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MSNBC Poll - 84% Want Bush Impeached


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the absurdity of any more war and a widespread conclusion that action against Iran will be the most stupid act of self destruction every undertaken by the U.S. or any other country for that matter. Political leaders around the world are beginning to respond to the new climate and pull towards a new era of negotiations. Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheny, and a few oddball henchmen are almost completely isolated. The big move is now on to pull down Rumsfeld. This drumming will continue to mount for some time, there is SO much material to work with.&nbs p; Without Rumsfeld in the Pentagon, the Imperial Faction will be frozen from any ability to move for a period of time. Bush will have no prop for his delusions until another manipulator is in command of the Pentagon and is there long enough to understand how to function within its byzantine processes.

From all this, I strongly suspect that the Cabal has blinked and is now tilting toward the termination of the Bush administration. Quite obviously the editors of CNN and other portions of the broadcast industry now have a free hand to do as they will to question the obviously failed government of Bushco and quite obviously this new freedom was granted during just the last few to two weeks. An historical seachange is underway.....the emotional madness and mental short circuits of Solar Sunspot Peak 23 are passing away in the cold bloody morning after on the streets of Iraq. After the six year party on the town, the country woke up in bed with a creepy cowboy with very bad breath. Emotional manipulation is falling flatter and flatter. Logic and facts are beginning to obtain dominance in this year of the Solar MIN, as usual. Fundamental shifts made by mental choice are now more possible. Many failing paradigms will be kicked out the door.

But Bushco is still extremely dangerous. A delusional paranoid messianic with the immense power he has in his hands is fully capable of attempting to plunge this country, any country, into seizures of mass violence to feed their demented sociopathic thought processes. Remember Mao and the Great Leap Forward? Total Disaster. Bush + zionest agenda = Great Leap Forward. Same resulfts are being generated: confusion, violence, collapse. But they have the capability to lock down the country, including the Iway. Bush has many people who are feeding both his ego and his dementia, manipulating him to fulfill the agenda of the Zionist lobby. The very attempt to "get" Rumseld may accelerate the next false-flag 911 operation in the U.S. Ideally, they would not want to attempt an attack on Iran until the Fall - September is ideal. They truly are not ready now, will not be ready then, but they are too stupid to figure that.&nb sp; If they are desparate, any time may be the right time to change the subject and the current drift of affairs. Play it again Sam, George W. Bush, the action man of the hour, with Ronald Mac Donald Bumblefeld as his right hand kinkman!!!! But don't expect they will get away with another caper, Sam. This time there are about 10 million Sherlock Holmes out there, lean, mean, and ready to crack the case. Let's just hope the sandbagging works and it never gets to that. Keep piling up those sandbags. Go vote again at MSNBC poll about impeaching Bush.