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Luis Zamora

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THIS is about Bush Era coming to an end , after he has devastated the whole world . during the last eight years.  

The Bush era is at an end now , just like the green leafs that have fallen from the branches of the cotton-wood tree during the winter months leaving a struck naked tree exposing the truth ,for every one to see .

Stripped trunk the twisted branches that were hidden behind the green leaf now stands naked in the light of shining truth.

, The eight years that Bush administration stood for, the evil, the reckless, and the arrogance that this man sent forth from the White house to all four corners of the earth, Will not be forgotten or forgiven.

Leaving behind his legacy – that he is the worst president in America history to have occupied the White House, a demented man if there ever was one–

Just like the cotton wood tree standing struck naked in the winter months– so will Bush Be when he leaves the White House- the evil man who talks to god ( god told me to attack Iraq and I did )


The killing of some hundred of thousands of innocent human beings, the torture chambers of Guantanamo- the nearly one trillion dollars war of Iraq and the occupation of Iraq as well, and the war In Afghanistan to be continue for only god knows how long into the future, leaving behind a monstrous nightmare for the next President to fix.

The economy --


Jobs lost unemployment–

Homes foreclosures, Etc.


The Troops that have been killed in the Iraq over 4200 and still counting, as far we are concerned were all in vain.

The troopers wounds that will never heal, wounds that troopers have deep in their minds that they will take to their grave, this is what Bush handed America, But Bush will not admit that his evil ways has caused more harm to this country than any other man in America history.

It is with joy to see the Bush Clan disappear into their parasite hole where they belong.

AS I see thru the eyes of an old man.

Luis Zamora

FROM:  Charles Brucks: