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The Voice of the White House for October 13, 2006

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ge when the news first came out, and threatened to attack North Korea. When it was pointed out to him that we don’t have enough forces to attack the Montreal Police Department for not taking proper punitive action when Canadian students posted a block-long sign depicting Bush being sodomized by a Democrat donkey, he backed off and mumbled about terrible sanctions. Now, we learn that neither Russia or China, entitles Bush has repeatedly insulted and who both have a UN veto, will support draconian actions against North Korea and so Bush is reduced to waving his arms and mouthing off about saving the world. The world would be much better off without him and his idiot crime partners. Now, we also discover that the Bush people “aren’t really true Christians” after all but are merely using the greedy ninnies to get votes. What a revelation! I could have, and did, tell everyone about this a year ago but no one really cares and Christians do not read your website. This place reminds me of the frenzies in a nut house just before they pass out medications at night. No, I have never been incarcerated in a nut house but when I was working my way through school, I did night duty in a nut ward at a famous Boston hospital and believe me, the parallel is really on target. Bush has lied to and then betrayed dozens of supportive groups simply because Curious George has never told the truth and lies badly.”