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Nov. 3, 2016

The murder of DNC Data Director Seth Rich has been a true mystery. The killer was never found and many people actually believe that Hillary Clinton was the one who ordered the hit…


Well, it turns out they were right.

VIA World News Politics

        VIA Viral Liberty

This is not an irresponsible suggestion made in the heat of an election.  The man who served as the Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation and who oversaw the collection of more than 60,000 pages of evidence and hundreds of hours of video interviews while preparing the case for impeachment against Bill Clinton, David Shippers, knows the Clintons’ criminal record as well as anyone and he open admits that he’s “terrified” of Hillary.

Aaron Klein asked Shippers on his investigation talk radio program, “Are you saying, if I am hearing you correctly, that there are legitimate questions that you believe should be asked about the deaths surrounding the Clintons, like Vince Foster and others?”

Shippers replied without hesitating. “Absolutely. Absolutely.”

Schippers went so far as to say, “We know that there were people who disappeared.”

When Rich was found shot in the back his watch, wallet and money, and his cell phone were still on his person.

Shortly afterwards, Julian Assange offered a $20,000 reward for anyone who came forward with information that led to the arrest of Seth Rich’s murderer.  When pressed, Assange would no confirm that Rich worked with or for Wikileaks but did say:

“If there’s someone who’s potentially connected to our publication, and that person has been murdered in suspicious circumstances, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the two are connected. But it is a very serious matter.  That type of allegation is very serious, and it’s taken very seriously by us.”

Assange’s concern, of course, is that other contributors to Wikileaks would be dissuaded from continuing their work of providing much needed transparency to a government that has grown out of control out of fear for their lives.


Now, the latest Wikileaks release contains an email from Clinton’s campaign chief John Podesta that virtually proves Hillary’s involvement: