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The Washington D.C. Crowd Are Scorning G.W. Bush Behind His Back

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there about 20 minutes. During thetime they were there, everyone was friendly, smily face. Patting him on back, congratulating him, etc, etc.

But when George and Laura left this ball, the entire atmosphere changed completely. Someone got on the microphone and shouted, "This country is not behind George Bush." A security guard got him off. But Hannity heard the true feelings of the people at the ball that they disapproved of Bush completely. Most said they actually hated him. They felt he was taking the country completely in the wrong direction. Many called Bush an SOB without using just the initials. The negative vibrations permeated the room.

Hannity said on his radio program that even though he was pro Bush, after what he saw, he felt certain someone would take down George Bush in the near future because of the level of hatred, disgust that is actually felt by so many people, both young and old, both Democrat and Republican, including those who are close to Bush himself.

I have heard other reports that many Republican members of congress also highly disapprove of the direction Bush is taking this country, and if no one else takes him down, they will.

I just saw many protests shown on C-SPAN. Speeches about how upset they are about what is going on. These protesters were shown on camera as the Presidential motorcade passed by yesterday.

Just the level of security that was used on Thursday contradicts the media's claim that Bush has the people behind him.
