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Bush nightmare land-the US!


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Herr Karl figured that the US citizenry was as apathetic as those dullards in Texas where the most transparent lie could be pawned off as the truth. That isn't the case and now Rove is busily attempting to duck out on a Congressional investigation as to his role in Attorney firings and the alleged political prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman and Speaker of the House Pelosi is talking about prosecuting those in the big bro 43 administration who committed crimes.

The January 5, 2004 article "Goodbye, Horatio Alger. And goodbye, American Dream." at

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has Paul Krugman, commenting on how thoroughly W has dashed the hopes of our bottom 99% as the article states "Business Week, which published an article titled "Waking Up From the American Dream." The article summarizes recent research showing that social mobility in the United States (which was never as high as legend had it) has declined considerably over the past few decades. If you put that research together with other research that shows a drastic increase in income and wealth inequality, you reach an uncomfortable conclusion: America looks more and more like a class-ridden society.

And guess what? Our political leaders are doing everything they can to fortify class inequality, while denouncing anyone who complains--or even points out what is happening--as a practitioner of "class warfare."

That is what all of the GOP ghouls are moaning about Obama's change right now. They want a US of A in which there are few jobs and therefore chances to excel and those who have the dead-end jobs are ecstatic to have them and because their lives reek of failure are happy that there are people in even worse economic status than they are.

The article deals with how the US' gross inequalities of income distribution had been improving, but as the article continues "Never mind, say the apologists, who churn out papers with titles like that of a 2001 Heritage Foundation piece, "Income Mobility and the Fallacy of Class-Warfare Arguments." America, they say, isn't a caste society--people with high incomes this year may have low incomes next year and vice versa, and the route to wealth is open to all. That's where those commies at Business Week come in: As they point out (and as economists and sociologists have been pointing out for some time), America actually is more of a caste society than we like to think. And the caste lines have lately become a lot more rigid."

It wasn't always this bad. Before the Gingrich led GOP Congress choked off all of Clinton's hopes a person could hope their standing could improve as the article continues "Business Week attributes this to the "Wal-Martization" of the economy, the proliferation of dead-end, low-wage jobs and the disappearance of jobs that provide entry to the middle class. That's surely part of the explanation. But public policy plays a role--and will, if present trends continue, play an even bigger role in the future."

How completely has W succeeded in creating a quasi-caste system in the US? The article concludes "Where is this taking us? Thomas Piketty, whose work with Saez has transformed our understanding of income distribution, warns that current policies will eventually create "a class of rentiers in the U.S., whereby a small group of wealthy but untalented children controls vast segments of the US economy and penniless, talented children simply can't compete."

If he's right--and I fear that he is--we will end up suffering not only from injustice, but from a vast waste of human potential.

Goodbye, Horatio Alger. And goodbye, American Dream."

And what of Krugman? Krugman won the 2008 Nobel prize for economics and argues that President George W. Bush's zeal for deregulation and loose fiscal policies helped spark the current banking meltdown. Krugman was asked at a news conference if he saw a trend of Nobels going to people who were anti-Bush and Krugman said "A lot of intellectuals are anti-Bush."

Paul Krugman also, in the May 27, 2003 article, "Stating the Obvious", at

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made some further disastrous predictions that the current economic structure of the U.S. is definitely being challenged by 43's administration as the article states "The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum." So wrote the normally staid Financial Times, traditionally the voice of solid British business opinion, when surveying last week's tax bill.

Indeed, the legislation is doubly absurd: the gimmicks used to make an $800-billion-plus tax cut carry an official price tag of only $320 billion are a joke, yet the cost without the gimmicks is so large that the nation can't possibly afford it while keeping its other promises".

That sounds bad, but Krugman predicts such a complete destruction of the U.S. economy that the "social safety net built up over the past 70 years" vanishes. He hypothesizes that this is a calculated strategy. He attributes this dishonorable plan to laziness by moderates and liberals and further states," But the people now running America aren't conservatives: they're radicals who want to do away with the social and economic system we have, and the fiscal crisis they are concocting may give them the excuse they need."

What is W's goal in this? Herr Karl told him that the only people who use the social safety net are the lousy 99% who predominantly vote for Democrats-so screw them. Besides, people who live hand to mouth, as W wants the 99% of us, are so concerned for their daily survival that they are susceptible to any hypocrisy as long as they have food for their kids. Poor people can't dream of higher goals when acquiring the next piece of bread is paramount.

Also, remember that 43's a twisted failure who has proposed a return to the age of the Crusades. That blue-blooded failed big bro 43 got all of his money from incompetent business ventures from terrorist associated Middle East backers.

Let's briefly rehash Arbusto. The article "Bush Money" at

states "In conflicting statements, Bush at first denied ever knowing James Bath, a Houstonian and close family friend, then acknowledged his stake in Arbusto and that he was aware Bath represented Saudi interests. In fact, Bath has extensive ties, both to the bin Laden family and major players in the scandal-ridden Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) who have gone on to fund Osama bin Laden."

So, big bro 43 earned his money through no effort or ability of his known, but through connections. In the US the connections are usually relatives of friends as they want the money to stay within their small upper-crust group. There are people like big bro 43 who was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth who have failed, but W has no ethics. W was willing to get backers such as the terrorist bin laden, the evil one he vowed to "catch dead or alive. And he probably figured out that in the Middle East out of the vast majorities of the poor only the smallest percentage sign up with bin laden to provide economic security for their families by becoming a jihadist. Big bro 43 realizes that his nightmare vision of the US will create extremist right-wing religious fanatics-the people who fantasize about the "Left Behind" vision of Armageddon. W's happy for that as that group has become the GOP's political base and they will be his pawns in the "everlasting war against terrorism".

Big bro 43 is probably smirking about these ironies because he hates the 99% and his policies are proof of the fact!

He could have just failed with Arbusto and Harken but he decided to affiliate himself with terrorists. He could have seen 9/11 as a call to go after bin laden-the world agreed with that decision, but he decided to pronounce that the US of A would engage in a preemptive war in Iraq and mumbled unintelligibly about an "Axis of Evil" and "those who are against us" being targets of "Shock and Awe" also. Cheney told him that unitary executive power allowed the president during times of war to commit just about any crimes he wanted to so W needed to create a climate of perpetual war and fear for his dream of usurping powers that didn't exist.

How did it get to this? Big bro 43 and Herr Karl believed that the entire US of A was just as stupid and apathetic as the residents of Texas were, and that by appealing to their fear and hatred by the "everlasting war against terrorism" that big bro 43 could succeed turn the US into a banana republic.

Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder released several Bush administration Office of Legal Counsel memos, which show the astonishing extent to which the administration expanded its wartime powers

The master propagandist, Herr Karl was wrong and our legal system is after him! When you lie people into a war that is always a probability.

The article "On day of subpoena, Rove raked in cash for GOP" at

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states "Congress has subpoenaed Rove four times, and each time he has declined to attend. The Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Rove in 2007 over the firings of US Attorneys. The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Rove in 2008 over the US Attorney firings and the alleged political prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) also subpoenaed him in January, and again in February."

Also "The Rachel Maddow Show' for Wednesday, February 25" at

had the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and they talked about big bro 43's crimes. Maddow talked about "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy, of course, made news today when he went to the floor of the Senate to announce that his judiciary committee would hold hearings on creating a new "truth commission" to investigate allegations of crimes committed by Bush administration officials.

Pelosi regarding her general remarks pertaining to the politicization of the Justice Department, warrantless wiretapping and torture said "Well, I haven't been less specific because we are waiting the what we had in the bill which I did not like the bill, but part of the bill that was positive, the FISA Bill, was the inspector general. We will have an inspector general's report in July about the conduct of the government in the collection in our country.

Senator Leahy has a proposal, a "truth and reconciliation commission" and-which is a good idea.

What I have some concern about there is it has immunity. And I think that some of the issues involved here like the politicizing of the Justice Department, and the rest, they have criminal ramifications and I don't think we should be giving them immunity. But we'll find a way to go forward, because the American people want us to go forward, but also making sure that the Constitution is respected. And that's what our issue is whether you are talking about separation of power, whether you're talking about Karl Rove, Josh Bolten and the others at the White House not responding to subpoenas by the Congress on the subject of the Justice Department politicizing.

And, so those issues are still alive. We are in the courts on those. We are in

negotiations with the administrations, both the Bush administration and the

Obama administration, about how the executive branch responds to the legislative branch honoring our Constitution."

The Democrats aren't concerned about Herr Karl being 0 for 4 for his subpoenas because Congress is in negotiations with these ghouls and he'll have to answer for his crimes, as will big bro 43.

Author's Bio: Winston is an ex-Social Worker, burnt out by too much indifference regading our weak and weary who had too little interest in politics until the illegal Iraq War started.