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Bush Trying To Smash Indictments!

By Sherman H. Skolnick

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indicted co-conspirators are numerous other White House and Pentagon biggies and reputed spies claiming to be mass media "journalists".

Advised by Bush White House Counsel Harriet Miers, recently nominated by Bush to the U.S. Supreme Court, Bush is using the Federal Courts in the District of Columbia to contest the legal validity of the Grand Jury actions. Ostensibly contained in the federal court records but under a very stringent gag order are BUSH'S WILD CONTENTIONS to the judges that he is the victim of "a foreign-orchestrated coup" being perpetrated by his numerous Jewish-surname advisors and, as Bush accuses with generalities, jointly by "France" and "Israel".

Bluntly put, like the Bush Family long-time pro-Nazi position, George W. Bush, like Adolf Hitler, is "playing the Jew Card". This now done to evade deadly serious charges of espionage, treason, and falsely going to war against Iraq while using the White House Iraq Group as an instrument of unconstitutional treachery. The indictments mess may end up in the U.S. Supreme Court, dominated by proto-Fascist Justice Antonin Scalia, the Court in 2000 corruptly splitting 5 to 4 in Bush vs Gore.

Meanwhile, no one is reminding Bush that a G.O.P.-dominated High Court in 1974 nevertheless ruled against Nixon and caused his resignation shortly thereafter in the "White House Watergate Tape" ruckus.

IF Bush told the D.C. Courts now in secret emergency sessions the TRUTH---which he is NOT doing---he would say the group historically who foment Revolution for their Globalist agenda using ELITE JEWS, and others as a SCAPEGOAT FRONT, are the JESUITS and other POPISH PERSONS, a forbidden topic but not censored HERE. More coming.

Stay tuned.
