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Many links: Hillary: ' I don't play polktkcs anyhmore but I had to send this'

Sent by R.O.

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Oct. 31, 2016

This is old research that I spoke of on a radio show in 2008. Don't know if these links will even work as some have been taken DOWN! Hillary is pure Evil. An understudy of Mao in China. I have pictures of her with him very young. She is a communist.  I didn't vote for Barre Soetoro of Kenya (Barre Soetoro of Kenya) either because I did the research on HIM and McClaine-traitor either. The lesser of two evils....puppets. This time I am getting off the couch and voting....if Popeye was running against Hillary I would vote for them JUST to ensure another vote didnt go for HER!. She will put you into a FEMA camp before she provides you with health care. I will NEVER have a vote for her on my conscience. If you fail to do your research, shame on you. You owe it to Humanity to do it. Turn the TV off and do the research! It was a long time ago but just saying......

1997 Clinton closed bases AND Long Beach Naval Shipyard (250 miles of OUR shoreline to COMMUNIST CHINA. Lost 10’s of 1000’s of jobs in San Diego, then Bush in 2000 gave to China for TEN YEARS. (now own!)
Clinton ruffles feathers and a pres WAIVER needed to award COSCO-artillery supplier/China. Suspicious?
Leon Panetta’s tie to the above then named by Obama as CIA!
Sells shipyard to communist…where were we?
In the name of environment? Sure….pattern here?
Calif economy tanked a result. NEVER recovered? On purpose….Noooo
Deutsch, former CIA chief resigns after porn accusations…..pattern here? Then guess who takes his place…
While serving on Clinton’s staff, he oversaw the search for a new CIA head to replace James Woolsey who served from 1993-1995. The search ended with the pick of John Deutsch who ran the agency for 18 months before resigning. It was later discovered that Deutsch had classified documents on his home computer and was accessing Russian web sites and pornography.
Mao Tse Tung beliefs might be ours? Someday?
You might be next. Don’t badmouth Clintons
President Bill Clinton proposed having private contractors take over maintenance work at the sites. The 1995 Base Closure Commission did not recommend or authorize `privatization-in-place' at Kelly or McClellan. Concern was raised about the integrity of the BRAC process in light of this attempt to privatize-in-place the work at the Air Logistics Centers at Kelly Air Force Base in Texas and McClellan Air Force Base in California. Republicans charged that Clinton could not be trusted to respect the apolitical nature of the process. Following Clinton’s action, lawmakers did not agree until 2001 to schedule another round of base closings. Before it was resolved, the dispute held up a conference agreement on the fiscal 2002 defense authorization bill (PL 107-107) and led Bush to threaten to veto the bill if it did not allow a new round in 2005. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Army Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee in July 2001 that the Pentagon maintained 25 percent more facilities than it needs, even after four rounds of base closings in the 1990s. By some accounts, the excess military bases annually cost taxpayers an estimated $3.5 billion.
The above part of link below.
But close bases, (or sell them to communist china, then give the running of base contract to CHENEY! (KBR)
Clinton closed these…LIST OF BASES
Airmen (CPT Jonathan Bayless) who witnessed Nukes “accidentally” loaded died mysteriously while on leave this week (proposed nukes “false flag” Al Queda boogie man nuclear exp in a city near you?)
Mexico? Crisis? Manmade?
Food crisis? Will try to starve us
Monsanto-will keep seeds on purpose. New World Ord monopolizing ENTIRE food industry to control us.
Army missing nerve gas Feb, 2009
Maybe they will us EBOALA/MARBURG
Cheney warns us
BUSH IN PARAQUAY where CANNOT be tried for war crimes
Bush in Paraquay.
Purchased 100,000 near biggest Aquifer in the world. Sun Yung Moon owns adjacent property. That is cohoots with Moon and actually OWNS NAFTA Highway which when completed will be worth 100’s of millions of dollars. Imminent Domain originated in 2005. Texas Ranches were taken for this highway. NAFTA was manipulated by Bush and Clinton. Countrys near Paraquay Aquifer are disgusted and worried that Moon and Bush are infringing on this aquifer…Were USA tax dollars involved? Bechtel (owned by Bush and Bin Laden Inc) took over Nuclear Power Plants fall of 2008. Bush passed privatization laws that allowed PRIVATE company’s (BECHTEL) to actually OWN waterways, (OCEANS)....and actually pulled it off? Where is everybody watching? Allowing this to happen.
Bush went to library of Congress and REMOVED FILES physically. The Librarian of the Library of Congress was screeming on NPR one day that Bush pulled up and just emptied files. NO WORD ON MAIN STREAM MEDIA!. Rupert Murdoch NEVER mentioned a word.
Largest fresh water aquifer
American tax dollars purchased prop for Moon and Bush in Paraquay
Shadow govt FEMA. Its own Navy Air Force Army via Jeb Bush
Communist China sensors/NAFTA highway
Bechtel OWNS water through privatization by Bush
Follow EVERY CONTRACT HE HAS HAD to find YOUR TAX MONEY and stimulus!
Department of Homeland Defense/FEMA/Shadow Government
Homeland def up to no good
New York gets beaucoup money for Immediate response
Radiation money..timely?
New York gets beaucoup money for Immediate response
Denise O'Donnell will replace current Deputy Secretary for Public Safety Michael Balboni, whose resignation becomes official Feb. 2. She will remain New York's criminal justice commissioner. O'Donnell will oversee all homeland security and criminal justice agencies including criminal justice, the Office of Homeland Security, the Division of State Police, the Department of Corrections, the Division of Parole, and the State Emergency Management Office, among others. "I accept this appointment knowing full well of the challenges that lie ahead," O'Donnell said in a written statement. "In the throes of the severe economic crisis facing our state, we simply cannot conduct business as usual. Yet we cannot, and will not, back away from our obligation to fulfill that most fundamental role of government, the protection of the citizenry."                
          Her salary will be $165,000. The appointment announced Monday doesn't require Senate confirmation. O'Donnell previously worked as a litigation partner at the law firm Hodgson Russ LLP. 

As a first assistant U.S. attorney in western New York, she worked on a national investigation that developed crucial evidence against Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted of orchestrating the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. In 1997, President Bill Clinton appointed her U.S. Attorney in Buffalo, making her the first woman to hold the position of top federal prosecutor in upstate New York. Balboni is going to work in the private sector as a partner with Navigators Global, a government relations and communications consulting firm. "The 24 years I spent in government have been the most rewarding of my professional career," Balboni said. "I will miss this job very much, but college calls _ for my kids that is." The Republican served two Democratic governors. He's a former state assemblyman and senator from Nassau County who wrote the state's 2001 anti-terrorism law. As a senator, he was considered state government's authority on anti-terrorism and frequently worked with federal officials, including the CIA and FBI in Washington. He turned to the field following the Sept. 11 attacks, calling it his defining moment in government. His sister had an appointment that day in the World Trade Center, but it was canceled. Balboni didn't immediately return a call for comment.
Beech Grove…one of 800 ready and staffed..Stimulus package 28, 2009 funded them AGAIN.
Your shadow Govt is FEMA and DHS. They will be running things from the underground bases in ALL states (Mount Weather Virginia) and Colorado and ALL NEW BASES built by Phil Sneider (You tube) while you still CAN!. Govt Geologist that used technological metal from space to build underground cities, bases and rail systems…. And yes, they killed him too.
You tube “Phil Sneider”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“FTZ” Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ)
Cover for FEMA areas!
Raymour and Flanigan cover for DHS/FEMA
Fema Concentration Camps
FEMA Camps
Oct. 23, 2010