerging racial turmoil in the city and tackled other tough subjects. His story about a young girl who obtained an abortion (illegal at the time) won the top feature writing award from the Virginia Press Association. Another, about street racers in the city, won another feature writing award while his coverage of the murder of a Southwest Roanoke couple and the abduction and rape of their teenaged daughters brought the top news writing award from the association

After moving on to The Telegraph in Alton, Illinois, Thompson continued to win awards for writing and photography, capturing the Illinois Associated Press Managing Editors top prizes for news, feature and column writing as well as first place awards from the Illinois Press Association.

Thompson took a sabbatical from newspapers in 1981 and moved to Washington and work on Capitol Hill but escaped from the dark side and returned to journalism.

As a writer and photographer, Thompson's work has appeared in a number of publications, including Esquire, Life, Look, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, Paris Match, AFP, the Associated Press and Reuters.

Thompson launched Capitol Hill Blue as the web's first political news site, in 1994. The site continues today as the oldest news site on the Internet.

Besides Blue, he publishes a number of other web sites, including Blue Ridge Muse and D.C. Darkside. He owns Blue Ridge Creative, a photography, video production and digital imaging company in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. In 2001, Thompson and his wife launched the Our America project, a 10-year program to document the first decade of the new century through videos, photography and written essays.

Despite his success in new media, Thompson remains a newspaperman at heart and lives by the creed that it is the role of a newspaperman to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."
