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Media Are Covering Up Bombshell Report on Clinton Investigations

MRC Action Team

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Nov 3, 2016


Last night, Fox News’ Bret Baier broke a series of startling developments in the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton. The revelations included the following:

1. Sources within the FBI called a criminal indictment of Clinton “likely,” due to alleged pay-to-play schemes conducted through the Clinton Foundation.

2. The investigation into the Clinton Foundation is far more expansive than previously reported, and has been going on for more than a year.

3. Laptops of top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and are currently being combed for evidence.

4. Agents have found potentially classified emails from Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that they have not seen before.

5. FBI sources are 99% sure that Clinton’s server was hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies.

Despite these damning revelations just six days before Election Day, the major news networks have completely blacked out the story!

Media Research Center president Brent Bozell issued the following statement in response to the liberal media blackout:


"The networks’ blackout of the news that two FBI sources said there will ‘likely’ be indictments related to the Clinton Foundation is beyond the pale. If there was a report about likely indictments related to the Trump Foundation, there would be an immediate flash mob of reporters camped in front of Trump Tower breaking away from regularly-scheduled programming and offering play by play commentary. No one in the so-called ‘news’ media can deny this without lying through his/her teeth. The stench of corruption between the Justice Department, the State Department and the Clinton Foundation machine and now the leftist ‘news’ media is overpowering. This is a media cover-up.

“We will report developments on this continuing cover-up every hour from here on out. We want America to know the role the ‘news’ media are playing in what appears now to be a criminal conspiracy. "


The MRC intends to put significant pressure on major news outlets to do their jobs and stop covering up for Hillary Clinton! We will update you on these efforts early tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your support.


David Martin

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

P.S. Help us keep you and the American people informed with up-to-the-minute breaking news and updates on the media's continued collusion with the Clinton campaign

MRC Action Team