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False Statements from Bush

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• that Congressmen and Senators have access to the same intelligence the White House sees

• that "the smoking gun could come in the form of a mushroom cloud"

• that Social Security is nearing a meltdown

• that anyone who leaks a CIA agent's identity would be fired from this administration

• that "We do not engage in torture"

• that "Leave No Child Behind" has accomplished anything worthwhile

• that Bush-Cheney tax cuts helped anyone but the fabulously wealthy

• that the new prescription drug program helps seniors a fraction as much as it helps the pharmaceutical companies

• that Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job

• that the prisoners on Guantanamo aren't prisoners, or that they were captured on the battlefield

• that the US has disrupted "at least ten" terrorist plots against America

• that seemingly every Muslim captured or killed is the number three man in al Qaeda

• that warrantless monitoring of your every phone call, email, and bank transaction has something to do with an alleged war on terror

• that reporting on Bush-Cheney lawbreaking imperils national security

• that the Clean Air Act cleans the air

• on and on and on

• lies and lies and more lies

• and then, more lies.