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BREAKING: Clinton “Fixer” Reveals What Hillary Ordered Done to Monica After Affair… SICK

Conservative Tribune

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Oct. 28, 2016

The man who bribed and paid off people for Bill and Hillary Clinton has just broken his silence.

On Fox News’ “Hannity” show, Jeff Rovin explained how he was the “fixer” for many of the Clinton escapades.

Rovin claims he was instructed by Hillary to smear Lewinsky in the press by leaking false stories to his contacts.

That left Rovin with a guilty conscience, and he told Hannity that he finally got to apologize to Lewinsky in person after a weird cosmic coincidence made him her neighbor. Rovin confirms what many of us already knew — Hillary runs the show and ordered the “fixing,” not Bill.

VIA Conservative Tribune


For years, Clinton watchers have speculated that longtime ally and lawyer Vince Foster was having an affair with Hillary, and now, the Clintons’ fixer, Jeff Rovin, has confirmed those speculations. Rovin told Sean that Hillary and Foster were in a longtime affair for years.

Part of Rovin’s “fixer” responsibilities included helping scrub Foster’s office after his death. He also said he was ordered to distract the media while Team Clinton rummaged through Foster’s office.

Foster also said he hired Jerry Parks, an Arkansas investigator, to spy on Bill because Hillary was worried about Bill’s exploits with so many “sluts” and how that could hurt their political careers.


Two months after Foster was found dead, Parks was found shot nine times at a stoplight in his SUV in Little Rock, Arkansas. Rovin said Parks had to die because he knew everything.

Rovin also said he was told to keep stories quiet in one of two ways: “by trading access to the Clintons for ‘positive’ interviews or by paying the reporters.”

He also told Hannity that the “endless attention” to the alleged indiscretions of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump was what forced him to go public now.

“Nothing I have heard comes close to the sexual and moral corruption of the Clintons — many of which have yet to be revealed,” he said.


Somehow, when it comes about Hillary, none of it is surprising. What do you think about Rovin’s claims? Share your thoughts on Social Media.

