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9/11 Truth Report Card

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Explained why all three WTC buildings could collapse from fire in only 45 minutes if explosive charges were not used.


Explained why WTC-5 collapsed when it was not hit by an airplane or debris.


Explained why Thermate (steel-cutting explosive) residue was found in the debris and where steel glowed white hot more than a month after the building collapsed.


Explained why President George W. Bush's brother Marvin Bush was in charge of all WTC building security until the day before 9/11.


Explained why Michael Bush's replacement -- a former FBI agent who criticized terrorism investigations was killed the next day on 9/11.


Explained why none of the 19 hijackers were listed on any of the four planes manifests.


Explained why most of the forensic evidence from the WTC was destroyed as soon as possible, and why witnesses saw four black boxes removed by the government and who claimed none were found.


Explained why the FBI has never retroactively added their names to the flight manifests.


Compensated victims' families to stave off civil lawsuits and private investigations.


Explained why the FBI has never released the videotapes to the general public from at least four separate cameras in the vicinity of the Pentagon impact particularly after saying there was nothing useful on them.


Explained why the government has not released the Flight 77 (Pentagon plane) flight data and voice recorders to the general public, particularly after saying there is "nothing useful" on them.


Explained why so many people, particularly with government connections, demonstrated foreknowledge of the 9/11 events by purchasing "put options" before the event.


Explained why the CIA Inspector General's investigation into the Agency's involvement on 9/11 has not been released to the general public, or to the Congress, and why so many CIA agents purchased special liability insurance immediately after the IG's investigation.


Note: This report was prepared using a combination of objective and subjective evaluation criteria. It is but a partial list as there are many, other related questions. Grades will be changed as the government begins moving towards disclosure.

Prepared by the Mount Vernon Institute -
