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Bring on the 25th Amendment! Bush is Mad! Sign The Petition!

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onable request, we decided to remove him from power..."

How can Bush say Saddam "wouldn't let [UN inspectors] in" when everyone in the world knows this is not true?

Bush's statement - delivered with utter seriousness with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at his side - cannot be excused as a misstatement. The United States of America went to war in Iraq - at a cost of 212 (and counting) U.S. soldiers, 6,000 (and counting) Iraqi civilians, thousands of Iraqi soldiers, and $50 billion (and counting) taxpayer dollars - after four full months (11-18-02 through 3-19-03) of inspections by UN experts led by Hans Blix (UNMOVIC) and Mohamed El Baradei (IAEA).

The exhaustive efforts of the inspectors were the top news stories throughout the world from beginning to end. George W. Bush commented on them repeatedly and in detail, and he defied the UN by invading Iraq because he insisted the inspections had failed.

If George W. Bush now believes Saddam "wouldn't let [UN inspectors] in," then it is self-evident that he has simply lost touch with reality. In plain English, Bush has gone mad.

This is not the first time Bush has exhibited symptoms of insanity. On 6-24-03, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper quoted Bush as telling Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas:

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did..."

And on 7-3-03, Bush urged Iraqi fighters who want to kill Americans to "bring them on" - a reckless remark that endangered the lives of American soldiers.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was adopted in 1967 to deal with any situation in which the President became "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

The 25th Amendment allows the President to declare himself incapacitated, or allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to do so. It was formally invoked for the first time on June 29, 2002 by George W. Bush himself, when he underwent a 2-hour colonoscopy. Moreover, fans of TV's "West Wing" know that President Jeb Bartlett invoked the 25th Amendment in the last episode of the season so he could deal with the violent kidnaping of his daughter Zoey.

We, the undersigned, believe George W. Bush is demonstrably insane. Since the Nation continues to be at war, with soldiers fighting and dying each day in Iraq, we call upon him to once again invoke the 25th Amendment. If he fails to do so, we call upon Dick Cheney and the Cabinet to do so for the sake of the Nation.

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Bring on the 25th Amendment!

Bush is Mad!

Invoke the 25th Amendment

On July 14, 2003, George W. Bush answered a question from a Washington Post reporter about the Niger uranium hoax by saying:

"The fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power..."

How can Bush say Saddam "wouldn't let [UN inspectors] in" when everyone in the world knows this is not true?

Bush's statement - delivered with utter seriousness with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at his side - cannot be excused as a misstatement. The United States of America went to war in Iraq - at a cost of 212 (and counting) U.S. soldiers, 6,000 (and counting) Iraqi civilians, thousands of Iraqi soldiers, and $50 billion (and counting) taxpayer dollars - after four full months (11-18-02 through 3-19-03) of inspections by UN experts led by Hans Blix (UNMOVIC) and Mohamed El Baradei (IAEA).

The exhaustive efforts of the inspectors were the top news stories throughout the world from beginning to end. George W. Bush commented on them repeatedly and in detail, and he defied the UN by invading Iraq because he insisted the inspections had failed.

If George W. Bush now believes Saddam "wouldn't let [UN inspectors] in," then it is self-evident that he has simply lost touch with reality. In plain English, Bush has gone mad.

This is not the first time Bush has exhibited symptoms of insanity. On 6-24-03, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper quoted Bush as telling Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas:

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did..."

And on 7-3-03, Bush urged Iraqi fighters who want to kill Americans to "bring them on" - a reckless remark that endangered the lives of American soldiers.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was adopted in 1967 to deal with any situation in which the President became "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

The 25th Amendment allows the President to declare himself incapacitated, or allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to do so. It was formally invoked for the first time on June 29, 2002 by George W. Bush himself, when he underwent a 2-hour colonoscopy. Moreover, fans of TV's "West Wing" know that President Jeb Bartlett invoked the 25th Amendment in the last episode of the season so he could deal with the violent kidnaping of his daughter Zoey.

We, the undersigned, believe George W. Bush is demonstrably insane. Since the Nation continues to be at war, with soldiers fighting and dying each day in Iraq, we call upon him to once again invoke the 25th Amendment. If he fails to do so, we call upon Dick Cheney and the Cabinet to do so for the sake of the Nation.

Click here to sign the petition:
