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Walter White

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Oct. 29, 2016

We have just learned that the FBI is officially reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.


Town Hall notes that “NBC News as well as Congressman Jason Chaffetz report that the FBI has sent a letter to Congress saying that the investigation is now open.”

Congressman Jason Chaffetz also sent out this tweet:

NBC News as well as Congressman Jason Chaffetz report that the FBI has sent a letter to Congress saying that the investigation is now open.

And here’s a copy of the letter FBI Director James Comey sent to Congress:

After the FBI rushed to clear Hillary Clinton earlier this year, one has to question why they are reopening the investigation now. Is it to save face or are they actually investigating her fully? Regardless, this proves once again that Hillary is unfit for office and should not be our next president.

H/T: Town Hall

This is a breaking news story and we will update you with any new information as it comes in! 


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