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WOW! Clinton Insider Comes Forward, REVEALS Hillary’s Reaction to Losing The Election

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Nov. 11, 2016


Yesterday morning, Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton made her closing speech to the American public. In it, she was reasonable, humble, and American. And, once again, it appears she was faking it.

On yesterday’s Steve Malzberg Show, Ed Klein provided an inside scoop into how Hillary was actually feeling in the immediate aftermath of defeat. As is often the case, she was blaming other people rather than herself. And she still thinks she is above the law. 

“Here’s what I know, not my opinion. At about 6:30 this morning, she called an old friend. She was crying inconsolably. She couldn’t stop crying,” Klein said.

“Eventually, the friend said she could make out what she was saying, and she was blaming FBI Director James Comey,” Klein reported. Comey, you’ll recall, had reopened the investigation into her private email server just days before the election, only to close it again shortly thereafter.

Moments later, she blamed somebody else: Barack Obama. According to Klein, the friend went on to say Hillary “blamed the president, not because he didn’t campaign enough, but because he didn’t do enough to stop Comey.”

Typical Hillary. Nothing is ever her fault. To the bitter-end, she blames everyone else. Never mind the fact that hundreds of men and women in her camp worked tirelessly, night and day, for months to try to get her to Victory Lane. Never mind the sacrifices they all made.

Never mind that Obama was generous enough to campaign for her day after day rather than perform his duties as president of the United States. Or that his wife traveled to and fro throughout the country on her behalf. They were literally begging people to support Hillary. Forget about that too.

This should have been a slam dunk. Our country’s biggest celebrities were leading the way on her behalf: LeBron, Beyonce, Bon Jovi, for example. They put this thing on a silver platter for Clinton, but it still wasn’t enough. The mess she made was just too big. Insurmountable.

“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” Prophetic in a sense.

Hillary dug her own grave. She contaminated her own supply. Allegedly, she mishandled classified information, took “pay-to-play” dollars as secretary of state, and colluded time and time again with the media. She lied repeatedly in front of all of us, and we ultimately did not trust her. 

Look no further than the mirror. The American people desire a president who stands for truth, justice, and the American way. Not for deceit, injustice, and the banana republic way. Hillary just never learned she is not above the law.